Photohigher skyline rsgs


Active Member
Fabio, I mean it looks like the picture is rocking in the roll axis at a fairly slow rate (maybe 2 Hz). That's awesome if the horizon drift has been finally figured out. Please put some flight video up as soon as you can, but also leave the clips for longer. Many on the last one were only 2 or 3 seconds long and it's impossible to judge how well the RSGS is doing. We get enough selective edits from the PH reps here :friendly_wink:.

hahahahaha I agree.

If you are expecting every flight to be absolutely bang on with no movement at all then I suggest you hang up your transmitter because it won't happen.

I agree, it will NEVER happen with an RSGS!!!


Drone Enthusiast
Mike H is totally correct. I just spent 3 days at BVE at Excel. On the stand we showed RAW footage. The unanimous agreement is it aint steady cam, It aint Ciniflex but it is perfectly acceptable for the right application. Fabio's footage is a good example of the application of MR footage.

Very nice Fabio.



Mike H is totally correct. I just spent 3 days at BVE at Excel. On the stand we showed RAW footage. The unanimous agreement is it aint steady cam, It aint Ciniflex but it is perfectly acceptable for the right application. Fabio's footage is a good example of the application of MR footage.

Very nice Fabio.


Thank you Dave. :)

If you don't like RSGS, sell it and buy a radian!
I can't understand why you continue to put bad words on it...

If you are expecting every flight to be absolutely bang on with no movement at all then I suggest you hang up your transmitter because it won't happen.
I just finshed two days of filming with RedBull. We trawl through all footage and give it a rough cut before handing it over. Our shot selection req'd zero post stabilisation. Were there shots that had some small movement in it? Yes but the is the nature of the technology and the number of shots that did show movement were very small. If one of those shots had been a keeper we would have post stabilised it with no hesitiation.

If there is some movement due to wind or rough flying then what is the harm in post stabilising? Technology is available to help us out so don't be afraid to use it, especially if we are being paid to provide footage. Yes it will decrease the quality of the image but the difference is very small, Most people out there couldn't tell the difference even if they were looking for it.

Every single one of us provides selective edits, this isn't a cineflex.
I'm totally agree with you.You'r 100% good here that it will reduce the quality of the image but the distinction is very small.
I agreed what's said above!!!


Thank you Dave. :)

If you don't like RSGS, sell it and buy a radian!
I can't understand why you continue to put bad words on it...

I won't matter if he buys a Raidan, hoverfly or some other system, the outcome will still be the same. No system will give 100% performance 100% of the time. I think that is what alot of people expect.
With every system it is teamwork that gets the job done. Pilot flys smooth and clean, aircraft in perfect condition and properly balanced, gimbal set correctly and cameraman smoothly operating the camera and correcting for any drift that does occur. If any one of those items isn't working properly then it will show in the footage.


Thank you Dave. :)

If you don't like RSGS, sell it and buy a radian!
I can't understand why you continue to put bad words on it...

PH should offer refund for their false product and advertising... Enough time is spent trying to make it work, so now lets spend some more time on selling it (for less than what we payed for)...


PH should offer refund for their false product and advertising... Enough time is spent trying to make it work, so now lets spend some more time on selling it (for less than what we payed for)...

Why Ph will refund you?
........I'm pretty sure that your Skyline is working..... With 1.7b version and an accurate XYZ level setting, I suppose that almost all skyline unit will do their job...

Mine has had many problem with roll drifting.... I have done several times calibration with phisical bubble leveller.. the result in my case was really crappy..
After, I've try with my Iphone, (calibrating it before on a perfect orizontal surface on x and y axis). the app has a clearance of 0,1°...
well, if i made an error of 0,5° between level XY and autotune, the roll will drift!!
with an error of 0,1° skyline works pretty good...


I have the newest FW from PH site 1.2.2. I have the pan servo connected directly to the receiver. Today I connected the pan servo to Skyline´s pan servo connection and the pan input wire into the receiver.
The Skyline did not boot OK. It went to red and did not move at all.

Is this because FW 1.2.2. does not support pan stabilisation? In this case I would like to install the mysterious 1.7b firmware but where can it be downloaded?

Does anyone know how much longer before the hyped better manual and new FW that accompanies it (?) should be out?


I have the newest FW from PH site 1.2.2. I have the pan servo connected directly to the receiver. Today I connected the pan servo to Skyline´s pan servo connection and the pan input wire into the receiver.
The Skyline did not boot OK. It went to red and did not move at all.

