Tom nice reel. There are some great shots there.
I hate criticizing other peoples work but I agree that different perspectives can help you improve. Hopefully I can add something you can use on future demo reels.
I think choosing less pop-culture music is refreshing, tired of videos cut to loud, fast music, but you need to make sure that any shot you stay on longer is stunning and for shots that aren't that stunning their shorter otherwise the video will feel long.
In general people are sheep so try to show shots that are different enough that when they see them they will want them. Try not to repeat shots or use shots that are so similar they could be mistaken for another shot. Since you don't have a story to work with try to group shots together by the type of shot, the subject or style. Be careful not to use too many shots from the same project, diversity in shots is always a good thing.
Also try adding some graphics, although this might be an AP demo show the audience how these aerial shots are used with other shots to give the viewer ideas and therefore reasons to hire you.
Here's my demo, its not great but you can see how assembling the different kinds of shots together helps the flow. I do a lot with cars, guitars and models so there's a section for that, I do documentary film and aerial so there's some of that, not necessarily grouped together depending on the type of shot, but I hope it provides an overview not just of my cinematography but how it can be applied in different ways.
Do you color correct your productions? Some of it seemed dark. I know there are a lot of variables in the encoding and streaming of video but you might be able to even the overall exposure a bit.
I hope this helps.