Zero UAV Zero UAV YS-X6 [Owners Thread] *Autopilot system for multirotors*

Dale UK

Hi Guys

Below is a copy of email sent to 'zerouav' tonite ...... it's self explanatory - can anyone on here help - oops! :-(


Just aquired a used YS-X6 (Serial number xxxxx)

I was setting the system up before mounting it into my Quadcopter frame and after reading on your website I decided to upgrade the firmware.

I am still new to the YS auto-pilot and all your firmware download files are on the same page on your website - I accidentally loaded 'YS-X4-20130101-Enc.arm' into my YS-X6 and it accepted the file!

Now I seem to have a problem because my YS-X6 will no longer accept the correct firmware file 'YS-X6-20121111-firmware-Enc.arm' ?

Please help, I was really looking forward to using my YS-X6 instead of DJI Wookong-M which has a much lower spec.

Best regards

Thaba Raptor

New Member
It has been a neerly two weeks now.......

Since I got my YS-X6 system.
After having to buy a new Wi-fi Router and a new android tablet my system is stillnot working.

I spent a let of time trying to get the Wi-fi connection stable. At least now I have communicatio between the Quad, the Router and the laptop/ or Tablet via Wifi.
I have done the channel asignment, midpoint setup and parameter definition.
I have problems with the ESC calibration and compass calibration

I have installed the X6 on a Bumble Bee Quad. The motors are stock with 30A Turnigy Plush ESC's.

Can somebody explain the procedure for settings the throttle calibration for "normal ESC's in english.


Thaba Raptor


It has been a neerly two weeks now.......

Since I got my YS-X6 system.
After having to buy a new Wi-fi Router and a new android tablet my system is stillnot working.

I spent a let of time trying to get the Wi-fi connection stable. At least now I have communicatio between the Quad, the Router and the laptop/ or Tablet via Wifi.
I have done the channel asignment, midpoint setup and parameter definition.
I have problems with the ESC calibration and compass calibration

I have installed the X6 on a Bumble Bee Quad. The motors are stock with 30A Turnigy Plush ESC's.

Can somebody explain the procedure for settings the throttle calibration for "normal ESC's in english.


Thaba Raptor

Hi Thaba, I just uploaded a video that shows how to calibrate the ESCs/throttle. Hope it helps. Should be uploaded in about 10 minutes.


Hi Thaba, I just uploaded a video that shows how to calibrate the ESCs/throttle. Hope it helps. Should be uploaded in about 10 minutes.

Hi Jim,,how's it going with your new frame, still haven't flown the steadi having problems getting camera also compass calibration ,in meantime when the weather lets you I am flying an Xaircraft x650 not a bad ship just looking forward to getting the steadi up there cheers....John.

Hi guys,

Im trying to set up my ys-x6. I have not gone through the set up process yet, because i cant connect my android phone to the wifi, I have also tryed pluggin into the pc with the usb adapter, it shows up under the comm ports but i cant "get data". But previously a few days ago i got it connected to my phone.via wifi so i know ive got the right settings(i didnt go through the set up process that day as it had taken me a few hours to get the wifi working).
At that point ys-x6 armed my esc`s and connected and turned the motors on when i pushed the throttle up.

But later that dayI tryed to connect again and it wouldn't and i havent been able to since then.
and the escs wont arm and led doent flash.

Since then ive tested escs, (herkules) they arm when plugged into my spare naza.
I check the ppm signal out of the ys-x6 and nothing. No signal comming out.
So reflashed it with the latest firm wear, that worked. Blue lights turn on on the wifi link and on top of the ys-x6 unit.
But Still no led, escs dont arm, wifi cant connect.

Any ideas?

Thaba Raptor

New Member
Hi Ryan,

I have had a week of frustration with the same problem.

When you have WI-FI comms between your router and tablet try to swithc everuthing on in the following sequence:
1.Router ON
2. Tablet on and connected to Router
3. Power up your Multirotor
4. Start the Ground station App
5. Go to Data tab. Wait few seconds for input to register.

With the PC based GCS follow the same logic.
1. First make sure you have a USB-Serial driver installed.
2. insert cable into Com 3 on Machine and into USB port
Check the com port this device is running under (Usually under Devices and printers)
3.Open GCS and go to Tools tab, Click on Options and set the com port to the same one as in Devices and printers.


I have decided to go with the YS-X6 and would appreciate some advice before I order, I already have a QAV 500 frame, four Scorpion S11 2215 1127kv motors and four DJI Opto 30a ESCs will these be suitable to use ? I also have an I-Pad but am toying with the idea of buying the Galaxy 3 phone would appreciate any advice pointing me in the right direction before I make any mistakes, plenty of time for that afterwards am a bit confused regarding the router how is it powered but then again at 78 I am confused about quite a lot of things
Thank You
PS I am at present flying a NAZA 450 Quad with GPS and loving it

I just tryed both methods, Still no luck.
Is there anything else i could be missing?

Also in the wifi phone set up do you need to change any settings where it says admin and password and ssid number? or do you leave them as defaults?


The latest Android GCS has a small problem. If you are located in countries where they use the (,) comma as a decimal point, the system does not allow you to load up waypoints because the system is looking for a decimal point and you are sending data with a comma.

It is easy to resolve by people who live in these countries. All they need to do is change the country language on their Table/phone to a country that uses the decimal point (.) as a decimal point.

I have notified ZeroUAV of the problem and I am sure that they will replace the Android GCS as soon as they can.

Personally, I think those countries should rather get rid of the comma (,) and I live in one of them. I mean really, who ever thought of using a comma as a decimal point


A question;

Can I use two YS-X6's with the same router? Does it connect, even though the SSID points to another module? Would be annoying to reconfigure the router every time I fly a different model.

Yes im using a router, im in New Zealand. So i dont have commas. I find it strange I cant connect even with the usb adapter. I have the usb drivers installed.(I assume the ones I installed to get the FF Radians working via com port are the same for YS)
I dont have a newer Wifi Module. Wish I did though. I have data link as well, its not hooked up as i was unsure about making my adroid phone a hot spot. So holding off for the iOS 6 jail break to re test on my iphone.
Any tips for getting it working with the computer?


Let start and get the router working 1st. It is the easiest way to do it.

Let is check that you have set up the router properly. Tell us the SSID and the ip address and the range of the DHCP allocated addresses and what make it is.
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Sorry about that Its a NetComm ADSL2+Wifi N300 .
Not very good just a spare one I had. Do you want me upload larger images?

Where should the DHCP range start and end? I notice it starts at, even tho the ssid is

Is this normal?
