Aerial DP
Kloner can you please explain to me in a bit more detail the last part of your post please about fpv? Thanks. :tennis:
when you get into long range receivers like ezuhf, dragonlink, the like, spektrum radios are fussy, dragonlink just flat doesn't work. ezuhf works alright, but there ppm signal uses shifting and that makes it un-stable for talking to lrs systems. futaba is a straight up 5 volt ppm, not this proprietary "dsc"
so my 11x is dsm2, i'd have to send it in and spend anotehr $120 some bucks ot have it upgraded to dsmx, that i don't even know is still what they give ya today cause i think they changed again, but at 2000 feet it repeatedly would failsafe. $800 radio...... i got this big clunky futaba and flew off a mile and it never twitched. the feeling in your hands is a consistent locked in feel. with spektrum, they feel loose at times and to me, it's a delayed un connected feeling that at this point it makes me nervous to fly with.......
heres the head to head comparison of size and weight. both are loaded with battery rtf
almost half the weight. Love that little pos $270 radio... was gonna upgrade to 8fg, but can't think of why