there is no mods, bolt and fly. We got it all dialed in
heres some pics of my stocker kit i've been flying
vid i made with it the other morning
How's your flight time?all atti flying. these motors rip, more power you give naza the further she'll lean into the wind...... these are 400 watts a piece, 1600 watt rig. disco pro is the bomb
there is no mods, bolt and fly. We got it all dialed in
heres some pics of my stocker kit i've been flying
vid i made with it the other morning
J, this one has plush 40 amp, mainly cause there cheap and handle 6s. no firmware upgrades
it is a polar pro nd filter. it acts as a makeshift layer lens as well. benefit is it's like sunglasses in the sun and there glass so they can be easily cleaned. i have polarized too
imagine your asking about the vtx, it's a lawmate 2.4 500mw like the ones trappy uses but this ones not tuned, stock, $35
Boltz, it's just leopard 2814 960kv on 9" props, plush esc's, nothing special but i have used them alot cause there cheap and seem to work. the bearings don't take much crashing to break so you gotta use them in good working order or they suck. When you start carrying payloads yaw becomes an issue. it wants bigger props for more torque but sooner or later you run out of arm. That's why we're making these arm kits. you can change over to a low kv motor with 15" prop and handle that yaw with authority instead of barely keep up
my gains are 140 130 140 120 90 90...... had the first four on a dial and got it till it started wobbling in fff then backed it off a couple clicks and that's where it landed.
i'd think 1000 kv motors would over amp...... simonK is nice firmware. Has endpoints all set, won't lvc on you. The real deal if you want performance is nfet esc's. the 960 leopard i use are pretty much the same thing and i know what you mean, it's just that extra weight isn't helping your deal at all. i would even suggest the arms are causing the problem. Take and twist an arm like your rotating it, i could see it going from one side to the other from that much weight. your situation is a prime candidate for our system. we were looking at making the fasteners cam loc so they could pop off. either way one bolt on each arm loosened could have the tubing removed from the socket if the esc or motor wires are left long enough to do so.....
What a bitchen place....... is that vietnam?