Photohigher skyline rsgs


Active Member
There can be many factors that can cause this. the feed back interference alone is not going to be the cure.

Ah yes, sorry. I'm on iPhone and makes it harder using the forum app. I guess you will find out when you can get hold of the new firmware. In my YS-X6 GCS software, I can choose the MHz rate of gimbal servos in the settings, 50mhz fir analogue, and then 250-350mhz for digital. Perhaps the new FW will have variable rates to stop the chatter by dialing in the servo rates.

Little update:
I made H loom and it improved the performance but it is still not as it should be.
Before H loom I was able to get only roll pretty close to good at satisfying level but I needed to have tilt switched of as it influenced even the roll.
Now I have both tilt and roll attached and roll is very good while tilt is still causing problems. I f I reduce the compensation of the tilt there is no jittering but it can not follow the throws as it cannot compensate fully so is much slower with reaction . If I increase the compensation it can compensate fully but there is bad jittering !
I used 4 cell Nicd for skyline and tried 5.1 and 6 v for servos , and the best results were with 6v.
Balance of the camera on the mount is also very important factor !
So this is my experience and lets wait for the new software version
I am ready to wait but like others would like to have fully operational product ASAP.
I was little frustrated at the beginning and I expressed it here and would like to apologize if I insulted anyone from PH .
The reason why I bought PH products was because of their reputation and my experiences with Kiwi guys in the past were excellent.
I worked with Kiwi soldiers for a few years and I can say that I have never met better people than New Zealanders !
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I've tried with this H-cable and 4V power. Nothing changed. Still tilt jitter.
I think it is the problem with the servos. Which servos are mounted on those couple of gimbals which are working perfectly?


I've tried with this H-cable and 4V power. Nothing changed. Still tilt jitter.
I think it is the problem with the servos. Which servos are mounted on those couple of gimbals which are working perfectly?
Its not the servos? I have a completely custom setup mount and servos and it still jitters.. If you change the servos I expect you will still get jitter?

When I switch off roll tilt seems to be ok and when both are connected tilt is problematic ! When the gain is on the first line it is more less ok but the compensation is lagging behind the mount movement and if I increase the gain jitter is very much visible !


I have read all the post, but I could not find someone with the problem that I am having.
I have the skyline mounted on a custom made 800 size heli, with a PS1 gimbal. It was working fine during a couple of days but today I have some estrange behavior, the gimbal started swinging from side to side (roll), and camera operator loosed control of gimbal. It happens only during flight and it was intermittent. I could not reproduce this on the bench.

Here is a video of what happened.

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Active Member
My gimbal is ziptied and servos are disconnected. (its now rock solid wont move at all) LOL
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New Member
<The real question is, at what point in time is it fair to surrender efforts if a solution doesn't arrive in a "fair" amount of time? I think this would go for any business in this situation. There has to be some defined agreement as to how long one is expected to sit idle. >

Photohigher seems to be operating in good faith and certainly is doing as well a could be expected. This is a new system and it seems to be understandable that will take a while to get to its full potential. Developing a stabilized gimbal is more challenging than developing such things as a quick release plate or accessory bracket.
Maybe it would be best not to expect stabilization technology to work "right out of the box", no matter who makes it. And if you want to use it for professional work, it's always best to practice and test any equipment before taking it out on a job.


I made the loom modification. The roll is quite good now. I pushed the sliders even to 50%. On tilt I use the third big scale.
The tilt still jitters after the modification. But way better than before.
This is way fast enough for a Sony 730. The cam compensates this with ease.

Is must say this is really the best solution I had right now. The response is really good.
It is still no zen. But very close.
I will post some video after my Holliday.

I really hope. Ph will nail out the obvious bugs. Like initial calibration of the roll.
Limits of the roll and tilled. But I guess they all known this.
Is there a open beta for the new firmware ?


It is same like me , roll is very good but tilt is problematic !
I have one question regarding upgrade : Whenever I try to do the upgrade at the end it says that there is no reponse
Could the reason be that I already have version 1.3 and when I try to upgrade to same version it says this ( I presume that I have 1.3 as I purchased skyline last week ) !

I have just checked that Sony 730 is a very light camera, and that is the reason why you have tilt at the third big line and I cannont exceed the first big line as it starts jittering !


To upgrade you need to power the skyline after you started the upgrade.

Regarding the The jitter. My setup is quite passiv damped.
But has a good balanced camera setup.

A bad positioned pivot can cause quite a jitter ;-)

Thanks for help, I did not power skyline during updating !
If i update software, do i need to set up again neutral points for roll and tilt ( to tune it again ) or not ?
