Did the electrical modifications yesterday evening and updated the firmware. No surprises there, all went as planned. When I did auto-tune my roll axis just jumped to full left until it binded and stayed there. Tilt axis was doing the normal auto-tune process but roll servo keeped on buzzing, binding and still trying to move some more. At some point the buzzing sound got even worse and I had to kill the power. Connected Skyline again, reversed the roll servo and succesfully completed the auto-tune phase. I thought Skyline was supposed to figure out in the auto-tune process all by itself whether any servos need reversing or not... Oh well, live and learn.
After auto tune I tweaked the gains a bit. Previously I had roll gain way lower than tilt but with the new firmware & wiring I had to go the other way around. I can raise roll gain high, ended up somewhere around 75% without any oscillations. Stabilization was really good at this point so I kept it there. Tilt on the other hand was a bit pickier about the gain. After some tuning and violent oscillation I ended up in a value around 200. Looks like it should be a tad higher to make the stabilization perfect but can't go any higher without introducing heavy oscillation on tilt. I'll have to see how it handles in the air and then tweak some more if necessary. All in all, I'm really pleased with roll and tilt stabilization now!
I have one problem, though. The pan. I can not figure out how it should work. When I plug in the power and servos activate, the pan just starts panning like mad. Before completing 180 degrees Skyline halts and starts to flash red light. I have tried reversing the pan servo but no luck. Still get the same results (pan goes crazy immediately the Skyline is online, pans ~180 degrees and stops, Skyline flashes red). Any tips?