Is this because FW 1.2.2. does not support pan stabilisation? In this case I would like to install the mysterious 1.7b firmware but where can it be downloaded?

Does anyone know how much longer before the hyped better manual and new FW that accompanies it (?) should be out?

Pan stabilisation is supported by fw 1.2.2

If the red LED flashes after startup then an error condition has occurred.
Single flash: The dummy potentiometers are not plugged into the servos or the center tune values are not correct. Run the auto tune or adjust the center values until the Skyline starts.
Double flash: The gimbal turned in an unexpected direction. Run the auto tune or check that the correct servos are reversed. (if this is the case then it will be pan that caused the error condition.)

The new manual will be out as soon as Kim and Brendan are happy that FW 1.7 is stable. I will see if I can find out on Monday when they are planning on releasing it.


I have the newest FW from PH site 1.2.2. I have the pan servo connected directly to the receiver. Today I connected the pan servo to Skyline´s pan servo connection and the pan input wire into the receiver.
The Skyline did not boot OK. It went to red and did not move at all.

Is this because FW 1.2.2. does not support pan stabilisation? In this case I would like to install the mysterious 1.7b firmware but where can it be downloaded?

Does anyone know how much longer before the hyped better manual and new FW that accompanies it (?) should be out?

Hi tuukkuli!

Here you can find 1.7b software download (post #2219) .
I found a huge improvement on roll.. no jitter and better response....!

I hope the new firmware 1.7 (with new manual) can be even better..


I downloaded and installed 1.7b and uninstalled 1.2.2 software. Now when I try to connect my USB programmer to pan input, I get the result "failed to connect to Skyline". Port is same as before, COM10.

Uninstalled Silabs usb driver and re-installed it. Made sure they are the newest. The same result. Connection worked just fine with 1.2.2. Clueless. Anyone?


I downloaded and installed 1.7b and uninstalled 1.2.2 software. Now when I try to connect my USB programmer to pan input, I get the result "failed to connect to Skyline". Port is same as before, COM10.

Uninstalled Silabs usb driver and re-installed it. Made sure they are the newest. The same result. Connection worked just fine with 1.2.2. Clueless. Anyone?

Try this way:
unistall the old PH software.
intall the new PH software on your PC.
connect skyline (unpowered) to your pc.
go to firmware update. click "update firmware".
now power on skyline.

It will work. :)


Well now I badly need tuning advice:

Put the center tunes in I have tested without gains so that the servos have stopped rolling and after that the gimbal went haywire.
Did the set xyz and auto tune. Center tune values are completely different with auto tune. Position of the gimbal is better now than with my own center tune values but the horizon is well off.

What is the recommended tunig procedure for firmware 1.7b?


Well now I badly need tuning advice:

Put the center tunes in I have tested without gains so that the servos have stopped rolling and after that the gimbal went haywire.
Did the set xyz and auto tune. Center tune values are completely different with auto tune. Position of the gimbal is better now than with my own center tune values but the horizon is well off.

What is the recommended tunig procedure for firmware 1.7b?

This is my procedure, works well for me but i don't know if is the best procedure.

-using an iPhone bubble (an app called "Bolla iHandy", with a tolerance of 0,1°) calibrating it on a perfectly horiziontal surface (try to turn the bubble 90° on that surface, and see if it mark always 0,0°: if not, try on a different surface.)
-now connect the skyline
-in the tuning section, set level XY. (make the best as you can with iPhone)
-set Z
-set autotune, with te same carefully of XY level.

I don't change the center values after auto tune. (really I NEVER touched the centering values)
if you want, put a trim of your radio on roll imput (deselect sleeve mode), for trimming the horizon. (anyway I never use any roll input)
Hope it help.



Did like above. The horizon is still after making xy-z-autotune calibration maybe ten times way off :upset: Brendon and co. NEED THE MANUAL!!!
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Yes, unfortunately so. Took the USB off, turned Skyline off and on again. Not just once, but three times. Same result every time. Horizon not in level. Also tried to set just xy levels and booted. No help there either.


Yes, unfortunately so. Took the USB off, turned Skyline off and on again. Not just once, but three times. Same result every time. Horizon not in level. Also tried to set just xy levels and booted. No help there either.

strange.. maybe the setting up level isn't that accurate....
physical bubble can't be precise like an electronic bubble....
i've had many problem too, i've done the level xy many times before solving it.....

however, every time you change xy, you have to change the z and the autotune... sure.
