Search results

  1. Bison52

    Foxtech M700 7" monitor

    I was having no luck getting a clean signal from the GoPro to the monitor on NTSC M. Best was on PAL 1 (bad color) or NTSC BG (b&w not clean either). The odd thing was that it didn't seem to matter whether the GoPro was set on NTSC or PAL, the result in the monitor was the same. I had...
  2. Bison52

    Y6 boom length

    Starting on a new build. Want to do a Y6 on a Rusty's frame. Medium heavy, probably Avrotos, 11-12 in props. Is there a rule of thumb for determining boom length? On a flat config, prop clearance is a factor but I'm guessing that's not as much of an issue in a Y setup. One goal is stability...
  3. Bison52

    Foxtech M700 7" monitor

    Trying to set up first system to monitor video. Using Foxtech monitor and this basic tx/rx: Got menu on monitor by wiring up to DVD. Now when I use GoPro I get a good color pic only when monitor is set to PAL I even...
  4. Bison52

    Resolution vs anti aliasing. Interesting read

    Thought this was informative.
  5. Bison52

    Silly 1st question..

    Temporarily turning off the firewall worked for me.
  6. Bison52

    Yaw and altitude hold with Naza/GPS

    I strongly suspect this is simply a matter of gains. If the basic gain for throttle is set correctly, the craft should be able to maintain a fixed altitude while engaging in horizontal flight. If it loses altitude while maneuvering, throttle gains should be increased. Gains are tough. I mess...
  7. Bison52

    Which motor mixer?

    No prob. I'm still new enough to remember how confusing all the little things are that you start to take for granted when you get a little experience. I had to research to figure out what ESC meant and what a BEC was. But then there's no telling how much knowledge I absorbed while...
  8. Bison52

    Which motor mixer?

    The HEX rotor Y configurations are for hexa's that are co-axial -that means they have three arms with 2 motors mounted on each arm. The IX configuration is for a hexa with one arm pointed straight forward on the centerline. The V configuration is for the centerline to split the middle between...
  9. Bison52

    Naza GPS yaw issue

    That explanation really sounds logical. My drift after yaw is not always in the same direction, depending on the degree and direction of the yaw but the difference may be that it's a hexa. With just a layman's knowledge about the exact inner workings of the FC, I wonder if bad bearings or...
  10. Bison52

    Naza GPS yaw issue

    This morning early was an absolute rarity in West Texas -- perfectly dead calm air. I took advantage to test some more and wasn't really surprised that the yaw issue was in atti mode also, so its not a GPS issue. I also experienced an old Naza bugaboo -- the infamous Naza drift to the right...
  11. Bison52

    XT60 Connectors to use or not. DJI F550

    The first set of batteries I got had 8 gauge wire. I thought maybe they were also for jump starting my car in an emergency. The only connectors that fit them were PRC6's and I hated them. Pain the the butt to get the cover to snap over the connector once you got it soldered up and the least...
  12. Bison52

    Graupners only?

    If you're going to be in training mode for awhile, the DJI props are fine. Balance them and inspect them regularly. A flexible plastic prop (and cheap) like the DJI is better for training. More forgiving. A stiff prop like the Graupner is great once you're past the worst of the learning curve...
  13. Bison52

    Naza GPS yaw issue

    Kevin, I agree that everything works just like you said. As you stated, in tilted flight, overall lift has to increase because you have vectored part of the thrust to provide propulsion in a direction. I can't help but believe this is some self inflicted problem like gains. I know there are a...
  14. Bison52

    Naza GPS yaw issue

    Kevin. That is exactly what mine is doing. Let's figure this out. I've always used 10" props. DJI and Graupner. What could be the difference between 8 and 10 props? Something about the torque difference? Rotating into prop wash? My copter is in the bench while I'm making some...
  15. Bison52

    Naza GPS yaw issue

    Ghost. I've done some experimenting there and I don't think that's it.
  16. Bison52

    x468 gimbal vs aeroxcraft for DJI f550 hex

    Definitely AeroXcraft
  17. Bison52

    Yaw and altitude hold with Naza/GPS

    My power consumption also goes up in GPS mode. Have no idea why.
  18. Bison52

    Newbie with f550 and WKM , I ´m very lost!!

    And this guy has a ton of good info
  19. Bison52

    Newbie with f550 and WKM , I ´m very lost!!

    Here's a good link about lipo's
  20. Bison52

    Yaw and altitude hold with Naza/GPS

    I'm still having a little bit of an issue with yaw on my GPS. Holds altitude in a hover but put in the least bit of yaw and it seems to lose position lock, just wander off. The other thing I haven't ironed out. In atti mode, I can set an altitude and fly quite aggressively and it will hold...