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  1. dazzab

    Kenya Aerial Film 2014

    I'm not sure. But in a couple of months I'll be interviewed and tested by CASA for my Operator's Cert and I will ask about this. I do know one operator who has an exemption to fly within 5 meters but I understand there are some very strict conditions. I doubt he would tell me what they are but...
  2. dazzab

    Kenya Aerial Film 2014

    If you can make a safety case that CASA approves then you can get an exemption for just about anything. But you have to prove it's safe. However, even a hobbyist that posts a Youtube video showing flying closer than 30 meters to people or structures is at risk of receiving a letter from CASA...
  3. dazzab

    Vacation in the States

    I think the management of each park actually has the authority to make policy in this area. I wouldn't be surprised at all that if you contacted them beforehand and asked for permission that you might find them more cooperative than if you tried to fake ignorance later. I could be wrong but it...
  4. dazzab

    Kenya Aerial Film 2014

    I'm sure you took the utmost care and made sure things were safe as possible. The issue with flying over people is that that the copters themselves are just not reliable. There's not much you can do about that given we are working with hobby grade components. Just have a read through the threads...
  5. dazzab

    Niagara Falls in 4k.

    Fantastic video! I'd love to see you try and remove the distortion. I know you said that you had tried but I'm surprised you didn't have any luck. I've had good results even from the GoPro software that they provide. There are some useful plugins for Final Cut as well if you use that. Anyway...
  6. dazzab

    When Emus Attack!

    That's just hilarious. I loved it. When I first moved to Australia my family and I were having a picnic at a nature reserve. I heard my 4 year old son yelling and when I turned around he was chasing an Emu that had just stolen his sandwich off the table. It was quite funny as the Emu was much...
  7. dazzab

    Kenya Aerial Film 2014

    Thank you very much for sharing that. I really enjoyed it. Great quality and it has a lovely feel to it. The shots with the children are a perfect example of my 'creativity vs safety' theme. It's actually quite dangerous to fly over people like that yet those are the best most creative shots and...
  8. dazzab

    Aeronavics / Droidworx Maiden Flight Of My SkyJibX4

    Woohoo. Another SkyJib is born and set free in to the sky. Great to watch. Congrats.
  9. dazzab

    FPV Sheep Herding Mini Quadcopter

    Cool video. I bet it won't be too long before someone writes code to automate this process.
  10. dazzab

    Radio Interference

    Occasionally I have seen incidents where a copter becomes uncontrollable. Users often times conclude that the cause might be radio interference, typically in the 2.4Ghz range that our Tx use. A very reliable source told me that the incident in Geraldton Australia, where a women participating in...
  11. dazzab

    XAircraft SuperX

    Taranis with FrSky module
  12. dazzab

    XAircraft SuperX

    OK, I'm confused. Nothing new there. After crashing my quad while chasing kangaroos I replaced a broken arm. As part of calibrating everything I recalibrated the radio and decided to recalibrate the ESCs. My hover rate has gone from under 60% to about 80%. Here's the latest log report if that's...