Well, I've joined the ys-x6 gang and I'm looking forward to the test build on a spare 550 hex.
I've built several naza based multi rotors including two 450 quads, two discovery quads, an ecilop quad, a 550 hex and a vulcan 900 hex (currently used for professional filming).
The build should start tomorrow and I've opted for the TP-Link TL-WR941ND router which is on its way.
I hope you will bear with me if I ask some dumb questions! I'm based in the UK.
I've built several naza based multi rotors including two 450 quads, two discovery quads, an ecilop quad, a 550 hex and a vulcan 900 hex (currently used for professional filming).
The build should start tomorrow and I've opted for the TP-Link TL-WR941ND router which is on its way.
I hope you will bear with me if I ask some dumb questions! I'm based in the UK.