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  1. dazzab

    Oh My God! The Drones are coming!!!

    That didn't take long. Did you notice the comment about how it's just for notification and doesn't stop the invasion of privacy - yet? First person to make a device that brings down drones is going to make a fortune. How hard can it be? With DJI products all you need to do is flood the 2.4...
  2. dazzab

    XAircraft Will the superx have a fast blinking red

    I'm glad you are sticking with the SuperX and have worked through the issue. I'm sure it was very frustrating. However, this is no way proves you are not nuts. I'd say being slightly nuts is almost a prerequisite for being involved in this hobby. So you are amongst friends. :-)
  3. dazzab

    See and Avoid

    My local flying field is just across the road from an emergency helicopter rescue service. Everyone there follows the rule to land anytime a full size aircraft is around. No problem at all. I went out to the country to photograph some canola fields recently. On the way there I noticed a...
  4. dazzab to attend CES!!!

    @Bartman. It was mentioned on DIYDrones that Chris Anderson was speaking at CES. No idea if it's accurate. But I would be very surprised if 3DR wasn't there.
  5. dazzab

    Australia Road Trip

    Have you had a chance to do any flying yet? If you are driving on country roads do get used to scanning the sides the road ahead for roos and wombats. They are down right suicidal and love to jump out in front of cars.
  6. dazzab

    "Vision Positioning Technology"?

    Impressive demonstration of safety
  7. dazzab

    NAZA-M Lite First Flight Problems

    For a week I worked on a SuperX system that would flip on takeoff. I know all the things check for that symptom and like you kept looking at it totally convinced that it was wired correctly. That was until I realised that SuperX orders their motor numbering in a CCW direction and I wired them in...
  8. dazzab

    Zero UAV GEMINI Dual-Redundancy Autopilot

    I totally agree. I think the whole 'redundant FC' hype is just marketing. From what I can tell, based on all the experiences I read about, the FC is probably the least likely thing to cause an issue. With the possible exception of a flyaway in which case the FC is so FUBARed it probably...
  9. dazzab

    Australia Road Trip

    And from a technical point of view, I would recalibrate your compass given how far you are traveling on the planet. Have fun, if you need any translations I'm your guy. :-)
  10. dazzab

    Multirotors for filming

    Cool video. Is that the same event where they did the drone swarm display? I saw a doco on the 'net about that which was amazing. Must have been very exciting to be involved in that.
  11. dazzab

    Hello from GA/AZ

    Welcome. Great shots. Lovely place. Really liked the stitched photos.
  12. dazzab

    Why can't we have the best of both worlds in FC's?

    I doubt we will ever know. I'm sure it's all very commercially sensitive and closely guarded info. I'm not an engineer but I don't see anything on that page that I haven't also seen on the DIYDrones discussions about the Pixhawk. Although I don't think the Pixhawk deals with thermal stability...
  13. dazzab

    Australia Road Trip

    Just follow the basic rules of not flying within 30 meters of people/structures, stay under 400 ft and away from airports. Don't do anything commercial and use common sense. Just like the US people here are getting more and more paranoid about privacy so be prepared for that. If you get...
  14. dazzab

    My first "Crash"

    That's unusual. Phantoms are tough little beasts so I'm surprised to see this. It almost looks like a wire has come loose on that motor. I find it hard to believe the motor or the ESC would have been damaged but it is possible. It will need to be opened up to have a look. Make darn sure you...
  15. dazzab

    MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Multii pro FC for autonomous quad copter

    Arducopter, which runs on 3DRs Pixhawk or APM, is already fully autonomous. There has been a lot of talk about sense and avoid but I'm not aware of anyone doing it yet. Arducopter is open source so if someone wants to add that functionality they certainly could. You might want to contact the...
  16. dazzab

    Just got my Phantom 2 v2.0 with H3-3D

    If it says 18% on the bench then it certainly would have hit 15% while in flight and under a load. So it worked perfectly. That's actually a very cool feature. It even calculates how far away you are and will trip earlier if it needs more flight time to get back home. I think it's unlikely...
  17. dazzab

    Just got my Phantom 2 v2.0 with H3-3D

    Isn't that the normal failsafe behaviour for a low battery? Copter goes to programmed height and then executes a return to home flight/land? Isn't this described in your manual?
  18. dazzab

    XAircraft Will the superx have a fast blinking red

    Bummer, but it doesn't sound like you have a choice. If it won't connect to the computer there's not much else you can do.
  19. dazzab

    XAircraft Will the superx have a fast blinking red

    I would have to agree with SleepyC. I have two SuperX FCs and they are great. I did have the issue you are describing once. No matter what I did it was blinking red. It turned out to be the Taranis Tx and setting the range of the sticks. I think. The SuperX is also very sensitive to having the...