
Here's one you won't see everyday. The day I bumped into iron man, and we ran the suit through a few g-forces out in the sticks! Ironman FPV
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Here's one you won't see everyday. The day I bumped into iron man, and we ran the suit through a few g-forces out in the sticks! Ironman FPV

That was awesome! flying with ironman, fantastic!

Here's a little flying in the snow:

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Active Member
That was awesome! flying with ironman, fantastic!

Here's a little flying in the snow:

Nice flying........what OSD are you using ? Looks like the Eagle Tree OSD....How didi you manage to get the "artificial horizont"......can't find it on the settings of my Eagle Tree OSD.


South African Teaser by Venezolion

Hi Guys,

We recently got an opportunity to help with some aerial footage for Venezolion (aka Jose Gonzalez), this is a Teaser which he stitched together just to keep us all on the edges of our seats avidly awaiting the full video. Hope you enjoy it.

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Gopro in Somerset

View attachment 9046

This a still from my brothers 450 in Somerset. The GoPro curved horizon is evident, but its a fab photo. Gopro was set to 2sec photos, I wore the FatSharks and gave directions to my bro.....
if you can name the village, you get mega brownie points


  • image.jpg
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Aerial DP
Mmmmm, brownies

Was practicing running up and down some cliffs today, the real spot we flimed wound up being there camera so naturaly didn't get a copy of it but none the less, for what they wanted this for it's perfect. if you watch the Farmers Open i guess it'll be throughout there. Flew over a mile up and down the coastline with the camera down like that, over some hole that looked insane flying by it, stuck out on a cliff. Was at a glider port so had the wind speeds, was 13-16mph winds, noticed editing theres bums quite a ways down the cliff all bunked out. Crazy

wind sucks, but it is a gliderport
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mmmmmm, butter - nice Kloner - what bird were you flying?

Mmmmm, brownies

Was practicing running up and down some cliffs today, the real spot we flimed wound up being there camera so naturaly didn't get a copy of it but none the less, for what they wanted this for it's perfect. if you watch the Farmers Open i guess it'll be throughout there. Flew over a mile up and down the coastline with the camera down like that, over some hole that looked insane flying by it, stuck out on a cliff. Was at a glider port so had the wind speeds, was 13-16mph winds, noticed editing theres bums quite a ways down the cliff all bunked out. Crazy

wind sucks, but it is a gliderport


Aerial DP
hahaha,,,,, that is the XY8 with an av100 tilt only and nex-5n

It was so windy. It went from a north 10-15 to a west 13-16 then would drop off, then blow. Rained a bit later


Aerial DP
I've got this and an av200...... 200 isn't setup yet, but it really weighs alot....... this thing is skin and bone like this3.6 kilo, 3400 watt, suppose to go vroom


Catch the vision
I recently got the chance to try some different equipment and in this video I compare the results of three (3) remote control helicopter camera gimbal operations.

The Cinestar 6 copter and Sony CX760, NEX-7 and FS100 cameras were operated by me.

The DJI S800 and ICam copters operated by Mike Conrardy.

Comments welcome

Cheers - Colin

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Here is my first stab at making a video with my AP rig. The roll servo is still not right, so I had to us post stabilization, but the project was a lot of fun.
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Active Member
I recently got the chance to try some different equipment and in this video I compare the results of three (3) remote control helicopter camera gimbal operations.

The Cinestar 6 copter and Sony CX760, NEX-7 and FS100 cameras were operated by me.

The DJI S800 and ICam copters operated by Mike Conrardy.

Comments welcome

Cheers - Colin

I actually prefer the 1st camera, the CX760 on the hexa. A little bit of wobble that could be sorted out with post, but the Zenmuse and NEX7 made me feel like I had glaucoma. The final SR heli was nice looking but feels loose and not stabilized much. Thanks for sharing, its great to see someone take the time to demonstrate the differences. For me, its the single setup on the CS6 and sony handycam, but Its only my opinion.
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Drone Enthusiast
Getting back in the saddle is alway hard but thaks to all the guys on here I managed to get soem kit together and go fly.. All LOS as I dont own a monitor any more.. was really interesting from the back of the Disco!

Thanks to Quattrofella and and many others for all their help getting up again.

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