XAircraft SuperX on heavy lifter


Aerial DP
that one in the vid is 9 lbs plus lipo,,,, 1.2 on ail/ele, 1.1 elevation and 1 on rudder.... try setting g to 20% and tune the main gains to that. if is has the wobble in teh wind, turn up that axis, as you get close the problem axis is easier than if there all bouncing around. I see overgain mostly in ground affect, it tries a small shake then you see it lessen as you climb out of it.... notice the axis and lower it .1


Drone Enthusiast
that one in the vid is 9 lbs plus lipo,,,, 1.2 on ail/ele, 1.1 elevation and 1 on rudder.... try setting g to 20% and tune the main gains to that. if is has the wobble in teh wind, turn up that axis, as you get close the problem axis is easier than if there all bouncing around. I see overgain mostly in ground affect, it tries a small shake then you see it lessen as you climb out of it.... notice the axis and lower it .1

thanks so much. I'll try that tomorrow and report back. This "big" MR has been kicking my *** :). Fun though - especially when the wind does down and there are plenty of green mountains to film...


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with props off while trying different rpm fingers touching booms shouldn't feel anything, if there is a vibe replace that motor or bearing if you got the tools

After rebalancing the props it would seem I've greatly reduced my vibrations. The single max vibe in my test flight was 1.3 and most look to be under .7.

I also turned the gains up in the software across the board from 1.0 to 1.1.

Moto I set the center point on the gain knob to 1530 as you mentioned, but it was bizarre. I did a test without the blades and moving the knob all the way left produced -125% gain and moving to the right produced +84% gain. That why tweaking those was so bad for me in flight? I decided to leave it.

Here's the log:


The camera is still not close to usable. I think I'll now move to softer dampening balls. Also the Canon I'm putting on doesn't balance terribly well, so I'll mess with that.


Drone Enthusiast
If you want to mess with it - try changing the "offset" to 4.3. It's the first column in companion on that limits page. I had that set a while back, but I've now moved the superx around so much I think I lost the setting when I switched MRs.


If you want to mess with it - try changing the "offset" to 4.3. It's the first column in companion on that limits page. I had that set a while back, but I've now moved the superx around so much I think I lost the setting when I switched MRs.

What effect would that have? What is it offsetting and why 4.3?


Drone Enthusiast
What effect would that have? What is it offsetting and why 4.3?

i believe the offset will bump the center over while still giving you the same throw equally left and right. I could be wrong. 4.3 because that's what I was told, and I recall it working before messing up - again, I could be wrong. But it's easy enough to test :)

i cant ant find that original thread for the life of me.


i believe the offset will bump the center over while still giving you the same throw equally left and right. I could be wrong. 4.3 because that's what I was told, and I recall it working before messing up - again, I could be wrong. But it's easy enough to test :)

i cant ant find that original thread for the life of me.

So is that throw length correct? The TX is set at -30 to +30, but on the black box it is going from -125% to +84%. Seems to me that -125% would mean the motors wouldn't run!


Drone Enthusiast
The change I'm suggesting is only for the G channel. I would test it for you except I'm at the flight field and I don't have Internet here! It kills me there is no way to have the black box locally on my laptop.


Isn't that amazing? I don't understand why XAircraft requires that we upload the data instead of being able to evaluate it locally. Such a PIA..


Drone Enthusiast
I had to dump my unlimited data plan so could tether to my phone to get the BB data.... pretty lame

Only if you consider having to pack up, get in the car, drive home, unpack, get the thing hooked up to a computer and then upload lame.. :)

I am not paying AT&T any more cash to tether my phone. Just won't do it...


Drone Enthusiast
OK folks. Just tested the SuperX G knob gain with the Taranis. Very disturbing results. I did the following:

Fired up the superX on the bench with no props. Raised the throttle just a hair so it wouldn't cut off. Over the course of 45 seconds. The start reading with the Taranis G knob set with the 1530 center was actually at +1% (I can live with that). Then I turned the knob VERY SLOWLY all the way counter clockwise to the extreme "low" position and let it sit there. It decreased incrementally in the negative position to -116%, but despite the slow turn, it jumped as if there is poor resolution on the Taranis S1 knob.

The numbers turning it CCW were as follows, as shown by hitting the "next step" button in Black Box - as opposed to watching in the play mode: -9%, -35%, -60%, -82%, -116%.

I let it sit at the max CCW position for a few seconds. Then it got weird. The next step jumped to +110%, +69%, +24%, -9%, -65%, -119%, +106% for several steps then I began to move the knob CW to the center position: +118%, -107%, -50%, -2%, +39%, +87%, -120%, -72%, -30%, -27%, -3%, rest at center position (now reading +3%)...

CW turn from center: +37%, +64%, +122%, -99%, -33%, +33%, +94%, -119%, -106%, then it rested at -106% when at full CW position.

Moving CCW back toward center: +119%, +41%, -53%, +126%, +70%, +24%, then came to rest at +3%

This leads me to believe that although the center point works fine to shift the Taranis center point for the knob, the Taranis is f*cked when it comes to using it for the field tuning????

You can watch it HERE if you want.



Aerial DP
you want the throw reduced so it goes +-30..... that'll increase the gain resolution... in regular radios it's endpoint. i hate the gain on a knob, it can be bumped and you don't want that. digital trims are alot easier to manage.


OK folks. Just tested the SuperX G knob gain with the Taranis. Very disturbing results.
What a coincidence. I was just doing the same test at my workbench and logged on to have a look at this thread because the results were so odd. I don't understand why it goes from a plus range to a large negative when turning the S2 knob CW. Very similar results to yours. I thought I'd contact their support as it doesn't make sense to me.


Drone Enthusiast
you want the throw reduced so it goes +-30..... that'll increase the gain resolution... in regular radios it's endpoint. i hate the gain on a knob, it can be bumped and you don't want that. digital trims are alot easier to manage.

I'll try that. Thanks Kloner.


Aerial DP
there might be a "trim" setting too that you can change from 1-40 or so,,, that's each click makes it move that many steps.... i don't have taranis so not sure what they call it


Drone Enthusiast
there might be a "trim" setting too that you can change from 1-40 or so,,, that's each click makes it move that many steps.... i don't have taranis so not sure what they call it

That doesn't sound familiar - but I'll look into that too.


My range is set already from -30 to +30 as they suggest, unless I'm setting the wrong thing.

Drew emailed me a couple of days ago and said that the gain knob on the taranis is "pretty unreliable."

"The gain knob is pretty unreliable in my opinion so I would recommend tweaking the software settings, flying, and readjusting."


Drone Enthusiast
My range is set already from -30 to +30 as they suggest, unless I'm setting the wrong thing.

Drew emailed me a couple of days ago and said that the gain knob on the taranis is "pretty unreliable."

"The gain knob is pretty unreliable in my opinion so I would recommend tweaking the software settings, flying, and readjusting."

The problem with that is the software settings are not exactly the same as the fie tuning knob - as far as I understand it.

Are you saying that your Taranis limits are set to -30 & 30? Or that your throw when turning the knob results in the black box saying -30% and +30%???

Kloner: would the setting be the "weight" of that channel???


The limit is set from -30 to +30 (or so I think), but the results on mine as they appear in the black box go from -125% to 84%.
