Photohigher skyline rsgs



Sorry, wanted to understand more: So you power your Skyline RSGS with the copter´s receiver and then you power separately the servos via a BEC?
With the servos do you use an Y-cable and just cut off the signal wires from the Y-cable? So only the +6v and ground go to the servos?

With this system you can control the tilt of the camera mount manually?

Thanks, just learning this new system.

Very snowy Finland


Read the previous posts please :)

I have said that their website have made a kind of turn back: the pages aren't up to date anymore, use the files on my website (manual and software)

@Tombrown1: did you contct your reseller to have the dummy pots and the new harness ?

Sorry to pile onto the chaos. It was late and I wasn't very clear. I understand the website is messed up - but when I saw the thing about powering servos and rsgs separately I was wondering if that is still valid. I am having roll jitter that I can't solve and I have to wonder if this is my problem. I am not powering separately.

I received the old skyline and had them mail out dummy pots. I did the mod myself per ph website instructions.

Thanks all!



Hi Pete

Mmm thanks for that I do quite like it how it is as the rate can be as slow or fast as you like for a full smooth roll up from a ground to sky shot yiou van make it really slow

But Ill see how the other works

I cheat and use a servo-speed-slower between the rx and the controller. I have a 4 sec slow tilt for 90deg movement. Works well with the HFP controller so I hope it will be OK with the rsgs...


Drone Enthusiast
yup thats how i have done it..

RTryder powers his AV130 vis the skyline see his previous post but coz I am using the AV200 and with the possibility of more load I thought it safer to supply servo power seperatly.. May be Cedric could jump in here as he seems to be the SL Yoda! ;-)



Sorry, wanted to understand more: So you power your Skyline RSGS with the copter´s receiver and then you power separately the servos via a BEC?
With the servos do you use an Y-cable and just cut off the signal wires from the Y-cable? So only the +6v and ground go to the servos?

With this system you can control the tilt of the camera mount manually?

Thanks, just learning this new system.

Very snowy Finland


Drone Enthusiast
I guess horses for courses... what ever way works for you. Good alternative I aint thought of.. but hey I aint been in this as long as you guys moving over from Hele's

Good info cheers Pete


I cheat and use a servo-speed-slower between the rx and the controller. I have a 4 sec slow tilt for 90deg movement. Works well with the HFP controller so I hope it will be OK with the rsgs...


Active Member
As a side note for anyone about to get an RSGS, make sure your BEC is more than 5A supply. I used a 3-5A BEC & it didnt quite cut it, now using a 8-15A BEC & all is fine. I use it to power all 3 servos, RSGS & spektrum receiver...the 3s lipo also supplies the video downlink & DX201 cam that I use to aim my stills cam (canon 40D).

As for slowing things down, easy to do on your transmitter...reduce throws/use rates & reduce travel the flick of a switch my cam operator can tilt down 90 degrees in just over 1 second or 5 seconds.

Pan is NOT controlled by the RSGS at present & takes about 30 secs to do a full 360 pan...still needs to be a lot slower!!!

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Hello there,

Website was refreshed on weekend with some problems. I'll pull all the old files down now and replace them today. Sorry about the confusion, the last few pages of this forum are quite a nasty read :S

Only realised when 1001 emailed me. Cheers Cedric

Update: Pulled down all files, will upload correct files sometime over the next 8 hours.
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I am planning to upgrade my AV130 with the pan system. Some questions:

1. I suppose the legs of the pan system turn with the camera? Otherwise the 360 pan would be useless.
2. Does the pan work well with the Skyline RSGS?

My airframe is Droidworx AD6 HLE V.2


Hi Tuuka,
Yes the legs are spining with the gimbal :)

no the pan doesn't work well with the skyline stabilization, it works THE HELL very well :)
Listen, it's not complicated, I have lots of professionnal that are working in couple: one pilot and one camerman and they all say that the pan stablization is really great. There is no more interaction between pilot and cameraman : each one take cares about his buisness :)

No I suggest to check that the skyline is perfectly horizontal and paralell to the camera tray then redo the calibration setting.

A roll movment while doing pan is caracteristic of a misalignement of the skyline: you have a mixing in compensation.


Active Member
Cedric, if the horizon is still drifting slightly during a pan/turn do you suggest upping the gains?


I've also found that looking at the camera tray position (higher or lower) can help alleviate roll drift in a pan. Like cedric said, just check the skyline is parallel to the camera. If you have the camera dangling too low, like a pair of balls, it tends to effect the roll while panning, like a pendulum effect.


Active Member
Thanks gents. My gimbal is not mounted conventionally because I didnt want to get the arms in the shot, so its a few inches lower. I will check that the RSGS is indeed all level & recalibrate. Still not 100% sure what the different gains do :(



For any one interested some video shot from the rear seat of a R44 with a skyline av 200 rsgs mount and sony nx cam. Get it set up right and the result for outlay is very good i feel considering the amount of shake and vibration a R44 has at 80 plus kts. Even at over 200mm of focal length.
View attachment 8071


  • GS Cam R44 2.jpg
    GS Cam R44 2.jpg
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