Photohigher skyline rsgs


Welcome to!!

I hope you're not mad but I moved this thread from your vendor area to the new Camera Mount Stabilization Systems forum as it's the main Skyline thread.



I'm at a bit of a loss to explain why it works on the ground and not in the air. Are you able to do a test video with something on the multirotor in the frame so it's possible to see exactly what the roll is doing? Maybe point the camera straight up if there are clouds in the sky to act as a background reference.

Are you using a standard roll servo? Is there anything different when you fly it? How much vibration are you getting when you fly?

Yes it is standart AV 130 v1 mount with savöx servos.

I believe this effect is also visible if you don't fly. Just by moving the system

in this video after in the later part you can see me walking on the ground striktly from left to right and back.

I will try to make a better setup to verify this.
My system dosn't have much vibrations. every motor is damped.
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aka TruckBasher
Nice gimbal, I like the landing gear :D

Great video too...I'm still yet to fiddle with the gains to get rid of the jitters, it was reduced but still there specially when hovering


Active Member
Thanks for your kind words! The gimbal is a DIY product, designed and manufactured by yours truly. And so is the hex carrying the gimbal, too. Here's a few pics of the gimbal if you're interested:

That is one superb gimbal. Love the seperate cam, at least you dont need aHDMI convertor or any leads plugged into your main camera (GH2). I have a DX201 that I stick with velcro to my canon 40D for aerial work, but prefer your idea. I do like your mount & great use of align torque tubes ;)



Active Member
I've got my AV130 and Skyline dialed in a little better today. I got a heap of dust in the lens on take-off, so you'll see in the video its not stabilized in software. The dust is in the same place and does not move if it were stabilized.... I think I will down the integral gains.... and try to get some small jitter out. I changed the lens from a 16mm pancake to the 18-55 lens on the NEX-5n. This put my gains outta whack. I'm getting a little roll drift, but It's not bugging me that much. I'll get it dialed out soon.
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I've got my AV130 and Skyline dialed in a little better today. I got a heap of dust in the lens on take-off, so you'll see in the video its not stabilized in software. The dust is in the same place and does not move if it were stabilized.... I think I will down the integral gains.... and try to get some small jitter out. I changed the lens from a 16mm pancake to the 18-55 lens on the NEX-5n. This put my gains outta whack. I'm getting a little roll drift, but It's not bugging me that much. I'll get it dialed out soon.

Well done! I'd say you got it pretty dialed in.
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Just thought I better clarify this as I've badly worded it and it's confusing everyone.

The integral gains corrects errors on the same axis as the rotation. Here's what should happen with and without integral gain on the tilt.

If you put a laser pointer on your gimbal pointing straight ahead and tip the gimbal back and forward without the integral gain.

When you tip the gimbal forward the laser pointer will go down and stay pointing a little low until you stop tipping the gimbal and it will return to level resulting in one down-up movement. How far it goes down depends on how fast you tip the gimbal over.

When you turn up the integral gain the following happens.

When you start tipping the gimbal forward the laser pointer til point down a bit then correct itself quickly resulting in a quick down-up movement. When you stop tipping it forward to will overshoot a bit creating another down-up movement. So it stays closer to level but has twice as much movement.

Thank you for that explanation. I think my problem is too little integral gain then. On an AV130, with a lot of zoom on a windy day, the tilt horizon was consistently above or below where it should be - I think the machine was always tilting forward or back in the wind. So if I crank up the gain I'll lose some smoothness but It will hold the horizon better? What is the range of values we can enter for the Integral Gain?

I should also mention that the gimbal tilt is almost rock solid at a very steep angle - looking down at 45° or so. The above wandering I described seems to only happen when the tilt is closer to level - looking down at a 10°-15° or so. Any thoughts are appreciated.


Nic looks like you close but there is either dust or dead pixis in your camera hope its just dust or dirt on the lens, mine had dead pixis in same spot as where yours is. Nice video.



Active Member
Nic looks like you close but there is either dust or dead pixis in your camera hope its just dust or dirt on the lens, mine had dead pixis in same spot as where yours is. Nice video.


It was just dust particles on the sensor that I've now removed with a little rubber bellow. I am sure it was the take off on the dirt road.
I'm going to go back to the pancake lens today and test it flying over water...

Usually if the posters on a forum 'who only bring us the good news' are quiet, it means there is a spanner in the works.

Does seem mighty quiet though ... maybe everybody is sat waiting for the new wiring looms.


Active Member
Usually if the posters on a forum 'who only bring us the good news' are quiet, it means there is a spanner in the works.

Does seem mighty quiet though ... maybe everybody is sat waiting for the new wiring looms.

Why wait for looms? I rewired mine piss easy.
I think it's quiet because they are getting good results. Why? What have you heard?


problem after firmware upgrade to 1.2.2

Hey guys!

After upgrading my skyline rsgs firmware to 1.2.2 and follow the harness modification and setup instructions, i did not get any response with the roll servo. it is not running while connecting to the gyro. but when i test the servo(bypass) it and its working. Do you have an idea?



Merlin of Multirotors
I've got mine working quite well at the moment. The remaining issues I'm having are likely mechanical with the AV130 gimbal itself, this one has been bent up a few times and straightened/rebuilt so its not buttery smooth on the roll axis nor is it perfectly aligned in all dimensions. Last evening I ordered some bits to correct the mechanicals and just as I started typing this the shipping notice popped into my inbox so parts are on the way. I'm converting the gimbal from a V1 to a V2 and replacing the roll cradle plates in the process, that should get everything back to square and moving smoothly, once that's done I'll go through the setup procedures again and see if it works the way I think it should/can afterward.

I will say this, the results I'm getting now with the RSGS and gimbal in its current state far exceed what I was able to do without the RSGS, but its not perfect and I'm still not 100% satisfied with the video I'm getting. I tend to be very picky about aerial video and the remaining issues could easily be smoothed out in post, I'd just rather not have to use any stabilization on the backend but I'm too cheap to shell out $3500 for a limited use Zenmuse, I'd rather wait see what the 130 can do with a direct drive setup on it.

Waiting patiently for release of the D/D upgrade kit from Photohigher... ;)

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Don't know if this is the right place to post this or not but if anyone is interested in buying mine drop me a PM. Its not been used apart from when it was first delivered and plugged in but even then that was just on the bench, its never been used in flight. I shelved it whilst waiting for the update, and now its here I need the money for other things!
