Photohigher skyline rsgs

OK, It seems as though I have it all working semi well. It seems to be tuned and everything is moving the correct directions. I do not notice the jitter on tilt. Every now and then, the roll does seem to give a little jitter. I am hoping and assuming its just trying to level itself while sitting on the desk.

So heres the problem. I am having an issue with the pan servo. I plug that into the pan servo, and the pan input into my rudder channel of the receiver. THe servo moved like 45 deg, then Stopped. It seems like it is stuck in that position. My rudder movement does nothing to the pan servo. It is non responsive (but has power).

Maybe I am not doing something correctly. Or maybe the instructions are missing something on the pan set up. I do notice that I do not see a Pan Servo "ACTIVE" box in the software tab. The only box I see under pan servo is the "Reverse", but there is no box or Active selection available.

Do I have to do this 3 pos switch mod to make the Pan servo work? If so, where do I find directions for that?

Is it still stabilising the pan and just ignoring your rudder input? Or is it just powered yet doing nothing.

You don't need the 3 position switch for pan stab to work. Are there any red lights flashing on the Skyline?

We're closing up in a few minutes... talk to you tomorrow.


Did the electrical modifications yesterday evening and updated the firmware. No surprises there, all went as planned. When I did auto-tune my roll axis just jumped to full left until it binded and stayed there. Tilt axis was doing the normal auto-tune process but roll servo keeped on buzzing, binding and still trying to move some more. At some point the buzzing sound got even worse and I had to kill the power. Connected Skyline again, reversed the roll servo and succesfully completed the auto-tune phase. I thought Skyline was supposed to figure out in the auto-tune process all by itself whether any servos need reversing or not... Oh well, live and learn.

After auto tune I tweaked the gains a bit. Previously I had roll gain way lower than tilt but with the new firmware & wiring I had to go the other way around. I can raise roll gain high, ended up somewhere around 75% without any oscillations. Stabilization was really good at this point so I kept it there. Tilt on the other hand was a bit pickier about the gain. After some tuning and violent oscillation I ended up in a value around 200. Looks like it should be a tad higher to make the stabilization perfect but can't go any higher without introducing heavy oscillation on tilt. I'll have to see how it handles in the air and then tweak some more if necessary. All in all, I'm really pleased with roll and tilt stabilization now!

I have one problem, though. The pan. I can not figure out how it should work. When I plug in the power and servos activate, the pan just starts panning like mad. Before completing 180 degrees Skyline halts and starts to flash red light. I have tried reversing the pan servo but no luck. Still get the same results (pan goes crazy immediately the Skyline is online, pans ~180 degrees and stops, Skyline flashes red). Any tips?


Is it still stabilising the pan and just ignoring your rudder input? Or is it just powered yet doing nothing.

You don't need the 3 position switch for pan stab to work. Are there any red lights flashing on the Skyline?

We're closing up in a few minutes... talk to you tomorrow.

I Photo Higher,
I think with this new version, you have make a good job but I think this job will be greater if you make a other upgrade for the axis you supply.
Just take a look at my picture, such axis will made skyline attachement more secure just with a 3M double face.

View attachment 6261


  • Axe New.jpg
    Axe New.jpg
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Michael64 - yes, zero jitter and flat horizons. I'm using a PH AV130 mount. In your case, I would make sure the skyline is taking the FW upgrade. You can tell by looking at the top of the firmware update tab page - it will tell you what's loaded on your skyline. I'll post the video of the first flight with 1.2.2 this evening when I get a chance. It's pretty impressive for the wind that is blowing strong today and no gain tuning. If the RSGS worked like that out of the box a few months ago, they would have sold many more!

15-18 mph winds, no gain tuning, some erratic flying to test RSGS abilities, raw video - no post-stabilization
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Turbowilly - my settings are just as PH describes them in the Setup Guide. Gains are set to 150 and 80 respectively. No special tricks, just follow the Setup Guide instructions. The video was taken after spending 30 minutes making the wire harness mods (dummy pots were already made), downloading new FW, setting the levels and auto-tuning. Once that was done, I strapped the camera on, stepped outside and flew it. The video is the result.


well..... there is quite a bit of tilt action in the video, I got this level of stabilization from the WKM stabilizer, hopefully with tuning the SKYline will perform,
the roll is better than WKM, the skyline seems to react faster ( I was using WKM/MKTr pro gimbal) . I guess we all have our thoughts on what is acceptable. I am getting my Skyline/AV130/360 in a few days and look forward to testing.

1.2.2 is installed and working properly on the 2 axis CineStar gimbal. The roll seem to still respond a bit slow but improved for sure. I'll get it off the bench and into the air soon and report back with raw video.


I got it to work on bench more or less. Pan Switch is working but no mater if it's turned off it always have initiation movement when I turn power on.
1. pan sometimes change speed of movement when I don't touch anything, very strange.

2. I get very often red light and skyline won't work, than disconnect the power and power on again and it works, very annoying

3. Can't set Roll limits. No matter what I enter and press save settings (saved to flash) roll always have limitless movement, until servo hits bar of av200
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For those of you with the pan turning and then going into error mode.

Check the pan center tune. If you ran the auto tune without the pan plugged in there will probably be a crazy value in that box.

You have two options. Either run the auto tune again with the pan able to operate properly. If you have skids attached to the gimbal then find something to lift the multirotor off the ground so the gimbal is free to spin underneath it. The multirotor must be level and stable.

The other option is to set the pan center tune to 0, make sure you have the pan position gain above zero (150 or so). Then power on. If it goes into error mode with 1 red flash then adjust the center tune and turn the servos on again. If it spins faster adjust the center turn in the other direction. If you get two red flashes then reverse the pan servo. Once the pan is running turn down the pan position gain, if the gimbal starts spinning adjust the center tune until it stops. You should be able to set the gain to zero and the pan should be still.

All right, I had i all working pretty decently yesterday.

I came to the office this morn and installed my Red Epic top mount plate to the Gimbal.

Everything again seemed OK, but it would not give me a full 90 deg down. So I re did the Tune, Auto Tune feature. And now when I pan, the roll goes way off center.

We have a shoot this Fri, can someone please help me fix this roll issue? Email a skype or contact phone number and I will call direct so we can walk through this problem.

As far as pan. I am running my pan servo directly into my receiver. If I try to run it into the Skyline, It will power up, and then the pan axis freezes, and I get a blinking red light on the Skyline.

I am hoping to get this fixed today.

Here is a quick clip showing how the roll axis tilts when I pan the gimbal.

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When I put on the new camera tray, I was tightening the Screw that goes into the Skyline, I must have rotated the Skyline.

SO, Before you do the Auto Tune, Make sure the Skyline is perfectly Level to the Horizon.
