Well it seems that I havn't been enought clear
You speak about closed loop so you are familiar with it. On a flying card, you agree that it works in closed loop no ?
the accelerormeter give the orientation of the vertical and the Fc give the gaz info to all the motors in order to maintain the horizontal position right ?
Where does the information come from about horizontality ? from the gyrs and accelerometers.
What are we trying to do with a gyrostabilized gimbal ? we try to maintain it horizontal. The skyline is equiped with gyros and accelerometers that give the µchip informations about ? yes horizontality

So if the skyline's accelerometers and gyros say to the skyline µchip : "hey ! we are not horizontal ! correct this please!" the Skyline will request the servo to spin until the gyros and accelero say "ok, we are good now , so stop spinning the servo

you are totally wrong about potentiometers scope: a potentiometer is only a variable resistor. In the flying card software there is a correlation between the angle given by the gyro and the potentiometer value. For example a 10° angle is set to correspond to 2.5Kohm resistor. If you balance your copter of 10°, the flying card will request the potentiometer of the gimbal to have 2.5Kohm value: the servo will spin until the potentiometer gives a 2.5kohm value to the flying card. You see that with this setup you have on more stage than on the skyline. On the skyline, the servo will spin until the gyros says "ok we ar horizontal, so stop now)
No more need to have a variable resistance we have DIRECTLY angles ! "spin until I come back to my reference position" that's how the skyline works.
About tweaking the gains: make a test without tweaking. If you find that the compensation is good, no need to try to change it to have a potential enhancement until Photohigher release his software. If something works, why would you change it

If you are really not satisfied with the compensation so yes, plug the software and try to enhance. No need to request informations about the meaning of this or this tweaking in the software, we will let Photohigher working in serenity until next week

I would really appreciate that we let them work without sollicitating them each day