Thank you for this very kind reply. You have highlighted some of the weaknesses which I also perceive. Yes, tilt is tricky with this set up. I am using a JR DSX9 and there is a suitable lever which I have programmed for camera tilt. It has a fine ratchet which I have removed, but still the response is tricky. Experiments with servo delay have not resolved the issue and to date, the best solution has been a piece of fuel hose over the lever to introduce resistance. The next platform will be 2 man operation and camera movements will be on the main sticks. The yaw issue has been an on going challenge, largely solved. Initially, I was given a Phantom 1 with a 2d gimbal. I was unhappy with the results - I have subsequently built the F450 with a 3D gimbal and am happy. The issue with the fence jump was to produce a continuous flight around the course to give a jockeys view. The solution I decided on was to follow in a car. This produced many other interesting issues such as any distance limits set in Naza Assistant! Future projects of this nature will be achieved by pre programmed autonomous flight.
The next platform depends on a camera/lens/link decision. At the moment, this is most likely, an IOI Flare 2k, 12mm to 50mm lens, and a Cobham SDI downlink on a Cinestar 8 hybrid and Movi 5 gimbal. We are working towards a new market for this type of platform, so are into uncharted waters.
This forum has been an invaluable source of wise advice and I value it and it's contributors very highly. Thank you for responding