Photohigher skyline rsgs


1)Dedicated 6v BEC for skyine.
2)Skyline powered from 2s 7.4 ( via above BEC) BEC has several loops in ferrite ring.
3)Sony nex5 flush to the tray.
4)Tilt only controlled with Rx (same Rx as flight controller
5)Windows 7 running Toshiba Satellite P500 ( 18" monitor , yeah!)

5 test flights after reverting back to 1.2
ALL is as good as it has ever been. Maybe a little better, I upped my gains some.

1.6 issues I experienced:
Will not hold level especially after yawing, this was everytime.
Tilt jitter
Tilt camera down and gimbal would roll to one side ( about 20 degrees)
level changes from power cycle to power cycle. ( One time level, then another NOT, mostly NOT)
During Actual flight the level rolls to one side and stays even when the take off was level.
During one flight the gimbal freaked out and rolled all the way to one side and the camera tilted down, lost all tilt control from radio, had to land that way.
Next flight after 3 re-sets took off level, then gimbal tilted about 20 degrees and the roll would not sit still
Would not go thru complete set up cycle. roll would only go one way. ( it did ONE time, the first time then stopped)
Lost control of servos to center them... move numbers to Plus + 6000 or Minus -6000 and servo ( tilt) would keep spinning same direction
I did re-install 1.6 many times and all these things stayed the same.

Back on 1.2 and all above issues are gone.

many thanks to photohigher for their prompt suggestions of what to do and acknowledging the issues with 1.6.
( please, don't anyone think this actually happened)



I do you have a copy of 1.2 you could send me? I took delivery of my Skyline a couple of weeks back so had to download the only firmware available (1.6) Having similar problems with roll drift and would like to try 1.2

Many thanks



Fabio, just recovering from a crash, and only done some back yard testing.
1.6 Seems to behave itself nicely when flying around my house and next door. It's been very hot here in Australia, so not great for flying. It was 40 degrees Celsius today. :mad:
I'll get my spare camera (action cam Sony) mounted to the boom shooting back at the gimbal as soon as possible. Here's the table test without velocity gains added

Thanks Nic for reply! it seems you are the unique that feel good with v1.6...

One question:
PhotoHigher is now working for debugging v1.6 (dummy pots solution, with skyline that gives feedback to servos)
or maybe they recognise that external potentiometers are necessary for give the tray position feedback to skyline??

V1.6 seems to be unusable for most.... Why photohigher hasn't made the necessary tests BEFORE release?
I think this isn't very professional behavior...

However, I hope they solve this problem with 1.6... The downgrade is not the right solution....




I bought mine because I didn't want feedback pots - I have a DIY gimbal where pots add a large complexity to the build. If I need to go back to pots, I might as well go back to the Hover fly board controlling the gimbal.

I've been busy/away but I will test 1.6 further this week.



Active Member
Adrian, thats some nice footage you got there mate, wish the WX was better down here so I could get out & fly :(

It's clear to me that V1.2 software is what to stick with...Nic has been lucky to get his 1.6 to work at all!



Thanks, but credit should really go to my cameraman. I just keep the thing in the sky!

I'll be reluctant to try any other firmware now I've got it as good as it is. The next change I make will be kicking the RSGS into the long grass & getting something better. Probably Radians.
I need to get the rig working for its living first though.



Drone Enthusiast
Thanks, but credit should really go to my cameraman. I just keep the thing in the sky!

I'll be reluctant to try any other firmware now I've got it as good as it is. The next change I make will be kicking the RSGS into the long grass & getting something better. Probably Radians.
I need to get the rig working for its living first though.


Ade.. the skyline is better than the Radians WHEN it works. The Radians are Bombproof out of the bag. I have posted a video of my Radian in action with the CX730 somewheres!



Aye Up Andy.. have you got it ok. I have it and so does Geoff at QC uk if you need it


Hi Dave, yes I have it. Installed and working albeit with some roll drift. I wanted the Skyline so I could use my 360 on the AV200 but as soon as I mounted the 360 servo and other bits it caused shaky footage. I didnt have tha 360 activated just the hardware installed to start with while I set up the tilt and roll on the RSGS whether it would have been better with the servo powered and thus locked I don't know but with the gimbal mounted direct to the frame it's gone. Still working on the set up but so far I'd say the results are not significantly better than the results I had with gimbal control from WKM. Work in progress!


