wookong software download


Merlin of Multirotors
Where can i download the software which isnt a zip file as i dont want to pay for winzip?

You can't, it's only available from the DJI server in zip file format. A Windows 7 PC can extract the files without needing to buy an unzip application.


Tahoe Ed

Active Member
I use an unzip shareware program on my netbook which runs Windows XP. I only use it for my RC addiction since I am a mac guy for everything else.


Drone Enthusiast
I think its a winraw file!? I downloaded the unstuffer for free.. @ Tahoe Ed I dont understand these windoz machines either! SE30 was my first apple! My first puter!


Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Dave, I started with an Apple II for business and when the software moved to IBM, I went with it. I had tried the newer versions of Apple and did not like them. It wasn't until I got an iPhone and my wife, an educator in a prior life urged me to try again. I will never go back to a pc. I wish DJI would port their products to OSX as well. That was one of the things I liked about the Arduino FC's I could configure them on my Mac. Yes WinRar is the file that is needed. You can choose to donate or not.
