Nice video nice place thanks for sharing.This is a short video from Seljord in Norway, flying above a small river close to the mountain.
This is my first attempt at shooting a property which I did for my neighbor as a gift. The quality isn't the greatest because this was shot with a GoPro, on a cheap home built Batbone quad, with no gimbal. Because I had no gimbal, I had to stabilize the video in YouTube. I have a Droidworx AD6 with Photohigher gimbal in the works, but need to save up some pennies to finish it. Criticism on the shots are more than welcome. I'm a total armature at this so I'd love t learn more.
Video with my first fixed wing, Eflite Apprentice, lots of fun.
Nice footage and the house isn't too shabby either.This is my first attempt at shooting a property which I did for my neighbor as a gift. The quality isn't the greatest because this was shot with a GoPro, on a cheap home built Batbone quad, with no gimbal. Because I had no gimbal, I had to stabilize the video in YouTube. I have a Droidworx AD6 with Photohigher gimbal in the works, but need to save up some pennies to finish it. Criticism on the shots are more than welcome. I'm a total armature at this so I'd love t learn more,
Video with my first fixed wing, Eflite Apprentice, lots of fun.
Considering you didn't have a gimbal this was much better than I expected. I think some of the limitations your running into are the GoPro itself, one thing that you can do to make the image appear a little sharper is add a bit of contrast by raising the whites and lowering the black and reduce the saturation a bit. Do you have After Effects? If so use that to stabilize, YouTube stabilization is not the greatest.
Just what is possible these days