Photohigher skyline rsgs


Active Member
I have a new AV130 with the latest RSGS and it is not making a lot of sense right now. Having loaded the latest code and powered it up correctly I don't see how you write and save the settings after making the adjustments? other than saving a file at the end.

It's prime use is for stills only with a 550D as I just cant see it ever cutting the mustard for video right now.



his has helped some people solve their jitter problem. We are making some now to send out to people who want one. They are pretty easy to make yourself if you don't want to wait.


Made no difference for me, Even went as far as providing independent power sources for the two servos and a schottky diode+capacitor filter, Still no good.
Also tryed the 4 cell Nicad/Nimh first as a clean power source but noticed less oscillations/jittering due to the lower 4.8 Voltage.

Thanks for trying PH


Made no difference for me, Even went as far as providing independent power sources for the two servos and a schottky diode+capacitor filter, Still no good.
Also tryed the 4 cell Nicad/Nimh first as a clean power source but noticed less oscillations/jittering due to the lower 4.8 Voltage.

Thanks for trying PH
Same here, I have tried this and other ideas, but still got the servo jitter.. Hopefully there is a solution soon? as I am losing filming time.


Same here, I have tried this and other ideas, but still got the servo jitter.. Hopefully there is a solution soon? as I am losing filming time.

Same, Im Looking like a fool offering poor video quality.
Its just a shame this is taking so long to get sorted. You'd think a programmer that knows what hes doing can sort this out much quicker than a month.
If at all this is repairable by firmware. Could even be a hardware issue. But im not qualified to say either.

Im sure PH is doing all that they can, And hoping they get it sorted as it wouldnt be easy offering a new product like this, Takes BIG balls so to speak!
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Same, Im Looking like a fool offering poor video quality.
Its just a shame this is taking so long to get sorted. You'd think a programmer that knows what hes doing can sort this out much quicker than a month.
If at all this is repairable by firmware. Could even be a hardware issue. But im not qualified to say either.

Im sure PH is doing all that they can, And hoping they get it sorted as it wouldnt be easy offering a new product like this, Takes BIG balls so to speak!
Yes hopefully they will sort this one way or another? I have to deal with DJI problems also as I fly an Octo and with the latest two firmwares there are serious problems.. So its basically put my machine out of action between the two companys :(

Same Here, tried independent power sources as suggested by photohigher but still the jitter.

Only way to stop the jitter is to unplug one servo.

Thanks for trying PH.


Yes hopefully they will sort this one way or another? I have to deal with DJI problems also as I fly an Octo and with the latest two firmwares there are serious problems.. So its basically put my machine out of action between the two companys :(

Same issues with me mate, DJI have dropped the ball, I had to roll back the firmware

Hi there,

First of all, be carefull when you make these changes, if you misunderstand something you can fry the Skyline.

The purpose of this cable is to cut the power from the skyline to servo. the wiring proposed can be done with standard servo connectors. I will do a video this week end to show this.


Active Member
The roll I could deal with, but the tilt is slow and still looks like a woodpecker. Something going on with the servo deadband width. You could not even take stills with this thing at the moment. Even the standard Naza outputs are an improvement.


Active Member
Same here, I have tried this and other ideas, but still got the servo jitter.. Hopefully there is a solution soon? as I am losing filming time.

I powered mine with an adjustable PS and it was better at 4.5 volts. Still cack.
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Question for Photohigher :

What happens if this turns out you cannot improve the performance ?
Are you planning to withdraw all the units and pay the money back to the people who trusted you ?
If the software does not help and if it turns out the hardware is problem , are you going to exchange these units with the new ones for the people who already bought it ?
I bought the unit this week , so these are the things that I am interested in !
And I cannot figure out how that promo video was made ( obviously not with the actual rsgs ) and why did you start with distribution of sth that is not operational and costs a lot !

Please answer the questions here so we can all read it !
Thanks !

Thanks for your questions.

What specific problems are you having?

1. The promo video was made with the same hardware STM32F100 uC combined with ST MEMS sensors (this is visible through the clear case of the Skyline). The promo video PCB looks different because it was hand soldered and made on a prototyping machine. It also does not have the new wiring harness but instead everything plugs to the board. It was made using the actual and current components. In the image below is the Skyline used in the promo (handsoldered), middle is a test production run with 3 pin headers (requiring no loom) and on the right is the final one we've shipped out to customers.

