XAircraft XAircraft X650 Pro - Owners


The strap supplied is OK upto 5000ma but 8000ma is too big.
I use longer Velcro straps but also have Velcro on the mount and lipos to prevent slipping during flight. when i get home I will post a photo or two so you can see it.


Here we go:

I have put double sided servo tape on the mount so the allen bold heads don't damage the lipos.
On that I have put two strips of hook Velcro.
On every lipo I have put a strip of the soft Velcro.
In the top of the mount I have also put a strip of soft Velcro- this stops the strap slipping on the top of the mount because I don't use two straps.
I then have a loop of double sided Velcro bought on a role.

I place the lipos upto the mount so the Velcro on the lipo ties to the Velcro on the mount. This stops the lipo from slipping
I then secure the strap around the lipo with an overlap of about 3 inches.

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This allows me to balance the quad better every time as I use 3 different sizes of Lipo 5000, 5800 and 8000.
If the mount was fixed I would not be able to alter the balance point each time.


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Here we go:

I have put double sided servo tape on the mount so the allen bold heads don't damage the lipos.
On that I have put two strips of hook Velcro.
On every lipo I have put a strip of the soft Velcro.
In the top of the mount I have also put a strip of soft Velcro- this stops the strap slipping on the top of the mount because I don't use two straps.
I then have a loop of double sided Velcro bought on a role.

I place the lipos upto the mount so the Velcro on the lipo ties to the Velcro on the mount. This stops the lipo from slipping
I then secure the strap around the lipo with an overlap of about 3 inches.

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This allows me to balance the quad better every time as I use 3 different sizes of Lipo 5000, 5800 and 8000.
If the mount was fixed I would not be able to alter the balance point each time.

That is EXACTlY how I do mine. Good stuff.


That is EXACTlY how I do mine. Good stuff.
So glad I am not alone..... The xAircraft straps are not very strong so didn't trust them the minute I saw them.

There's an old expression: Experience Teaches which is true in any language.
I only went this way when I noticed that the lipos can slip during flight and one of my 5000ma lipos got a hole in the plastic because of those 4 hex bolts on the underside. I don't suppose you can give xAircraft feedback and ask for countersunk bolts or even a different method of mounting completely. Putting a hole in the lipo cover can be very dangerous. I was also looking at making a CF or GF cage for the lipos because it the worst happens the skids will collapse followed by my gimbal and then the lipos crash into concrete. This would be a very emotional but also a dangerous situation and potentially cause fire damage on top of the impact damage already suffered.

While we are on it, is there a way xAircraft can incorporate motor end lights. All it would take is a change to the alloy castings to take a standard LED and the power could come from the ESC.


Any one having problem strapping big battery to the carriage with the Velcro strap that was included in seem it want to slide off any one uses different straps?.

Hi Dhardjono,
I had the exact same issues with the stock strap. I looked into getting a battery tray to stabilise things but I did not find anything really suitable. Then I got two smaller straps with buckles and tried them. Without the need to add Velcro to the support or the battery they worked wonderfully and battery slip is a thing of the past. The buck allows a much tighter grip and the two staps mean that if one loses traction the other is there as backup. See this image

View attachment 15092

You can get the straps off eBay for a few pounds and in all sorts of lengths

Hope this helps



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I have a question...
I have the gaui gv100 linked into my gopro for fpv.
If I buy the superX osd module, how do I wire it into the system?
Is anyone using this combination?




Here we go:

I have put double sided servo tape on the mount so the allen bold heads don't damage the lipos.
On that I have put two strips of hook Velcro.
On every lipo I have put a strip of the soft Velcro.
In the top of the mount I have also put a strip of soft Velcro- this stops the strap slipping on the top of the mount because I don't use two straps.
I then have a loop of double sided Velcro bought on a role.

I place the lipos upto the mount so the Velcro on the lipo ties to the Velcro on the mount. This stops the lipo from slipping
I then secure the strap around the lipo with an overlap of about 3 inches.

View attachment 18867 View attachment 18868
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This allows me to balance the quad better every time as I use 3 different sizes of Lipo 5000, 5800 and 8000.
If the mount was fixed I would not be able to alter the balance point each time.

Good idea thanks so that where you put the tx i put mine here is it ok there.View attachment 15102 i want to fly it now but it dark already but i wait till tomorrow.


