CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Drone Enthusiast
finally all the parts to finish the build :)

Christmas today already for me !

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Drone Enthusiast
Boris Send this Santa to me too please.

Japp the DC 16 is really amazing just love the menu. No restriction can't do this or that this switch only for that, like usual, just clever programming and best design I have seen up to now. But it would be cooler if they wouldn't have put on the duplex 2.4 writing that big. Kills the design a little.

Bird is getting bigger than thought :) but i guess it will visually smaller once the carbon tubes are cut for the holders. Enouggh space for 4x 10000 6s :) All on the Landinggear hope it has the vibration reduction effect i am hoping for !

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Drone Enthusiast
japp ! I have the possibility now to take of the Landinggear since it attached with the s800 method of these 6 hand screws things.

But you are right for the zenmuse these are very good ! was eyeing them yesterday already


That was the next thing I was going to ask.......Looking forward to seeing how it goes.



here we go:

Part 1: 6S + 8S Graupner 14x8 vimeo.com/55182862
Part 2: 6S Fiala 15x6 vimeo.com/55984421
Part 3: 6S + 8S Xoar 15x6 vimeo.com/56004280

The test configuration is:
- Oktokopter Frame AS8, 118cm dimension between axes
- FlightControl DJI Wookong (powered by 8V Herkules BEC)
- Motor Axi 4120/20 465kV 37A
- ESC "Herkules III" 8S High Voltage Edition with active freewheeling and PPM Firmware HKIIIv3_SW095_PPM_AFW1_kHz16_ADV12 (i2c Firmware for Mikrokopter also avaible)

14x8 Graupner E-Props
6S/8.400 Lipo (2x 6S/4200)
12,8kg lift-off weight (Kopter 5,6 – Lipo 1,7 – payload 5,5)
Hover Amps = 75A (Hover Throttle balance not good on 75% Throttle Stick)
Max. Peak = 156A
Air Temp = 1°
ESC Temp = 2°
Motor Temp = 9°
Flight Time = 4:45 usage 6198mAh (1304mAh/min)
6S x 3.8V x 75A = 1710Watt mit 12,8kg => 7,5g/Watt

14x8 Graupner E-Props
/10.000 Lipo (4x 4S/5000)
13,4kg lift-off weight (Kopter 5,6 – Lipo 2,3 – payload 5,5)
Hover Amps = 60A (Hover Throttle balance very good on 50% Throttle Stick)
Max. Peak = 252A
Air Temp = 1°
ESC Temp = 3°
Motor Temp = 13°
Flight Time = 4:43 usage 5218mAh (1106mAh/min)
8S x 3.8V x 60A = 1824Watt mit 13,4kg => 7,4g/Watt

Xoar 15x6 Wood
/8.400 Lipo (2x 6S/4200)
12,8kg lift-off weight (Kopter 5,6 – Lipo 1,7 – payload 5,5)
Hover Amps = 64,6A (Hover Throttle at 65% Throttle Stick)
Max. Peak = 168A
Air Temp = 0°
ESC Temp = 6°
Motor Temp = 15°
Flight Time = 3:18 usage 3798mAh (1150mAh/min)
6S x 3.8V x 64,6A = 1473Watt mit 12,8kg => 8,7g/Watt

Xoar 15x6 Wood
/10.000 Lipo (4x 4S/5000)
13,4kg lift-off weight (Kopter 5,6 – Lipo 2,3 – payload 5,5)
Hover Amps = 57,2A (Hover Throttle balance good on 45% Throttle Stick)
Max. Peak = 262A
Air Temp = 0°
ESC Temp = 8°
Motor Temp = 21°
Flight Time = 3:32 usage 3554mAh (1005mAh/min)
8S x 3.8V x 57,2A = 1739Watt mit 13,4kg => 7,7g/Watt

Fiala 15x6 Wood
/8.400 Lipo (2x 6S/4200)
12,8kg lift-off weight (Kopter 5,6 – Lipo 1,7 – payload 5,5)
Hover Amps = 71A (Hover Throttle at 65% Throttle Stick)
Max. Peak = 174A
Air Temp = 5°
ESC Temp = 11°
Motor Temp = 20°
Flight Time = 3:40 usage 4424mAh (1207mAh/min)
6S x 3.8V x 71A = 1619Watt mit 12,8kg => 7,9g/Watt


Drone Enthusiast
Thor are you boin to go Binger with the prop Size 16 ? And Andreas was Talking about that he is testung the dualsky 340 kvs. Did you have your Hands on them yet and impressions ?




Drone Enthusiast
HI Mtec,

depends on the FC you are going to use payload you want to lift, cam gimbal you are going to use as in traditional with servos or a direct drive etc. For me personally the only combo at the moment that makes sense it low KV and 6s. MOre KV smaller props might give more stability with some FCs. But what do it want stability for, for
nice footage. But if you are using a gimbal like the zenmuse who cares, I prefer to give in to smoothness a little and go for longer flight times. Although most of the X8 DJI based all fly very smooth. Its more th lat octo that the WKM seems to struggle with still.

Three candidates I consider very interesting.

1. KW9
2. Navigator series
3. Dualsky http://www.himodel.com/electric/DUA...k_Type_Motor_for_Multi-rotor_Short_shaft.html, heard some good reports about them. But didn't have the balls yet to base a whole system on them.



Drone Enthusiast
so slowly finishing up the build parts finally went out to the water jet cutter machine, Decided to use that instead of a cnc.

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at the moment setup for the zemuse gh3 modded.

Lets see if the vibration mounts work otherwise I have other ones in the works. Once the 3d printer is here they should be easy to produce in house.

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Heli's & Tele's bloke
so slowly finishing up the build parts ....QUOTE]

Hi Boris,

Have you actually flown yet with those Secraft v3 Pro retracts? The design is plainly far superior to the v1/v2 but I am still not happy with them. The vibration that is introduced to the whole airframe as a result of the small amount of play in the hinges is really just an amplification of existing vibes, but it becomes a problem because it gets through to the Zenmuse. The Zenmuse can handle standard vibrations but not these amplified ones. I even had one leg collapse on the table (right onto my bloody cell phone screen and the Zenmuse!). It is important to limit servo travel to avoid this.

Another big minus point is their tendency to occasionally operate upon power up. Not good when still on the ground. Because of this I had to install a small extension so that the retract servos could be connected AFTER the rest of the radio and MR was powered up, but extra little procedures like this are not needed when you are busy with a job. It is the sort of thing that can get forgotten until suddenly the whole airframe collapses onto the camera mount during a power up and the day's filming is over !
