TBS Discovery Pro


just to make sure 21.5mm is the correct diameter & the mounts are for the frame as well as the motors. Are there any more mods to the frame? as the large diameter tube doesn't leave much room for the mounts.


Aerial DP
there is no mods, bolt and fly. We got it all dialed in

heres some pics of my stocker kit i've been flying






vid i made with it the other morning

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there is no mods, bolt and fly. We got it all dialed in

heres some pics of my stocker kit i've been flying






vid i made with it the other morning

Are you flying manual in the train track vid as the speed looks to fast for Atti mode. nice vid by the way very smooth.
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Aerial DP
all atti flying. these motors rip, more power you give naza the further she'll lean into the wind...... these are 400 watts a piece, 1600 watt rig. disco pro is the bomb


Aerial DP
that was behaving around 25-28 amps... i see so much sag from them zippy compacts they scare me off around 13-14 minutes. the voltage drops about 1.5 volts full forward on the elevator stick and it hits 50 amps somewhere around 50-60mph

this was the first flight, naza wasn't calibrated but i got by..... you can see how much i move around and the gimbals pretty tight
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Man, I cant wait to get my DiscoPro. I'm in batch 2, shipping Sept 9. The waiting is making me do funny things like removing the landing gear of my Y6 and placing a caster wheel just to see what happens.

View attachment 13484

Great flying Kloner, I love the vastness of your flight area.


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Active Member
Kloner, couple ?'s. What ESC's do you use? What is that hanging off your lens? What watt tx are you using?




Hi Kloner!

Great results, I see no yaw oscillations. What motors and escs are you using? SimonK escs?
Also, it would be great to get your Naza settings?

I still get some yaw oscillations on my nex-5 TBS discovery with Gothelirc brushless gimbal.



there is no mods, bolt and fly. We got it all dialed in

heres some pics of my stocker kit i've been flying






vid i made with it the other morning

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Aerial DP
J, this one has plush 40 amp, mainly cause there cheap and handle 6s. no firmware upgrades

it is a polar pro nd filter. it acts as a makeshift layer lens as well. benefit is it's like sunglasses in the sun and there glass so they can be easily cleaned. i have polarized too

imagine your asking about the vtx, it's a lawmate 2.4 500mw like the ones trappy uses but this ones not tuned, stock, $35

Boltz, it's just leopard 2814 960kv on 9" props, plush esc's, nothing special but i have used them alot cause there cheap and seem to work. the bearings don't take much crashing to break so you gotta use them in good working order or they suck. When you start carrying payloads yaw becomes an issue. it wants bigger props for more torque but sooner or later you run out of arm. That's why we're making these arm kits. you can change over to a low kv motor with 15" prop and handle that yaw with authority instead of barely keep up

my gains are 140 130 140 120 90 90...... had the first four on a dial and got it till it started wobbling in fff then backed it off a couple clicks and that's where it landed.


Aerial Fun
Nice video's, esp the sunrise.... Can't wait to find a Discovery Pro to purchase. Winters coming in our area, so am chomping at the bit to get one built.

On the disc pro widetracks youtube video, 1:02 to about 1:10 you make left hand turn. On my screen, the video during the turn is not smooth. Is that in the original footage or is it my youtube playback?

I'm new to flying, but I'm striving for a smooth turn/ yaw turn whenever possible and it's one of the things I look at in the videos.... Am I hoping for two much on the Discovery Pro. It could be 24p issues or yaw or whatever, or it just could be playback.. Just curious.



You know I use the T-Motor AS2814 1000kv motors (DJI 30A ESCs) and 10x5 Graupners on my TBS Discovery NEX-5 and it rocks, still a lot of power to lift more. Even battery time is OK 8-9 min with that heavy payload.
Usually the YAW oscillations issues comes with wind. Its very annoying in video and you cannot get rid of it in post. I am going to try a lot of new SimonK ESCs including the TBS ESCs to see if the reaction speeds gets improved (that's what you read about the SimonK ESCs, that the YAW stability gets improved). I already have your Aerial Media Pros extension arms but my issue is size - worked much better earlier even with the same propeller size and Pulso 2820 860kv motors. I need a extremely portable quad for backpack travelling in extreme conditions. See attached picture, needs to fit in a backpack. Also, I don't want to have too much larger size as I fly in very narrow passages in the jungle and rocks. Worst case is to build foldable design of the extension arms, do you thing propellers size or arm length has the biggest impact for YAW stability? Flight time is not the most crucial here. Also, do you think an X8 design in the same size would make any difference? Maybe the new DJI aluminum arms that are being brought to the market now? Your YAW video stability is amazing and I am very thankful for any advise on my issue.

