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  1. dazzab

    which flight controller is best?

    Hmmm, 'reliable flight controller' strikes me as an oxymoron.
  2. dazzab

    APM wobble in the wind.

    You can click on the map and select 'fly here' at any point which is similar to what you are asking. That's essentially how the 'Follow Me' mode works. It constantly updates the 'fly here' as you move the reference GPS around. I think you can upload a mission while it's in the air. They don't...
  3. dazzab

    T-Motor 40A -400MHz ESC Questions

    What version of Arducopter are you running? There's a new version just released that appears to have some major improvements that might help in your case. In spite of being a huge 3DR fan I gave up on using Arducopter on my large copter some time ago. I actually started with the APM on it pre...
  4. dazzab

    Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJib X4 Crashes Testing Failsafe

    I would avoid the SimonK firmware. Indeed I just stripped down an Aeronavics hexacopter in advance of my OC test to remove the HK blue series ESCs I had that were flashed with SimonK. I'm pretty sure they contributed to a flip on takeoff that happened on my first attempt at doing the OC test...
  5. dazzab

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    I can't be of much help there as I paid for assistance in preparing mine to another OC holder who is also a commercial airline pilot and a flight instructor for UAV operators. At the time I looked at the templates and thought I'd rather job it out so as not to not possibly slow down the process...
  6. dazzab

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    I noticed you posted this in April. How did your assessment go? I just completed mine today. My first attempt a few weeks ago was a disaster as I had hardware failures on both my Octocopter and Hexacopter. I won't bother you with the long story. But since then I've been waiting for the weather...
  7. dazzab

    GoPro drone?

    They should have partnered with 3DR to provide a camera specific to aerial photography. Would have helped both companies. I think they will regret the day they get involved with drones from a business point of view. I think the boat left the dock long ago on that opportunity.
  8. dazzab

    Autonomous success, almost....

    Are you using 'spline' way points? Apparently that's exactly what they are for but I'm not sure and haven't used them myself. Have a look and let the rest of us know.
  9. dazzab

    Folding props on X8

    I use quick release mounts on my X8, hexa and quad exactly for this reason. It's so easy and quick to remove the props that it's not an issue to remove them for transport.
  10. dazzab

    Why aren't there any smaller X8s?

    I love the idea of a small X8. I'm hoping that DJI will make a version of the Inspire as an X8 so it can carry a bigger camera and have redundancy.
  11. dazzab

    Sign Of The Times..

    Why does it ask to roll down your window?
  12. dazzab

    AVOID Hobby King!

    3DR does a great deal more than just download the open source software. First off, they actually pay those writing the software! Both those on staff and those working on contracts. That's a huge investment right there. They also spend a lot of money developing/manufacturing the hardware and...
  13. dazzab

    skyjib 8 heavylift gain setting?

    My SkyJib Lite has a TOW of 9.5Kg so its much smaller than yours. I do run the gains about 10-20 higher than stock on a Wookong. I doubt very much you'll get reasonable flight from a copter that heavy. You really need to get that hover rate down. I haven't heard of using batteries that large so...
  14. dazzab

    Zenmuse X5 Series-The Next Evolution of Aerial Cameras

    Very cool but I can't imagine ever being close enough to my subject with a multirotor to need a change in focus. But I'm sure someone will do something cool with it.
  15. dazzab

    Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJib X4 Crashes Testing Failsafe

    That strikes me as good practice and a good thing to add to my flight manual checklist. I'm sure CASA would agree. Thanks.
  16. dazzab

    Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJib X4 Crashes Testing Failsafe

    After reading this I was a bit concerned about my setup and of course wanted to ensure failsafe was working properly before my OC test which was scheduled for next week. Turns out that my test date was moved up a week and I had a lot of other things to deal with as well given that I was applying...
  17. dazzab

    S900/A2 tipping over at take off from boat...

    Boat launches are tricky for the reasons mentioned above. The movement during initialisation can really upset the flight controller. Interestingly enough in the Pixhawk/Arducopter world they are even working on a specific 'boat mode' to work around these issues.
  18. dazzab

    3DR Sight Gimbal for SOLO arrives at

    3DR is about a lot more than just a few products. They literally have opened up the world of UAVs to the world by bringing together a lot of very clever people doing amazing things. It's much like personal computers in the 80's and the IBM vs Apple or Windows vs Mac debates. Both have their...
  19. dazzab

    3DR Sight Gimbal for SOLO arrives at

    I've been watching and playing in the 3DR pool from almost the beginning. From what I can see Chris Anderson has the vision, the smarts and the guts to do what no one else has. I'd put my money on him over Colin Guinn any day. :-)
  20. dazzab

    3DR Sight Gimbal for SOLO arrives at

    I saw one of these at my flying club last weekend and it really impressed me. I've yet to fly the Solo because too many other things are happening but there are now a couple of them around at the club so it shouldn't be too long before I get the chance. It's a shame the Solo has been lumped in...