I received my S900 this evening. Here are some unboxing pictures. I will post some build pictures later this evening along with some comparisons to the S1000.
A couple of questions.
Could you measure the battery bay so I can understand the max width and height that can fit in there. I was planning to use a 2 battery setup but I am not sure if it will fit.
The props that are fitted, are these the same as fitted to the Evo?
Not to speak for Ed, but the props are DJI's 1552 model which were on the later S800 Evos and are standard on the S1000. I reviewed them and for the money they are an unbeatable 15" folding prop.
Perfect, you even guessed the battery I was going to useAlso thans EconFly for your answerI just test fitted 2x6000mAh Turnegy 6S. They fit fine. I would say the the max size is 150mm long x 115mm wide x 70mm tall.
I am jealous! :nevreness:
Are the props plastic?
It would be interesting to see a few more detailed pictures of the S900 V S1000, it seams the S900 has plastic boom holders, why else is different
Do you fancy weighing your setup when you are done Mr Ed? :nevreness:
would love to know your weight without lipo when you have all of your electronics on it, also folded dimensions.. trying to find a way to fly a GH4 sub 7kg but I think the only way is to run a 8300mah lipo.. not sure that'd even get it off the ground let alone fly it for very long
The motor mounts are also the same composite. Let me know exactly what you would like to see and I will photograph it.
I'm interested in how it's different to the S1000 mainly.
With the composite fittings is there any flex in the arms?