That remains to be determined. I've flown one of my Disco's with 2814 Avroto on it which is the same motor I use on my Droidworx AD6 heavy lifter. Have to be hauling some serious weight on the Disco to need that kind of power and if it comes to that, maybe I'm trying to use the wrong frame for the intended use...![]()
It's funny when folks have such an opinionated point of view but never tried it..... your right, flying for a half hour is gay and a waste of time
There is no such thing as too much motor, just too many people that don't get how to setup a rig but that's what makes the big bucks....
if that project was here i'd be looking for a quality motor, you'd have much better success and not blame the size for the shortcomings, but the quality of the parts you try
You have no clue what I have or have not tried so maybe you should get down off your high horse and chill out. At least I don't have a vested financial interest in making people see things my way, I'm not trying to sell anything.
T, the alexmos runs through the core and is 12v i think, maybe less.