Photohigher skyline rsgs


hi, wanted to ask if someone already knows when the new firmware 1.1.4 is available. If passed again over a month. And I'm waiting and waiting and waiting ....


Active Member
Yes, the weekend has passed and no sign of the elusive.......

Unless this thing has got a high sensitivity gyro inside it then the amplification is just going to output more noise as the gain is increased. reduce the gain and then it wont hold the accuracy. You can do only so much with filtering.


Well i have pulled the wiring apart, tried the separate powering and no difference. I get constant jitter on the roll, not the tilt. However i can eliminate the jitter by unplugging the tilt servo!! I have checked the wiring loom although not perfect its serviceable. I have tried Torrids on the servo leads to remove interference but no effect. I am not very happy about this situation PH have put us in. This product was rushed in under developed and sold as the "Rock Solid Gimbal Stabilization (RSGS)" i think "Rarely Supplies Good Stabilization" would be more apt!

They are saying that they solved most of the issues and they are testing it now ! They should release it so we can also test this beta version ! We can not lose anytthing if it turns out to be bad !
But it could be only buying time by saying that it is in testing now !
Let us try the beta version , it is not going to get the copter down , we do not lose anything we can just help with our feedback !

Update: This is the best I can get after a few weeks tweaking:
I have separate batteries on the motors, the skyline and the servos. 3 batteries in all. I am using the Harness recommended by Photohigher, carefully balanced the camera and tuned the gain settings. You will see that the jitter is there even when the airframe is standing still on the ground, but worse when actually flying. I hope the new firmware which we have all been waiting for will fix this. If it does I will post a new video and remove this one.

YouTube have kindly suggested that " your video may be shaky. Would you like us to fix that?" I have declined in this instance. WHat you see is raw footage from a canon 550d mounted on an AV200 with skyline stabilisation on a Vulcan 1200 octocopter
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I would be greatful if anybody could help me with my av 130 360 pan as I cannot use pan in Skyline , it is not active so I amforced to connect pan directly to receiver and when I do it I always have some moving of servo, creeping or drifting whatever you call it without giving the input from radio stick !
What could be done to have 360 panning drift free ?
Thanks !

RSC we lose more if we wait for a month and get software with the same problem of jittering but with some other irrelevant issues resolved !
The first thing we need at the moment is to have jittering sorted out and all the other issues can be solved afterward.
Who cares about auto calibration if the jittering is there !


Drone Enthusiast
that will come after the Skyline has its bugs worked out with 2 servos. crawl, walk, run. Plus, I think having pan/tilt as a 2nd person setup will yield much better results.


Active Member
Who runs a business on untested equipment? I invested quite a lot of money on my latest camera, but on the first shoot using it, I used my older equipment as primary, and new equipment as secondary. If those of you who are losing business because this RSGS isn't quite ready, then you need to evaluate how close to the edge you are working. I don't mean to disrespect anyone here that is furious about the RSGS issues, as I'm eagerly awaiting this to be sorted too. It's only a $300 part that replaces what we have been already using. Go back to whatever you were stabilizing your gimbals with before you had RSGS until Photohigher have fixed it. They have already apologized and acknowledged they were premature on releasing this, so kick back, wait and let's not get into nick-naming this, we're all adults here.

I totally quote Nickville.
@Darko: reduce the travel of the channel linked to the pan, and, if the radio allows it, also the throw of the trims (points per trim step). Then carefully set the center of the control.
Just to give a reference my throw is at 6% and i have 1 point per step trim (Royal Evo).


So monday passed and no news? :)
I don't want to rush PH, but it is a shame that I can not use the Skyline I bought for my work. I'm back on picloc again. The thing is hard to set up, but it works =)


RED Epic or ARRI Mini? Both!
Hi everyone!
I've been closely following this thread for a few weeks now so thanks for everyones input and advice!
Like all of you, I'm looking forward to testing the 1.1.4 update when it comes! Unfortunately (for now) I was advised to purchase the Skyline over a Picloc, and now can't seem to find anywhere that has a Picloc in stock. I'd be super interested to know what other gyro stabilisation units people are using that could recommend for good results.
For now I have v1.1.3 installed, powered with 5V battery, with roll and tilt compensation working the best it can after hours of tweaking and testing. Tilt input is plugged in and active and pan is disabled.
Roll compensation is very good although 'creeping' is noticeable, but like many, still seeing a little jitter from the tilt in compensation and also when controlling from transmitter.
I haven't done the 'jitter solution' firstly because I want to wait to test the new firmware and secondly I feel that powering one device with multiple batteries is not an optimal solution, but more of a hack.

I'm sure PH is working hard to get this system bug free, and hopefully we see some new firmware this week, but if anything I would still like to see some better quality instructions. Forget the downloadable PDF and open up something like a wiki page with higher quality images and some more 'in depth' instructions or even official PH video instructions. Im sorry, but the last PDF with the jitter solution and 350px X 250px image was dismal.

Here is a quick test vid showing the best results I have come up with so far & like chris hornby's post, this is raw unedited footage directly from the camera. Setup is an AV200 on a Microcopter Okto XL with Canon 550d :)

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Thanks for the post koptercam and you have an almost identical setup to me. I would say however that your jitter is more noticeable on the roll, whereas mine is all tilt. Would you agree?


RED Epic or ARRI Mini? Both!
Yea, I would completely agree, your roll seems quite nice. Do you think the jitter mod made a big difference for you?
It's frustrating as it seems I get different results every flight. Im sure many of us have such similar setups but some have tilt issues and some have roll issues, there seems to be no consistency. Cross fingers for improvements in next firmware! In the mean time, here is another vid I can share :)

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Follow this simple yet interesting servo hack video.
If you understand the role of a potentiometer, you will see that he installs 2 resistors that simply emulate a potentiometer that is perfectly centred for drift free operation.


I would be greatful if anybody could help me with my av 130 360 pan as I cannot use pan in Skyline , it is not active so I amforced to connect pan directly to receiver and when I do it I always have some moving of servo, creeping or drifting whatever you call it without giving the input from radio stick !
What could be done to have 360 panning drift free ?
Thanks !

RSC we lose more if we wait for a month and get software with the same problem of jittering but with some other irrelevant issues resolved !
The first thing we need at the moment is to have jittering sorted out and all the other issues can be solved afterward.
Who cares about auto calibration if the jittering is there !


Active Member
The drift has nothing to do with the pot. most IMUs just use an accelerometer which will drift over time. DJI uses the Magnetometer (compass) as well. It is an option on picloc.

Ummmmm, he's talking about the PAN servo that's not even connected to the Skyline at this stage, so YES, it does have to do with the pot, and it is most likely fixed by either perfectly centring the existing pot, or doing the resistor mod.

The drift has nothing to do with the pot. most IMUs just use an accelerometer which will drift over time. DJI uses the Magnetometer (compass) as well. It is an option on picloc.


Welcome to!!
Hi everyone!
I'd be super interested to know what other gyro stabilisation units people are using that could recommend for good results.

there is a gimbal stab unit available from Hoverfly. it's also new though. the stabilization on their PRO board works great but I haven't had a chance to try my GIMBAL unit yet.

