Hey Ray,
I had a shutter speed of 200 but no ND. I really need one! Still need to work on my exposure settings. It's hard to judge on the ground sometimes. What kind of settings would you use in that situation (intermittent sun and cloud)? Your advice is kindly received.
Hello Ben,
Thanks for your interest to my comment. I am not a reference in this field but I've been "flyfilming" for sometimes and this issue was a real bug. I don't know much about the Panasonic GH other than what I've seen around. I'm using Sony nex5 and 7 (and GoPro) and noticed the huge difference when adding the ND filter.
200 speed shutter is fine, I usually set my cameras to 120 (Sony) at 30fps frame rate, then work with aperture / iso value while aiming at the sky before taking off. The sky would be my exposure reference and everything else would come out a bit under-exposed. This allows me to compensate the lows on video edit and get a much better balance in exposure and details.
I usually use an ND6 filter for your kind of situation and add to it a UV filter when plain sunny sky. But again, this is my solution in my country location with Sony camera, you might want to explore a bit with your Panasonic. Still ND filter is a must in every aerial filming, IMHO.
Hope this will help and I would post some videos for illustration when possible. Thank you for posting your stuff.