XAircraft Will the superx have a fast blinking red


New Member
LOL I responded to that user on YouTube he then joined another forum and we sorted his problem out, he simply over complicated a very simple process and bound RX/TX the wrong way.

I do believe he now flies S-Bus/SX/Taranis without problems

Yep thats me! I was totally lost on that issue back then but now that I understand the binding processes with x8r it fixed all the issues.


Folks. I am not NUTS. The dealer couldn't get it to work either and has sent me a new one. Let's hope the next one works.


I'm glad you are sticking with the SuperX and have worked through the issue. I'm sure it was very frustrating. However, this is no way proves you are not nuts. I'd say being slightly nuts is almost a prerequisite for being involved in this hobby. So you are amongst friends. :)


I'm glad you are sticking with the SuperX and have worked through the issue. I'm sure it was very frustrating. However, this is no way proves you are not nuts. I'd say being slightly nuts is almost a prerequisite for being involved in this hobby. So you are amongst friends. :)

I totally agree. Nuts to be in this hobby for sure. But not nuts thinking the problems with the superx was from something I was doing wrong. Lol.

Hi guys,

I've just gotten to the point in my X650 build when I've tried to test everything for the first time before buttoning it all up.

All I can get out of SX is fast-flashing red. I have the SX V2 controller, etc. new right out of the box. Firmware 1.08.

Using Futaba T10J and R3008SB receiver, these work flawlessly on my Xcope and setup on my X650 is virtually identical. SX just worked on my Xcope, simple and not a hiccup so far.

Receiver is bound, get power-on beeps as normal, have been able to bet into SuperX software and configure flight controller, all wiring double checked, triple checked, switched ports for controler, GPS... Nothing but fast red no matter what I do and I've screwed around with a spare receiver, binding and rebinding, new models configured from scratch in my transmitter, etc., etc.

I can't get into calibration mode by fast-toggling the mode switch, just fast-flashing red, it's like the I/O doesn't even see my receiver.

I have an e-mail into Anthony but I guess I'll contact China today too.

May just rip all of this SX stuff out of the machine and buy a ET Vector instead if I can't get this working somehow.

As I ordered all my stuff from Drew, I'm stuck dealing with China I guess. Wish I could go through a local dealer or have some support in that regard...

Pretty much had it, not happy.


So between us and the other cases I found on google this makes four people with the exact same problem. I have a new superx replaced under warrenty on delivery today. I'm praying it will be fine and that I was just unlucky the first time.

Hi Pumpkinguy,

Hey, is there a way to contact Xaircraft China (no contact link aside from a "Hotline" phone #) at all or is Anthony the best bet for help with my problem?

Do you mind me asking who your dealer is and if they deal with XA and SX quite a bit?

Maybe it would be easier if I deal with them in N. America (you are in N. America, aren't you)?



I bought mine from xmhobbies. I would think you have to go thru the dealer you bought from as another dealer would have no incentive to help you.


Well, not even the CIA could find Drew right now lol so your gonna have to ask Anthony what channel you need to go thru for service. They may appoint another dealer to service you.


Lots of guys love these flight controls but I think they must have sent out a bad batch. My luck has been horrible. I'm chalking up the experience and moving onto A2


Take no prisoners
Don't get me wrong, I like the system on my Xcope Pro quite a bit, performs pretty well. Flew FPV for the first time yesterday and it was solid and totally predictable.

However, a 50% failure rate with any product, especially right out of the box, is more than reason to make me write-off a brand/company for the rest of my life and it wouldn't be the first time.

That A2 system looks sweet, good luck.

Sorry about your issues but claiming a 50% failure rate is way out of line and totally not true, you would have to be only the second person to buy SuperX for that claim to work, and you are certainly not, I'm sorry but based on facts I would still be saying user error is a possibility.

Yes I like the product I have over 300 event free flights but I am not a 'fan boy' simply strive for balanced reporting

