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  1. dazzab

    What kind of forum is this?

    Yep, that's us. Nothing to see here. You might as well move along.
  2. dazzab

    3DR Pixhawk and Taranis

    I have the exact same setup. Send me a PM with your email and I'll see if I can figure out how to send the file to you. I have mine set up to do six modes with a three way and two way switch. With the two way switch in the up position the three way gives me Stab, Alt Hold, Loiter then with the...
  3. dazzab

    DJI S900 with A2 on a Cruise Ship

    Well, apparently it isn't that hard at all. Check out this video done with an Inspire.
  4. dazzab

    DJI put me in business, and is taking me out...

    @Stacky - Well said. I couldn't agree more.
  5. dazzab

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Hey, that came out great! I've been a bit chicken to try air-to-air and can't find anyone willing to try it out for the most part. Although I did do this copter to copter test the other day at our flying club. Anyway, keep up the good work. That was really nice. password is 'cmacfun'