CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Drone Enthusiast
Okay parts are finished in the digital world. But they are going of to a CNC guy in the next days.

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KW 10 arrived

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And Herkules boards should be on its way soon



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aka TruckBasher
Oh the KW series thanks for clarifying, by the way I've always wanted to buy from Kopterworx but I dont see Singapore on the list or I cant get the shipping calculation but I know my friend buys his Cinestar and other things from Kopterworx dont know how that works. ANayway Sorry for OT...

Boris looking forward for the final build


FPV Freak
Oh the KW series thanks for clarifying, by the way I've always wanted to buy from Kopterworx but I dont see Singapore on the list or I cant get the shipping calculation but I know my friend buys his Cinestar and other things from Kopterworx dont know how that works. ANayway Sorry for OT...

Boris looking forward for the final build

Strange i will check where is problem right now. Thanks for info.

I check it, we have all shippign rates for Singapore, can u send me on email your username, so i can see where is problem, thanks.


Drone Enthusiast
Herks arrived :)

Munting them tomorrow. A little sad that they come assembled to the cooling plate and with the power cable and elkos already soldered actual like doing that. But I understand the troubles with the versions before hand who some delt with them and messed them up soldering wise.

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Drone Enthusiast
think I am going to mount it directly under the center plate, just a little close to he plate though.
Nicely protected and close to the lipos which will be under it.

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Drone Enthusiast
small changes conceding HV3:

LEDs are on without PPM being connected. ESCs give a startup signal without ppm being connected. The ESC themselves will signalize that they are on and a motors is connected with a beep. Motor connected and PPM will result in the motors additionally signalizing the boot up ! LEDS go out if there is a PPM input an turn on again when the motors start. More thought trough !

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Drone Enthusiast
Quick one for those that already installed the Herks with a WKM system.

Do i need to bring the GND from the PPM now or not ? Does the jumper need to be closed ?

Asking because in the previous Herk version it was not a problem to not bring the GND from the WKM MC, PPM only would work.

Now testing the the Herks3V3 with a servo tester the ground from the servos tester was needed.



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du kannst alle Flachbandkabel verbinden,/ you can connect all Cables to the adapter,
Jumper leave open :)
on wookong systems..


Drone Enthusiast
thanks michi. I was mainly concerned if I have to bring the GND from the MC which i don't particular like since in my eyes its a GND loop. Having GND coming from the Flachbandkabel and from the MC. On the old Herks it was no problem to leave out the GND from the MC and this time it seems like it docent work.
Just going to try it out directly connected to the MC and not the servo tester. Testing this shouldn't cause any issue for the herks !



Drone Enthusiast
finished installation of the herks.

Didn't use hot glue on the Elkos prefer Silicon hold better and give extra vibration dampening. The herks themselves are mounted to the CS8 vibration dampeners. Should additionally give some dampening to them !
Probably going to cover the soldering joints of the motors wires with some liquid tape just to isolated them !

View attachment 7891

Kept the cables long enough to take of the herks and to have access to them.

View attachment 7892

Mounting under the frame makes sense for me since they have extra protection and space it given since the x8 conf and the adapter for the S800 landdingger and zenmuse setup.

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Drone Enthusiast
don't think so. I am waiting for cnc´ed parts and by the way its going it will take another 2 weeks ;( Might do a waste basket landing gear and back 10 KG into it and do some 12 -- 14 kg tests before. But not in vienna want to go to the country side for this. Just to risky killing someone !

Boris won't this approach of mounting the Herkules under the frame and the Zenmuse even lower create a pendulum effect messing with the frames center of gravity?
Are you trying to keep the Herk away of the IMU and GPS?


Drone Enthusiast
Boris won't this approach of mounting the Herkules under the frame and the Zenmuse even lower create a pendulum effect messing with the frames center of gravity?
Are you trying to keep the Herk away of the IMU and GPS?

Tot tell the truth one of my best flying wkm birds, in the attributes what is needed for a cam plattform was my first rc carbon 900 build. The weight was heavily distributed under the frame (av /130 canon and the lipo on top of the av 130). Since Dji also went the way of creating a bottom heavy bird S800, i was convinced to follow that path again. Besides the arms issuses and props the s800 has very good flight characteristics in my eyes!


Drone Enthusiast
but if things go wrong and i have to change its also possible. Desolder Hekrs mount on top WKM components on a second plate. Lipos on the arms or over the top. I need the spec between the center plate and the landing gear though to keep the props oout of the pic and to be able to use the S800 retracesm which ever version it will be to have them far enough away from the props