View attachment 13492


J, this one has plush 40 amp, mainly cause there cheap and handle 6s. no firmware upgrades

it is a polar pro nd filter. it acts as a makeshift layer lens as well. benefit is it's like sunglasses in the sun and there glass so they can be easily cleaned. i have polarized too

imagine your asking about the vtx, it's a lawmate 2.4 500mw like the ones trappy uses but this ones not tuned, stock, $35

Boltz, it's just leopard 2814 960kv on 9" props, plush esc's, nothing special but i have used them alot cause there cheap and seem to work. the bearings don't take much crashing to break so you gotta use them in good working order or they suck. When you start carrying payloads yaw becomes an issue. it wants bigger props for more torque but sooner or later you run out of arm. That's why we're making these arm kits. you can change over to a low kv motor with 15" prop and handle that yaw with authority instead of barely keep up

my gains are 140 130 140 120 90 90...... had the first four on a dial and got it till it started wobbling in fff then backed it off a couple clicks and that's where it landed.


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Aerial DP
jfro, i was turning towards home then noticed the road and shot in to the tree. it was a maiden and i had just been locked on them tracks. it's like running a sprint mentaly

this is the raw footage, think the warp added a little frame loss there. If my $30k skyjib shot that well i could sell em and make millions, if it werent for that limited payload

boltz, the prop diameter is what gives the rigs yaw authority. at that payload you should be running 12-13" props as if it were a 800 hex...... in order to spin that big a prop needs a motor and arm that can handle it. The extensions were never mine, but the long cf arms are and will be available soon. i'd stop spending my money chasing a known flaw with what you got going and get back on track. 700 kv with 12 or 500 kv on 6s with 14-15 would give you back yaw authority and give you back your flight times. back to 12 minutes ish with 6s 2700mah that still slides in
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Aerial DP
the x8 would tidy up the isue as well sticking with the smaller footprint but the current arms available arent strong enough. we got some coming that will and are and is.....


Thanks, looking forward to your CF arms. Though, any ideas of making them foldable? Or easily detachable? How do you think the 1000kv motors will react to 12" props, disregarding effeciency? BR Boltzman


This is the level of YAW oscillations I got with the extension arms and 2820 860kv motors and 10x5 props:

Got a bit worse without extension arms and 1000kv motors.

Thought the 1000kv motors are rock stable with standard TBS discovery Gopro paypload, the best I've seen.


Also, do you think SimonK escs will make any difference? Whats your impression of the TBS ESC and other SimonK ones?


Aerial DP
i'd think 1000 kv motors would over amp...... simonK is nice firmware. Has endpoints all set, won't lvc on you. The real deal if you want performance is nfet esc's. the 960 leopard i use are pretty much the same thing and i know what you mean, it's just that extra weight isn't helping your deal at all. i would even suggest the arms are causing the problem. Take and twist an arm like your rotating it, i could see it going from one side to the other from that much weight. your situation is a prime candidate for our system. we were looking at making the fasteners cam loc so they could pop off. either way one bolt on each arm loosened could have the tubing removed from the socket if the esc or motor wires are left long enough to do so.....

What a bitchen place....... is that vietnam?


Haha, not really.
Now I still have to fastened the props and that take 2 min.
Yes, DJI arms crap and I have been searching desperately for other solutions, BorisS made some custom made (CNC aluminium) for himself a long time ago but it newer went to volume productions. CF booms would be wonderful, been following your build for a while. I would be delighted to test these ones if possible?


i'd think 1000 kv motors would over amp...... simonK is nice firmware. Has endpoints all set, won't lvc on you. The real deal if you want performance is nfet esc's. the 960 leopard i use are pretty much the same thing and i know what you mean, it's just that extra weight isn't helping your deal at all. i would even suggest the arms are causing the problem. Take and twist an arm like your rotating it, i could see it going from one side to the other from that much weight. your situation is a prime candidate for our system. we were looking at making the fasteners cam loc so they could pop off. either way one bolt on each arm loosened could have the tubing removed from the socket if the esc or motor wires are left long enough to do so.....

What a bitchen place....... is that vietnam?
