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  1. dazzab

    Pixhawk left roll

    I agree with you. Although the author of Mission Planner is one of the most responsive developers I have ever seen (i've seen many updates done in the same day), MP is still sometimes lagging a bit behind the most current firmware releases. I haven't upgraded to the most recent version of...
  2. dazzab

    Pixhawk left roll

    REMOVE YOUR PROPS BEFORE TRYING THE TEST BELOW That looks odd. I'm only guessing but since those parameters are all related to Throttle I'd check that your throttle is working. Go to: Initial Setup Mandatory Hardware Radio Setup When you move your throttle does it show the proper range on the...
  3. dazzab

    Pixhawk left roll

    Without providing the flight log I doubt anyone will be able to help you. That's one of the strengths of the Pixhawk software, it logs absolutely everything. If you pop on to the DIYDrones site, ask you question and provide the log I'm sure you'll get an answer. I'm familiar with logs but I...
  4. dazzab

    DJI announcement on new geofencing system

    So how well does this geofencing work if you fly in a non GPS based mode? Or the GPS signal is weak? Or you spoof the GPS?
  5. dazzab

    Show us what you shot.

    I've been working on mapping projects with my Aeronavics XM-6 hexacopter which is controlled with a Pixhawk and Arducopter. The Mission Planner Ground Control Software is quite nice for setting up autonomous flights for this kind of work. This map consists of 213 photos taken with a Sony NEX 6...
  6. dazzab

    "Drone" Radio Live....Launching Oct 28th!

    Are the shows being archived for later viewing? I think they would be broadcast about 3am my time so I'm not expecting to catch too many of them in real time.
  7. dazzab

    Inspire battery capacity rapidly drops in flight

    I was under the impression that the newest firmware addressed this issue. Guess not. I think one thing that may catch people out is that if you don't leave the update firmware file on the camera SD card for each battery that is used, then that battery's firmware will not update. So you may have...
  8. dazzab

    Question about UAV configurations

    Can't speak for others but I decided to use a coax rather than a flat 8 because: There's a perception that the coax will fly better in wind and, A coax is physically smaller and therefore easier for me to transport. It's generally stated that a coax configuration results in around 5-10%...
  9. dazzab

    Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJib X4 Crashes Testing Failsafe

    Rentakill and I ended up in exactly the same situation where we had purchased ESCs from a vendor in Sydney who flashed them with SimonK firmware for us. But when we went back to get a replacement ESC the vendor claimed he couldn't keep track of all the firmware updates and no longer offered the...
  10. dazzab

    Rogue drone crashes into Ferris wheel....oh brother

    I've been advocating for consumer drones to be limited in range for some time now. It can't be that difficult to achieve technically. It's the only way to stop the 'Phantom Menace'.
  11. dazzab

    SimonK ESC firmware compatability chart

    I found this comment on another forum that might be helpful: "Get the file you think is on there, connect the programmer and use: avrdude -c usbasp -p m8 -U flash:v:xxxxxxx.hex Where xxxxxxxx.hex is the file you think is on there like bs_nfet.hex This will just verify the file on your drive is...
  12. dazzab

    Zenmuse X5 Series-The Next Evolution of Aerial Cameras

    The specs mentioned in this thread are for the X5 (60 Mbps). The X5R has a much higher bit rate of 2.4Gbps (Average: 1.7 Gbps). Has anyone tested that camera? The specs are listed here.
  13. dazzab

    Perplexing problem, help please?

    You don't by chance have Simple or Super Simple mode checked in your flight mode setups? If so, when the copter is behind you the controls will appear to be reversed.
  14. dazzab

    Battery Connectors

    I have a friend who swears by Anderson plugs as they are much easier to plug and unplug. But you need an expensive crimper for them. I'm sticking with XT-60s for the time being as I always use dual batteries so the current draw is less. I do have Hobby King spark-less XT-90s here that I was...
  15. dazzab

    ArduPilot APM 2.5 FC on Droidworx

    Wow, that adventure was over two years ago! First of all, don't try and do it with an APM. The new Arducopter firmware does not run on the APM as it doesn't have the memory or processing power. Stick with Pixhawk as there have been huge advancements with the latest version of Arducopter which is...
  16. dazzab

    Aeronavics / Droidworx Skyjib X4 operational ceiling

    Off the top of my head, you have about 16min flight time and can climb about 12 meters/sec so that would be 60*16*12 or 11,520 meters or around 38,000 feet. So let's cut that in half to be reasonable and you have 19,000 ft. Of course, that's using all you power to go up. Coming back down will...
  17. dazzab

    Oh great... is this true? (registration)

    Does a 333 exemption require the pilot to have a private pilot's license? I thought it did, in which case it's a show stopper for me.
  18. dazzab

    Oh great... is this true? (registration)

    Are you also against the registration of cars? Comparing a multirotor that has the capability to interfere with manned aircraft to a skateboard is a bit of a stretch wouldn't you say? The issue here is that people want to operate dangerous machines as toys in public spaces. First time you get...
  19. dazzab

    Oh great... is this true? (registration)

    Dibs on the first 'SkyJib' personalized license plate.