Photohigher skyline rsgs


The new manual is nearly ready and includes some awesome tuning guidelines - just like I would have expected from PH in the first place.
MikeH is writing it and I have had a chance to proof-read the first draft (I am a technical specialist and trainer at my full-time job). It is such a step up on the original - he has done well :D


Cheers Pete,
The manual now has links to 4 videos of Brendan (skyline software programmer) explaining the tuning process as well as the written instructions. Kim and Brendan have the finsihed product and are reviewing the manual to ensure everything is correct. I hope to see it live this week, I will keep you all informed.


Absolutely brilliant.....i dont understand why others are not getting similar resuls...i certainly am....what camera are you using??

Thank you Helifish. glad to hear.. :highly_amused:
i'm using panasonic x900, and some foam between frame and gimbal, to absorb vibration..
but I've balanced accurately every motor (pulso U28m) to get rid of most of vibration..


Active Member
Firstly - I am a critic of PH like you. The phone discussion I had with the "technical help" showed quite simply a lack of social/phone help skill. I am trying to make this work after spending $$$ just like everyone else... I have been too busy lately to put the testing time in that I would have liked.

The manual covers a lot of weight and balance tuning and just how critical having the gimbal balanced (roll and tilt) is. Add to that the right way to configure gains and what to look for. The explainations are really good - very well written.

It is a complex beast that requires good mechanical and pc tuning and methodical plodding and fault finding skills - and patience. I suspect that combination alone will make it difficult to some. Not a personal dig at anyone - just a fact of life!
I think a well setup mount will work very well but I am concerned the skills of many may not be up to it. We can't all be brilliant! No I'm not talking about myself ;)

The interface / programming needs an overhaul - I believe they are working on it.

I suspect PH are currently terrified in what they are seeing from various people around the world and their brushless systems. They need to be open with their customers NOW.

I hope to get some testing this week. I want mine to work...


I feel Pete all your hard work will be pointless now that the new AlexMos controller is out for sale at $149, which really is an RSGS eater. I have noticed some of PH most loyal customers are selling up thier AV & RSGS's on different forums, selling whilst they still can.

I'm sure with time & patience as you state Pete, then the RSGS can be made semi useable, but it will never be as good or fast as the AlexMos only have to compare the 2 videos recently posted in this thread..."fabietto_91" has his setup well, but I still see roll creep...which seems to be missing from the Alex system. I think its going to be a no brainer to be honest with you..."Do I continue flogging this dead horse, spending hours yet again only to still have roll drift or do I pay out 1/3rd the price & have a system that works as it should from day 1"??? Answers on a postcard please to..... :)

I can reallly see people like myself who have the AV gimbal & RSGS only using it at night from now on, just in case anyone see's ,me out with this thing...imagine going out filming & a guy with the Alex system turns up....quick, time to pack up & go home before this other guy see's me with my vintage gimbal & stab system ;) ;) ;)
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Active Member
You are right for smaller camera's, but a haven't seen them use alexmos with an epic:)

Vinny, you are correct. The biggest gimbal at the moment using Alexmos is a Canon 5D I believe. The bigger camera gimbals for CX, Epics etc are not going to be out for at least a few months.


Active Member
Vinny, you are correct. The biggest gimbal at the moment using Alexmos is a Canon 5D I believe. The bigger camera gimbals for CX, Epics etc are not going to be out for at least a few months.

Nic, got a URL for that 5D gimbal...would love to see what motors they are using ;)



Oh well, I still give PH the benefit of the doubt and I'm trying to keep my hopes up. Although we too had major problems with it, the Skyline does work reasonably well now.
Besides, I don' really see any alternative out there right now...


To Mike H,
So is the manual ready? 3 weeks is now 5, sorry to be impatient but I have already lost work because of this, do I spend another day re doing everything or do I wait, it seems some people already have this manual and are shouting how good it is. Please be honest in your reply because if the video's manual, and firmware are still weeks away then I have no choice but to abandon the Skyline and fit an alternative.


The manual is with Photohigher, I am simply a customer of theres not an employee so the release is out of my hands. They are proof reading it to ensure I haven't missed anything and that it is all correct. It is for fw 1.7 so i ASSUME that when it is released the manual will be included.
Nobody has this manual other than Pete from here in NZ who I got to read through the draft copy and ensure it was worded in a simple concise way, even now his copy is out of date, (there have been some additions to it)
I'm sorry it has taken so long but I wrote the manual in my own time after work and I have been extremely busy. Video is included in the manual as well so there was a bit of work involved. It will hopefully be worth the wait.

What are the problems you are having? I may be able to help you out.

To Mike H,
So is the manual ready? 3 weeks is now 5, sorry to be impatient but I have already lost work because of this, do I spend another day re doing everything or do I wait, it seems some people already have this manual and are shouting how good it is. Please be honest in your reply because if the video's manual, and firmware are still weeks away then I have no choice but to abandon the Skyline and fit an alternative.


Sorry Mike I was under the impression that you had been employed by Photohogher to solve the problems. So this does not answere my question as to when we will see the manual and video guides, most good companies would put some input here but the attitude from Photohogher leaves a lot to be desired!!!!!! Just read back over the pages and see how many people have walked away from this product and will neve purchase from Photohogher again.
My problems are the same as most others, jitter in roll, drift, pan is almost unusable. I have spent hours and hours on the phone to my local dealer, gains up , gains down, I. Will search out some raw video to illustrate the problems, as soon as I lower gains the the stab is too slow. Pan servo has so much play that it is rubbish.





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Photohigher is extremely busy, i was with them a few weeks ago and they do have some very good products under development. However i agree that a business does need to help out its customers, have you tried contacting them directly? There are quite a forums for skyline and they can't sit down and read every post :)

As for the Jitter - Set all gains to zero, go to tuning tab, servos on. Does you gimbal drift? if so adjust the center tune values till it stops. Set integral gain to 0, velocity gain to 60 on each axis. Make sure the camera is balanced PERFECTLY. It will cause jitter if it isn't, you should be able to place the camera in any position and it will stay there, if it returns to level then the camera isn't balanced. Don't expect your gains to be really high. eg my pan position gain for a fs700 sits at 40 and it is perfect!
Adjust your position gains till you physically see or feel jitter then half them. Now go fly the same route over and over tuning after every flight till you are happy. Use a big screen in order to aid tuning.

Jitter can be caused by the gimbal and aircraft as well. So ensure the blades are dynamically balanced (laser is a good way) to cut down on vibes and the gimbal is in perfect condition, the belts are tight rollers are snug and the tilt pivot screw is snug against the plastic washer, tilt should be smooth with a small amount of friction slowing it slightly.

Hope that helps
I've gotta run and catch a flight


Sorry Mike I was under the impression that you had been employed by Photohogher to solve the problems. So this does not answere my question as to when we will see the manual and video guides, most good companies would put some input here but the attitude from Photohogher leaves a lot to be desired!!!!!! Just read back over the pages and see how many people have walked away from this product and will neve purchase from Photohogher again.
My problems are the same as most others, jitter in roll, drift, pan is almost unusable. I have spent hours and hours on the phone to my local dealer, gains up , gains down, I. Will search out some raw video to illustrate the problems, as soon as I lower gains the the stab is too slow. Pan servo has so much play that it is rubbish.