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I have a question...
I have the gaui gv100 linked into my gopro for fpv.
If I buy the superX osd module, how do I wire it into the system?
Is anyone using this combination?


It easy just connect white wire to video tx and black wire to ground on the tx than another wire that came with it has a different plug for my set up so i cut it locate the white and black wire and do the same to go to go pro than soldier done.View attachment 15105View attachment 15106View attachment 15107View attachment 15108 instruction that came with it i will try the 2 velcro strap WBROWNJ thanks. Sorry i took the picture of the instruction paper in Chinese the other side is english.


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Good idea thanks so that where you put the tx i put mine here is it ok there.View attachment 18881 i want to fly it now but it dark already but i wait till tomorrow.
I have nothing attatched to the legs other than the RX antenna and they are only slipped into two rubber tubes so they just pull out. the reason for this is that I can remove the legs in seconds for storage and transportation. Everything hangs on the main central frame somewhere. It does get a little cluttered but all works fine.
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It easy just connect white wire to video tx and black wire to ground on the tx than another wire that came with it has a different plug for my set up so i cut it locate the white and black wire and do the same to go to go pro than soldier done.View attachment 18884View attachment 18885View attachment 18886View attachment 18887 instruction that came with it i will try the 2 velcro strap WBROWNJ thanks. Sorry i took the picture of the instruction paper in Chinese the other side is english.

Thank you for the good info.



Hi I'm Andrea from North Italy,
thank you all for information and pictures.
I have a x650 pro with Super x and OSD.
could someone post me some picture of how you have plug in the wires of cam for fpv?
..The cable of the osd haves the video wire on white not on yellow :/ ?
Osd have 2 AvIn is it possible to plug in gopro in avin1 and Fpv cam in avin2 and switch it via radio?
Thank you
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Crash master i see the gps is up high on the superx it say above all elctronic but it not in lower should i get that tall pole you got there.

also this guy ali who i first saw the 650 pro that he build is what got me to buy it he just tested the super x he posted you on tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g4LDs88qFI&feature=share&list=UUsFctXdFnbeoKpLefdEloEQ
Gave a good review

is that wokong naza you have there?
I have seen GPS pucks for the SuperX mounted very low and even without a post at all. Not having a SuperX.... yet I can't comment.

Ali runs his own custom build site in China he is also an very, very accomplished heli pilot. I knew of him from Helis but he branched into Multis a couple of years ago. He knows what is is doing and is very helpful if you contact him by Skype or e-mail.

I have a WKM on my x650 pro with 5 way-points paid for and 50 now free with firmware 5.26.
Although I do have a Phantom and a DJI 550 flamewheel both with NAZA-H but hardly fly them since they screwed up with the firmware and caused some serious damage to the F550 about May this year.

Despite the complaints on this site my WKM is rock solid. with only 2 events of concern when GPS hold reverted to Atti without warning. However, it was no big issue as I just continued flying in Atti. I suspect that most of those complaining are those who can't fly before they buy a Multi and expect the computer to do the flying for them. Although DJI do appear to have a glitch there which was not present with 5.16. Now they have the A2 out I suspect that they will not fix it.
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Yes Ali great pilot he call his omf 650 is that same as xaircraft 650 i just bought an gps pole extension bring it up high above the other electronic. The wkm is to much for me going to give super x a go at it.


Just bought myself the osd module for the SuperX. When it arrives, that just about completes the 'brains' of my 650 pro... Though I am still awaiting the arrival of my gimbal from goodlucksellsell. I have ordered from them before without issue so I am hoping it has just been a bit delayed by the Christmas postal rush.

I can't wait to get it all together and then have the opportunity to fly. The weather has not been good.

I also bought so cloverleafs for my VTx and vrx so I have lots to try.



Getting my parts today from that crash can't wait this weekend 50 to 60 degree weather good flying with 650 . M<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">
Mean time i was flying in the snow with my phantom.

Wow as i was posting the ups came with my parts so happy
View attachment 15205 Now i order a gps rod to make it higher is that a good idea? also i order the power cable with 9 inputs instead of the 6 that came with the kit i wanted to plug in my gimbal and my tx and maybe a led lights for night flying so i have plenty of power input good idea or bad? View attachment 15206


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