Drone Enthusiast
Nice work! love the close up turn on the tracks!
I wanna see THAT movie!!! What camera was that going down the tracks and was the cam op trippin?later the same controller did a similar move but it was a skyjib into the ocean. needless to say, it's been put out of it's misery
I turned on altitude hold on a hoverfly pro....... later the same controller did a similar move but it was a skyjib into the ocean. needless to say, it's been put out of it's misery
I was encouraged by a lot of participants to bring along my 800mm Hex c/w GoPro3 Black to get some aerial videos of the annual Rock Lake HPR - High Power Rocketry event....
Regretfully closeups of the rockets and pads was not allowed as a result one an overzealous intrepretation of the event regulations..... however the video work has helped to open some minds and future opportunities for more exciting AV work in the future.
Here are some AV shots of the camp site and launching areas as well as one brief long distance shot of a 10 foot carbon fiber rocket shooting "past the moon" to an antitude of approximately 20,000 feet AGL.
Ground shot here....
AV Work here.....
Just a little something I put together as a sample for wedding ranch.
SFOC was filed and we're hopping they'll buy an actual shoot.
Thanks,Excellent work..... hope to see more.