New Equipment is Here (Cinestar 8 + HFP + 3xproV2)


Hello guys i am new to multirotors.. i Had a logo with 3xprov2 and now i have ordered a CS 8 with HFP...!

I have the things above

2x4s 8000mah Zippy
2x5s 8000mah Zippy
8xtiger motors 2814 11 710Kv
8xTurnigy Plush 40A
1x3xprov2 with landing skids and 3xsavox servos 360
1xpicloc 3xpro (i have the latest version its ok i have tested with my heli)
8x 14x7APC props SF
8x 13x6.5APC props
8awg wire
PrC6 connetcors
3.5bullet motor connectors
And of course the CS8...!
Videolink Vrx Vtx lawmate with Bluebeam Antennas..!
As i camera i will put a 550d or a Nex 7

Some things are on its way and some other i have already recieved them..!

What do you think will be the best Combo on lipo vs Props.???
Is there a way to fly with the same settings 5s with 14x7 amd 4s with 14x7??

Thank you

PS ANY comments are Welcome :) :)
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Sorry I cant help you with your questions PaNt, as I have never had anything near that size, but I would be very interested to hear how you got on with your Logo.


Sorry I cant help you with your questions PaNt, as I have never had anything near that size, but I would be very interested to hear how you got on with your Logo.

My logo was great but after my tests when i tried for real jobs i understood that helis are for few jobs because of the size...! 2+meters and about 9.5kg :)

Okto is a lot easier ..!


5s is not supported by Tiger MT2814 AFAIK. I have bo experience on HFP boards so I can't say anything about them but it looks a good setup. I would go for wood props.


And a photo from the the equipment..


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5s is not supported by Tiger MT2814 AFAIK. I have bo experience on HFP boards so I can't say anything about them but it looks a good setup. I would go for wood props.

I've found that the APC SF props work better with the HFP boards than the Xoar props. But Xoar props work great on other rigs.


Guys an you helo on some things..!

First of all here is the easiest way to atouch my gimbal to the gmbal adapter of CS8... What do you think?? it will be secured by six screws :) :) what about balancing???


Also for the HFP board..! the cs 8 is ready for MK ...! I put a new carbon plate on the stand offs and then i tighten the board on the carbon.. what do you think??


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Looking good to me. Just make sure you don't tighten the board down too much.

I've also been informed that my Xoar props may work better if I try a 5s battery. We'll see.


Looking good to me. Just make sure you don't tighten the board down too much.

I've also been informed that my Xoar props may work better if I try a 5s battery. We'll see.

I am w8ing for your reply.. I dont think that there is a need for somethin better on ypur rig...!!


Booms are ready and motors too with the triple motor connectors..! Any comments are welcome..! i am new to multis.. :)

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I finally got to see one of those PS1 gimbals in person - awesome build quality!

Where do you plan to put the ESCs? We put ours on top of the hub over each arm. You can see it in this blog posting:
It's a bit messy looking, but the ESCs stay cool. I'm wondering if there is a better way.

I like those connectors you used for the motor to ESC connection.

I will put the escs exactly as yours..! i dont mind if its a little messy i want to be cool..! also its easier to check them !!

PS1 gimbal is ready and is w8ing :) :) i have 2-3 weeks till i put the gimbal on..! first of all i have to finish the build..! Secondly i have to do some flights without gimbal..! then i have to put a small cam like iphones cam to do some tests and at last i will put the gimbal on :)

also why do you have a leg on the upside??!
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The leg that points up is there for a variety of purposes. It helps with orientation (since we have 3 axis gimbal spinning around with the bottom legs). It makes a nice handle when carrying it around. And when I'm flying under something, it's an extra bit of safety.
