Photohigher skyline rsgs


I had some great results today!

I did some rough flying, and sometimes when looking on the video, I even can't find anymore were I did the rough parts !! :frog:

I know I have to wait for tomorrow, but I only have some small jitter, mostly in roll when I am flying easy, so when the servo's need to be quiet. (did tried some other UBEc, but did not work.)

This is the same problem Im having servo jitter.

Also @ 1001copters I dont have any smoke your advice is not relevant to me as I understood the connection part of the current manual.
I have tryed UBEC and also a 4 cell pack NiMh .
Its some sort of Back EMF causing this Jitter or servo centering problem.
Will try filtering servo inputs.

Im not complaining as Im hoping to find a fix for this, weather it be Fimware or something else.
Im just interested to know if other have the same issue.

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Hi Traderc,

The cable you have corresponds to the Skyline marked 1.1 (on the top of the PCB printed on the silkscreen). Skyline 1.0 and 1.1 are the same in terms of hardware. Our cable manufacturer was struggling to make the harness neatly and asked us if we can change the circuit to have fewer wires coming out of a single pin. You will notice that your harness looks better than 1.0. To customers who have the 1.0, it is the same as 1.1 with the exception that your wiring isn't as neat. There is a description of the wiring in the manual which will be released today. It will hopefully help you with your jitter issues too.

Regarding the servo discussion- we did all our development on Savox servos. Most digital servos work the same way... using an analogue pot as a voltage divider. How the pot is set-up to the micro-controller can vary though. The reference voltage on the potentiometer may be different from the Savox reference voltage we are using. You can check this by measuring the voltage on each pin of the potentiometer when it is connected to the servo. You will need to center the pot first in order to get a good comparison for the middle (varying) pin. Measure these voltage with reference to the potentiometer ground pin.

Hope this helps.

I am in Ponte di Piave, a city near Treviso. A dangerous one for any stabilization system as the city apellative is "Wines City" ..... :nevreness:
I read the instructions thoroughly and for no reason i would ever have been able to follow these steps by guessing. Once done i am sure it will be fantastic! (it is already actually).
If i can i ask the people in NZ one thing: can i set the limit of tilt above horizon/set level position? This is something that was forbidden to my unit but it's also a situation i need to use quite frequently.
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I think it's possible yes because everybody shooting with a gimbal make video footgae strainght to the ground so I think it's possible.
I will try this myself this week end.


@ 1001 copters

Hi Cedric,

i have a problem with my Skyline. I can´t connect via USB to adjust.
Installed CPX 210 and Software on 2 different PC`s and try to connect to skyline. But nothing, com port is 10.
I just see in green letters: com port open, but no connection to skyline. So i am not able to do the setup and adjusting.

Made all the connections according to the new instruction manual 1.1 from photohigher.

What am i doing wrong?

Without usb connection it seems that skyline is working on tilt and roll, but not possible to adjust.



I get a new Skline from my dealer.
Everything connected to by the new instructions 1.1 Roll is very good.
Unfortunately does not move the tilt servo. What can now be again?
I have checked all connections four times. The tilt servo is dead and does not move.

@ 1001 copters
Hi Cedric,
i have a problem with my Skyline. I can´t connect via USB to adjust.
Installed CPX 210 and Software on 2 different PC`s and try to connect to skyline. But nothing, com port is 10.
I just see in green letters: com port open, but no connection to skyline. So i am not able to do the setup and adjusting.
Made all the connections according to the new instruction manual 1.1 from photohigher.
What am i doing wrong?
Without usb connection it seems that skyline is working on tilt and roll, but not possible to adjust.

Hi Heinz,
What is CPX 210 ?

first you have to check that the USB cable is recognized by your system.
plug the USB cable
open the hardware manage configuration
and check if the cable is recognized or if you have a driver problem.
If you have drivers problem download the VCP driver (virtual com port).
and install it, recheck that your USB cable is recognized now.

i have an appointment this evening so I will be available late but if you are on skype, we will check this together.

I get a new Skline from my dealer.
Everything connected to by the new instructions 1.1 Roll is very good.
Unfortunately does not move the tilt servo. What can now be again?
I have checked all connections four times. The tilt servo is dead and does not move.

Do you have a small spare servo ? just to check if with another servo it's going well.

I will make some photos of the cabling because we have some problem with it, several customers reports this kind of problem.


Thats the same issues i am having from day 1 my tilt servo dosent work.....Roll works fine. Tilt servo dosent move or respond.

Do you have a small spare servo ? just to check if with another servo it's going well.

I will make some photos of the cabling because we have some problem with it, several customers reports this kind of problem.


Same issues.... Here everything connected to the tilt servo but no movement. That's why i posted the cable harness diagram earlier to make sure they are in the right ports and its been confirmed from PH indeed they are... Then what could be the problem here...Can you check your wire harness and compare
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I get a new Skline from my dealer.
Everything connected to by the new instructions 1.1 Roll is very good.
Unfortunately does not move the tilt servo. What can now be again?
I have checked all connections four times. The tilt servo is dead and does not move.


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@1001 copters

Yes, with another Servo tilt runs. On Tilt is a hi-tech servo been installed and on a roll Savöx servo.
And what now? Will I get a new Servo from Photohigher for Tillt ?
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Hi Cedrc,

this is what i have downloaded from the manual :
Install the necessary drivers to run the USB – Serial converter from:
> VCP Driver Kit
This will set up a virtual COM port that the Skyline software will use to communicate with the Skyline unit. See Virtual COM port under additional information to find out more.
after the download you get an exe file like this: CPX210-VCP..........


@1001 copters

Yes, with another Servo tilt runs. On Tilt is a hi-tech servo been installed and on a roll Savös servo.
And what now? Will I get a new Servo from Photohigher for Tillt ?

What's the reference of your servo ?
Does it need to be powered with 7.5V to work properly ?
is this servo has been mounted by yourself? by your AVXXX reseller ?

Do you have a servo tester to check if you servo works ? to check if it's working with 5V.

Hi Cedrc,

this is what i have downloaded from the manual :
Install the necessary drivers to run the USB – Serial converter from:
> VCP Driver Kit
This will set up a virtual COM port that the Skyline software will use to communicate with the Skyline unit. See Virtual COM port under additional information to find out more.
after the download you get an exe file like this: CPX210-VCP..........

And what about the check in the hardware management configuration?
do you see the USb cable ?


@1001 copters
I used the AV 130 so far with a Picloc 3X. Here, I have only 5 V and all two servos run with it.
I got the AV 130 with the two servo (hi-tech servo for Tilt and a Savöx Servo for roll) from a dealer in Switzerland (
I changed no Servo
