CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3

Cinestar 6 DJI Herkules II motor ??s

Hi, great thread, don't mean to highjack. I'm new here and will need a lot of help by the read of these threads on this setup. frame on order and already have DJI and Herkules on order. Motors looking at T- motors 2826 550Kv http://www.electriflite.co.uk/store/index.php/mt2826-8.html to pull larger props for larger payload when needed. Dealer claims this and I wondered if lower kv would really preform better and at what trade off or what is the sweet spot?


Hi, great thread, don't mean to highjack. I'm new here and will need a lot of help by the read of these threads on this setup. frame on order and already have DJI and Herkules on order. Motors looking at T- motors 2826 550Kv http://www.electriflite.co.uk/store/index.php/mt2826-8.html to pull larger props for larger payload when needed. Dealer claims this and I wondered if lower kv would really preform better and at what trade off or what is the sweet spot?

Actually, I think I'd either go with higher kV motors, and/or run it on at least 5s. Or, use those motors but on 6s. The reason is that it seems the WK-M works better with smaller, faster spinning props. My CineStar 6 isn't flying yet, but I'm using motors with a kV of 700, on two 5s-5000 packs in parallel. Following Ken's lead, I'm going to start with 11x5 Graupners.

-- Gary

thks for the reply, I haven't seen his threads. I hoped to use slower higher torque motors with 6s-8000 zippys ($80) a pop that we use on the the Joker. The hercules board could handle the heat if the creator is successful at programming it for 6s packs. I was thinking the high frequency vibes in the videos would be worse with higher speed props. When we project higher end video even on some of the better stabilized footage for shake, the high frequency vibes still show up in post. Its ok for web but not ready for prime time. the ESCs seem to be the weak link in the larger engines. Was hoping the hex would give more room over the Octo for bigger slower props. Could be way off hoped some one had tried?? Stan


thks for the reply, I haven't seen his threads. I hoped to use slower higher torque motors with 6s-8000 zippys ($80) a pop that we use on the the Joker. The hercules board could handle the heat if the creator is successful at programming it for 6s packs. I was thinking the high frequency vibes in the videos would be worse with higher speed props. When we project higher end video even on some of the better stabilized footage for shake, the high frequency vibes still show up in post. Its ok for web but not ready for prime time. the ESCs seem to be the weak link in the larger engines. Was hoping the hex would give more room over the Octo for bigger slower props. Could be way off hoped some one had tried?? Stan

The thing is that the vibration isolation on the CineStars is so good that you may not even have to balance the props. In any case, I know that generally on the larger MK setups, people tend to use larger 13 and 14" props. The problem is that with the WK-M, big props like these tend to induce a slight wobbling. Ken/RTRyder has tried lots of combos and so far, the 11x5 Graupners seem to work best.

-- Gary


Drone Enthusiast
All said in the last three posts I agree with. Higher kv or go up with the voltage. And I tried my 14x4 wooden props on it but I just can't get it as stable with them and my 12 x 3.8 CF 11 grams.



Drone Enthusiast
nope not yet last results were good but i still have this strange throttle response. At the moment i think it has something to do with freewheeling on the Herkules. So yesterday i flashed the herkules with the firmware were FW is deactivated. It could be that with my payload i am exactly at the point were freewheeling kicks in and out from time to time cause these throttle jumps. I will know more this weekend.

Japp but you right the CX came in the way and i actually had to do some business otherwise i wont be able to afford this hobby anymore :)



Drone Enthusiast
okay i got rid of the gold connectors directly on the Herkules i think that makes more sense and is safer. I want to keep the connectors though so i can take the bird apart for travel.

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Drone Enthusiast
red i will finally get to it. Rapping things up and i will have a test flight in the apartment in 2 hours. I will post a vid and feedback if it is resolved.



Drone Enthusiast
nope just flew with it didn't resolve anything ! Or actually i am confused at the moment the throttle response issue is solved but he is not holding altitude at all anymore :( or very bad lets say it like that.

Gotta figure whats going on here. I hate it dont fly the bird for couple week and everything beginning again

Maybe it's something a firmware update can fix. Too bad now I have to reconsider my plans of getting the Herkules for my DJI Octo.
I hope you get to the bottom of this soon Boris. Thanks.


Drone Enthusiast
okay reflashed everything to FW 1 again lets see how he behaves. Was a strange one now what went on. It was flying nicely already:

Vid without any after work, really smooth in my eyes with little throttle jumps changes that I can life with. But the firmware FW off smacked everything up. I hope its the Firmware and not something else on the bird.

I want this back !

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Drone Enthusiast
I cant yet and i wont until i didn't have my bird flying in the garden tomorrow thats only fair. I personally don't think that its a Herkules issue, if than only a FW off firmware issue. There are 30 40 different firmware files for FW on off deg 12 18 24 etc I2C adress is might have caught one that differs from the others. I am going to make a short test run again in the apartment and hope to reach this stage again:

At the moment its is jumping and bumping around like i don't know what.
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Drone Enthusiast
Okay just flew it again with the firmware on were FW is on. Everything back to the old status luckily. With the FW off the Lipo puffed slightly up 35 - 70 c 5s and the flight time was very short and the motors got warm which they never did before (with the before mentioned akward wobbling and not holding Alt no matter what. Altitude was held again with the little fluctuations that i can life with for a MK pilot they wouldn't even be perceivable. But i have one more workaround and tip from andreas baier is to pack some more load on. At a certain amount of current drawn and i might be exactly at the threshold with my setup the FW works more or less efficient resulting in the little jumps, with more load on it might leave this threshold resulting in a higher current drawn but a more constant and efficient FW usage.

So back to picloc to get the roll axis figured and charging the lipos for some test in the garden tomorrow with either 6s 8000 mAh or 2x 5s 5000 mAh.

Ill put the GH2 on and we will see the results.



Cool! Thanks for the update Boris. I'm springing on the herkules today. Are you sticking to your 12" props on the CS8?


Drone Enthusiast
I will choose according to conditions. If no wind at all the 14 x 4 wooden chinese props are okay. If conditions are not perfect I will take the 12 x 3.8 or the next test will be with the 11 x 5 Graupner.
But these 12 x 3.8 carbon props only make sense because they are so light 11 grams. The Aerobot or LCCs don't reach that weight and will probably perform similar to the APC 12 x 3.8. I actually still have 8 of the Aerobot somewhere maybe if i have to the time i will test them on my hexa just to check them out if my feeling it right.



Drone Enthusiast
okay AV 130 bye bye. Just mounting the CS gimbal plainly from the feel and the cam on it. This thing feels solid ! Since its raining again like nearly every day since 3 weeks i guess i will finish it up today. Just have to figure were the picloc should got for best results.

Not sure if i really mounted the Gimbal correctly to the CS camera plate. If anyone has seen a foto or instuction somewhere i would be happy for a link !

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