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Dave, yes I have it. Installed and working albeit with some roll drift. I wanted the Skyline so I could use my 360 on the AV200 but as soon as I mounted the 360 servo and other bits it caused shaky footage. I didnt have tha 360 activated just the hardware installed to start with while I set up the tilt and roll on the RSGS whether it would have been better with the servo powered and thus locked I don't know but with the gimbal mounted direct to the frame it's gone. Still working on the set up but so far I'd say the results are not significantly better than the results I had with gimbal control from WKM. Work in progress!

Which 360 mount have you got on? and what MR config?



Ade.. the skyline is better than the Radians WHEN it works. The Radians are Bombproof out of the bag. I have posted a video of my Radian in action with the CX730 somewheres!


Its a proper minefield!!!!

So we need the performance of the Skyline with the reliability of the Radian and the customer service attitude of Hoverfly!!!!

Am I asking too much??? :nevreness:

I am happy with the RSGS but it has taken up way too much of my life that I'll never get back. It's a pity PH don't value their customers.


Active Member
Thanks, but credit should really go to my cameraman. I just keep the thing in the sky!

I'll be reluctant to try any other firmware now I've got it as good as it is. The next change I make will be kicking the RSGS into the long grass & getting something better. Probably Radians.
I need to get the rig working for its living first though.


No worries Ade, but careful flying adds to it!

I'm also in the same boat (so are many on here), will stick with v1.2 for now & see what other garbage they release for us guinea pigs to test ;)



Drone Enthusiast
Its a proper minefield!!!!

So we need the performance of the Skyline with the reliability of the Radian and the customer service attitude of Hoverfly!!!!

Am I asking too much??? :nevreness:

I am happy with the RSGS but it has taken up way too much of my life that I'll never get back. It's a pity PH don't value their customers.

I dont think its they dont value their customers.... its just a case of running before the walk. Almost 12 months now since the first rushed release of V1. I just wish they had waited till all the beta testers had been allowed to report in and then evaluate their decision to go to market with a iffy product. This thread has had over 100K hits.. it cant be doing um any favours right now.

I love their kit, always have, like DW, unfortunately they seem to have run a little to fast for their own good. Hopefully PH will take a look at it, take a big step backwards, RELOOK at what was good in Version 1.2.2 and SLOWLY go from there.

I saw the video of the F550 being thrown hither and thither with SV 1.5 but in the real world we dont want that we want a smoothly controlled MR with a gimbal being looked after by a product that smooths out the MR's movements silkier than a sows ear!

We live on and dream on



Active Member
I dont think its they dont value their customers.... its just a case of running before the walk.



According to my way of thinking & I could easily be wrong ;) Surely any company that vales its customers, would not inflict faulty equipment, be it hardware or software upon those same customers!!!! and then failing to reply to concerned customers problems"???

This thread alone has the power to loose themselves £1000's per week in sales & probably has, justly so may I add as a customer who has paid money for gear thats certainly NOT as advertised & not of merchantable quality as it stands. I hate to say these things, but there's so many of us guys out there who just want as Ade stated "the performance of the Skyline with the reliability of the Radian and the customer service attitude of Hoverfly!!!!"
Why is that so hard for companies this day & age.....with the exception of DW.

The next company to appear, that sells products it stands by, offers as stated & always answers emails, will put many others out of business..I look forward to that day to be honest.
It's a dog eat dog world, you have no friends in business as you rightly already know Dave.

It's also such a shame as PH has the potential to lead, so easily as well. All they have to do is correct what is wrong with this other words helping us with problems sort it out?

Another flier on this forum put me onto a really good little stab unit, in fact its mainly used for flybarless RC helis & less than 1/2 the price of the RSGS!



Drone Enthusiast
Looks like that would be worth a go for them shekels.. Anyone got one that wants to start a thread on them?

I cant disagree with u over CS.. Its just a shame they rushed it. It deffo has potential, my Hardware version 1.2 software 1.2.2 is woring well on the AV200 but I know a workshop where there are loads of failed units and and more revisions of the harness than you can shake a stick at..

Shame really.

Hope the guys a PH jump on this, maybe appologise to all the dissapointed punters out there and maybe Brandon would do a little more testing in house before releasing rushed firmware.

Hayho Onwards and upwards I suppose..

What a crazy Rollercoaster this is!

