Thanks Ken,
I see your point. The YS is a bit bulky, that's judging from ChrisViper's Flexacopter build - awesome BTW! I've yet to get my feet wet with APM. i'm familiar with Naza/WKM and all that it entails
APM does seem a good deal with all the features, which are attractive. The Zero UAV seemed a midway between the WKM/Naza ease of setup, with the APM features. We'll see. keep you posted and thanks. Today I got confirmation from Trappy my order is shipped - a few more days...
Here's a size comparison I did between my WKM and the YS-X6...
It's bigger than a Wookong-m and you'd have a hard time making a WKM fit into a Discovery.
My current project is some minor modifications for a Discovery frame...
That's an APC 13 inch thin electric prop sitting on a 2814 motor. Motor mount is designed to route the wires directly off the motor and down the arm tube which is a 17mm diameter C/F and 330mm long. The tube is actually a Droidworx piece leftover from when I upgraded my AD6 to a heavy lift version, I have 6 of them sitting around gathering dust so I might as well put them to good use.
The ESC will be located close to the inner mounting block, there's enough weight out at the end of the arm with that 2814 motor sitting there, no need to add more if it can be avoided. The prototype pieces actually worked out well enough on the first go-round for me to decide to print a full set and convert one of my currently flying Discovery, inner mounting blocks are on the printer as I'm typing.
I also have the bits for a front mount brushless gimbal sitting on the shelf ready to go as well, I'll do basic flight tests before that goes on though. If this setup proves to be a bit too much I'll scale back on the motor and tube size and go for something a little more in line with the current size of the Disco, easy enough to do when it's just a matter of a few changes to the CAD files and then run the print job.