View attachment 5251View attachment 5252

2. We are progressing with 1.1.4. 90% of problems are related to variances in peoples set-up and we cannot explain to each person how to optimize it. Therefore 1.1.4 has a self calibration routine that removes the set-up steps. As is very clear in this forum, we released the product prematurely before we had tested the FW with non-Photo Higher employees. It works well for us because we know how to set it up and configure it... the product is good. We are working to make sure you will feel the same way.

We have got a reputation for good quality gimbals. We also want to build that reputation for electronics so it is crucial to us to make sure the Skyline works and can be operated by everyone.



  • Skyline Evolution front.jpg
    Skyline Evolution front.jpg
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  • Skyline Evolution back.jpg
    Skyline Evolution back.jpg
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I have bought your gimbal av 130 with 360 plus RSGS, and I am very happy with quality of your gimbals ! Also I am very happy with the dealer in France i bought from ( very good service ). My intention was not to be offensive towards you if you understood it that way.
I am talking about jittering problem. Today i switched it on for the first time and there is a lot of jittering, especially tilt.
Setup does not seem to be the issue, I followed the steps and it was easy
I am using gh1 camera. I had the same problems with my home made mount and fc 2.1 stabilization and that was the reason why I decided to buy everything off you !
I will be very happy to find that I am not able to tune it well and that is why I have jittering issues but everybody has got it here on forum. There was nobody to say that he has got the same performance like you in that video, and nobody managed to get it running as it should ( jittering )
Are you addressing the problem of jittering in your new software ?


Drone Enthusiast
Darko, I can promise you they know the problems at hand. Your frustration is loud and clear, we are all in the same boat. The question isnt if they are working their asses off on this. The real question is, at what point in time is it fair to surrender efforts if a solution doesn't arrive in a "fair" amount of time? I think this would go for any business in this situation. There has to be some defined agreement as to how long one is expected to sit idle. I suppose those of us that actually have jobs using these will just buy other equipment to cover the down time. I do feel a little in lingo and certainly unprepared for my next event. My DJI is the back up heli now but the gimbal control on that is unacceptable as well. I am very close to going back to a single rotor with mechanical gimbal. Too many electronics gets to be excessively complicated. The 360 gimbal we used for the last job was entirely mechanical and worked great. being as though roll is the only axis that really needs to be stabilized, a pendulum with shock absorber works almost as well. And it needs NO tuning or correct voltages. I'm just saying, we have come to a point where so many factors of how our crafts fly are computer dependent, that we are lost when these things arise. And as we are in testing stages on a lot new technologies that are out, we are destined to see more and more guinea pig stages, not less.



his has helped some people solve their jitter problem. We are making some now to send out to people who want one. They are pretty easy to make yourself if you don't want to wait.


Is that a mistake in diagram or that's how you will ask us to wire? The way I'm seeing it is you put both roll and tilt servo signal into Skyline Tilt, how does that work? Or you meant to have them plug to their own port on Skyline?


Well I don't have any of Kim's (Photo Higher's) mounts, but I did purchase two of the Skyline Gyros and I did have issues with the units with Futaba S9255 modified servos. I switched to Futaba S3151 standard servos and the performance improved greatly. So I went down to the local hobby shop who just happened to have four of the Savox SC 1258 TG servos and purchased those. I went home and modified those servos for 360 rotation and I have to say that the Skyline Gyros are working extremely well with my mounts which have a gear reduction of 7.8:1. I am using them with a Canon 5D Mark ll with two different lenses; the 24-105mm f4 and the 16-35mm L ll f2.8 and I am also using them to stabilize a Panasonic HPX 170 with great results.

My only complaints are the lack of limit control, lack of pan control and stabilization for pan control and the lack of slew control control on roll axis. My Skylines will hold a perfect horizon if I am sitting in a still hover no matter how fast I pirouette the model (two axis camera mount). If I am flying in forward flight and make a banked turn the horizon will roll away (the camera rolls into the turn) just like it should to make the camera bank into the turn so that it looks natural instead of staying flat. I would really like to see an adjustment for this compensation which I will assume has a lot to do with the Accelorometers. Because when I fly sideways to track a subject I don't want to mount rolling off in either direction and right now the mount will roll into the sideways slide slightly. It would be nice to be able to flick a switch and go between two different settings. If I had that tunability I would not need slew control on roll axis.

Wayne Mann
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Active Member
Is that a mistake in diagram or that's how you will ask us to wire? The way I'm seeing it is you put both roll and tilt servo signal into Skyline Tilt, how does that work? Or you meant to have them plug to their own port on Skyline?
The signal wires are only to 'activate' the servos, the actual movement comes from the pot cables. Yes, that is how it works.
