
Very nice. I just can't believe how nice GoPro footage can look. I noticed your test at the construction site with a GH4 as well. What lens were you using? That's _very_ impressive. Do you think the GH4 is worth it? I haven't been happy with the video from my Nikon D600 and it's very heavy so I was considering replacing it with the GH4.

Thanks dazzab. That was the first flight with the GH4 and S1000 so no processing and not set up quite the way I want it yet. I like the camera.. it's a nice speed bump in terms of the 4K. Only issue with this on the GH3 gimbal is lack of FPV as the GH4 has a micro HDMI plug where the GH3 has a mini. What I ended up doing is strapping on a GoPro Silver to the gimbal and using that s the fpv cam. The lens is the f2.0OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12mm. Looking forard to dialing it in more and getting some better footage.


First fpv flight with new frame. Was very windy and ice got some work to do in the gimbal mount to get the frame out of the picture. But you get the idea. ..


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Thought it could be interesting for someone)
backstage from one of our latest motion picture aerial works. red scarlet with canon 14mm.
cheers from Russia-Belarus)
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Thought it could be interesting for someone)
backstage from one of our latest motion picture aerial works. red scarlet with canon 14mm.
cheers from Russia-Belarus)

Really cool mitmit. Thanks for sharing.

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Aerial DP
this airs in a week but for now,,,,

View attachment 18216

he mentioned the phantoms fly around his house alot,,, looking for him or whatever.


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Kloner that is great work the shooting segment was my favourite the way you had the view and were able to capture all the vital parts of the scene


Hi guys. I'm visiting California (where I grew up) from Australia and I shot a couple of videos near Castroville on my way down to Ventura. I know that they aren't up to the top standards I see here but I'm getting better every day thanks to all the kind people and help here. So here's where I'm at with the Aeronavics hexa and Sony NEX 6 harassing fields of lettuce and artichokes.

This is a farm house built circa 1880 owned by the sweetest 90 year old lady. It was just lovely to meet her and she gave me permission to fly around her property on a lovely day.

Just some fun flying to test various angles etc over the lettuce

For some reason I really like the look of artichoke plants so I buzzed them as well

I got some great stills as well. This is one of my favourites. The camera lens was hovering about 11" over the plant at the time:

View attachment 18227


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Been making the most of the good weather here in the UK and getting in some practice before my final CAA permission comes through.

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Been making the most of the good weather here in the UK and getting in some practice before my final CAA permission comes through.

Great video CBUK and wonderful music! Who is the artist? What setup are you flying?
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Great video CBUK and wonderful music! Who is the artist? What setup are you flying?

The music is just some stock royalty free music from Audiojungle. I believe the artist was Olivertangen and the piece is called "Perfect Wedding" - kind of chosen because the place the video is shot at is now used for wedding reception parties.

The setup I'm using is in my signature but is basically a Skyjib-X4 with a Z15 GH3 - all single operator use.
