Unable to select intelligent Orientation Control in the Naza Software

Hi all I am wondering if anyone has had the inability to tick the intelligent Orientation Control within the Naza Assistant? I have assigned channel 6 to a 3 position switch and when i move the switch I can see the slider move against X2, when I go to the screen with IOC it does not allow me to select the tick box.

I am using Naza V2 with 3.12 firmware and a Futuba T8FG on SBUS.

All other functions appear to be ok so far.


It happened to me during initial setup and my GPS antenna was connected but lying upside down. I was able to tick IOC when I turned the antenna upwards.

Thanks for that... I will give it a try. I have not yet calibrated the compass yet either.

Speaking of GPS antenna what adhesive do you use to attache the little pole? I have attached the bracket OK but unsure what to use to secure the GPS and pole as I'd like to be able to easily remove it for transport but needs to be secure during flight so it wont shift etc.


Consider drilling and tapping the base alum piece (and I do top piece also). Fit a small bolt in and tighten against the pole. Allows you to rotate and remove pole. I later substitute an aluminum dowel for pole. EGG.

Ok so I confirmed the GPS is correct way up and I performed a Compass calibration but I am still unable to select IOC in the software.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
You need to adjust your travel adjust on your transmitter. Adjust whilst connected to the assistant until the correct box is selected.


Speaking of GPS antenna what adhesive do you use to attache the little pole? I have attached the bracket OK but unsure what to use to secure the GPS and pole as I'd like to be able to easily remove it for transport but needs to be secure during flight so it wont shift etc.

I don´t use the pole. Just stick the antenna to the upper aluminium part with the supplied tape and stick it to one of the arms with hot glue. With the new firmware there is no need to correct the orientation of the GPS antenna, Naza will do that so it tracks straight.


Merlin of Multirotors
I've found the best method to attach the GPS pod is with Velcro rather than tape, that way its free to pop off in the event of a crash rather than getting smashed if it's firmly stuck in place.


Thanks for that... I will give it a try. I have not yet calibrated the compass yet either.

Speaking of GPS antenna what adhesive do you use to attache the little pole? I have attached the bracket OK but unsure what to use to secure the GPS and pole as I'd like to be able to easily remove it for transport but needs to be secure during flight so it wont shift etc.

Hi AboveAllAP

I'm an absolute newbie in Brisbane also. MultiwiiCopter (Gold Coast) from whom I bought my kit from, strongly suggested using double self adhesive gel tape (it's about 2mm thick and looks like a thin slice of green firm jelly. They suggested the NAZA FC + GPS are affected by the strong vibrations. I added a tail frame to attach the GPS puck & Rx having found the gel adhesive not to be strong & have wrapped insulation tape around it to secure it.
Should catch up at Dakabin & exchange notes on set up. I have a Futaba 18MZ & seem to be on my own with working out set up for the NAZA.:) View attachment 12238


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Hi Multiwiidacher

Yes I did buy the adhesive gel from the supplier you mentioned and have fitted the Naza to it. I have yet to even fit my props and fly it so I am not sure if I have any vibration issues as yet. I also got the DU-Pro prop balance kit and will be balancing my props before flying.

I do plan on heading out to Dakabin since hearing about it. let me know when you plan to go as well.


New Member
Same Here

Hi all I am wondering if anyone has had the inability to tick the intelligent Orientation Control within the Naza Assistant? I have assigned channel 6 to a 3 position switch and when i move the switch I can see the slider move against X2, when I go to the screen with IOC it does not allow me to select the tick box.

I am using Naza V2 with 3.12 firmware and a Futuba T8FG on SBUS.

All other functions appear to be ok so far.

Hi. I am having exactly the same problem. I have the DJI F550 with Naza V2 GPS on v4 firmware and also the Futaba 8FG on SBUS. I also cannot check the box to switch on IOC. Same thing happens when trying to do it via bluetooth from the iPad so it's not the software. The iPad suggests that I might be using the channel for something else already but I have a really simple configuration so I don't think that is the case. I can also see the X2 slider moving when I move the switch so am really confused. I have spent hours on this but no luck.

Have you managed to sort it out on your end?

Yes I have. in the end from memory it was an issue with the fact I had the channel assigned to one of my Gains adjustments. I dont have my assistant software handy but check for that.


Mr take no prisoners!
Okay for those having problems engauging IOC on the newer firmware, you must do the electronic compass calibration before you will be allowed to go into IOC.

This is a feature since version 3.16 of the firmware I think, if you have not calibrated then you can't use IOC.



New Member
All sorted. I also had thst channel assigned to a gain adjustment. Somehow I missed switching that one off again. Thanks a lot for yor help on this.


I had the same issue but fixed after completing the GPS calibration

Brisbane guys, what's out at Dakabin?

I had the same issue but fixed after completing the GPS calibration

Brisbane guys, what's out at Dakabin?

I have gone along once. Should get back there again. They are mostly standard Heli flyers a few did have MR's but does not seem to be the focus .
I am happy to try to meet up with a few other Brisbane MR pilots if interested.
