CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Drone Enthusiast
I really would love to try it !!!! But before i haven't seen the DJI gimbal in action in hands of a customer i will not got for it. At the moment though I would buy the CS gimbal before anything else. I am so sick of PH and the AV. They might be okay gimbals if you constantly fiddle with them or i am just not having good luck with the two I have !


Drone Enthusiast
Okay some data,

4s flying with a 5 KG total setup weight cam lipo etc.

View attachment 1540View attachment 1539

5s flying i had something wrong with the voltage warning and had to bring it down.

Fly was without the canon on it so probably around 4.2 KG weight

View attachment 1541View attachment 1542

A2 Value is the temperature of the hercules FETs. I think one can see that they are not even touched by this setup, but on the other side we had an outside temp from about 4 to 5 C

I am not really happy with the flight times though at the moment 4s flight probably stand for a real value.


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Drone Enthusiast
I wonder why i have so strong voltage drops at the beginning. Not normal or ? Didnt remember that with my MK observing he Jeti, could it be the cold ?


Drone Enthusiast
I am a little confused my self at the moment. Just measured the Lipo with the 4s recorded flight and i have 15 v left thus 3.7 per cell.
What low voltage warning do you guys have for 4s setup for the WKM ? including loss etc.


Drone Enthusiast
If i ready the data correctly i was left with 3600 mAh coming from 6900 mAh. Drainage of the lipos should to 75 %.

Wondering thought why it showing 6900 its a 6000 lipo.

Thus 4:55 min flight time usage of 3300 mAh

75% should be 4500 mAh .... 3300:4500 = 4:55min : x

x= 4500/3300 *4.55 = 6.825 mins

can i risk that ?

If someone could comment who knows Im a little lost




We have yet to set up our CS8. We have frame set, CS gimbal, DJI WK-M, and MK, just waiting to jump in one direction or the other when you trailblazers find the right combo. The Guy's at quadrcopter are also setting one up with the herkules II and we have been dealing with them from the beginning and are super happy with their service and advice. So we are playing the patience game. We'll spring into action soon I think with all the great feed back you've been giving.


Drone Enthusiast
okay found my fault not going to mention it. I am embarrassed :). Flight time is 4:55 minutes plus another 2:33 min in a different log file, landed the bird in between and Unilog for some reason wrote another file. :) = 6.88 min and i think i can squeeze some more from the lipos. Hope to do some tests tomorrow.


Drone Enthusiast
I am puzzled.

I just cant get the same althold behavior on my CS8 as on the HEXA. For some reason the CS although in althold tends to make little jumps or gradually rises or descends.
I would be happy for some input what the reasons could be ! The throttle responds is also very different on both machines. CS8 needs a way over midstick input to take off compared to the hexa. This should be equal since as far as i understand the WKM it more or less takes off in a auto mode anyways.

I can only imagine that there is a quality difference between the two WKM setups concerning WKM itself, specifically the IMU alt sensor.
I will as next step although cant deal time wise and ripping the setups apart use the HEXA IMU on the CS8 and see if there are any differences.
Otherwise bot birds are dialled in nicely at the moment considering that they create a lot of turbulences in the room.

Its just obvious to me or for those two setups that the lowe Kv motors on the CS8 need can take a lot more basic gain than the 880 kv motors on the Hexa. With my CS8 I am playing around with 350% to 400%, although flying 5s on pitch and roll with the hexa i am on 190%.

Two Vids :


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Drone Enthusiast
AV 130 in cmobo with the WKM issues again :( wanst that way with the WKM hexa, tunned the V 130 the same way. Dont know whats going on once more !

Already on the ground motors arent even on ! Using BEC 6V think 6a or more output

I can work as much as i want to get the bird ready but if the AV 130 in combo wit the WKM smacks it up again theres now use !
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I know it's chucking more money at the project, but have you considered totally isolating the gimbal from the flight electronics and using something like a picloc-3x (out very soon) for stabilisation duties?

Apart from getting a super stable gimbal, you'll have the added ability to control the gimbal with a second radio. It also has jeti, xbee and spektrum satellite connections and a whole host of other functions too.


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Plingboot,

I have ordered and payed two picloc and just waiting for them to be finally shipped. I hope after all the waiting it will be as good as expected !!!
Thanks for the recommendation though!!!



Drone Enthusiast
and this is what happens when you are in GPS hold and crank up your ATTI gains to 200% + by accident :) Look at your bird in this state from ground doing this lets your heart stop ! At least its tested now and nothing is loose :)

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Merlin of Multirotors
and this is what happens when you are in GPS hold and crank up your ATTI gains to 200% + by accident :) Look at your bird in this state from ground doing this lets your heart stop ! At least its tested now and nothing is loose :)

Good to know, I'm glad mine will go no higher than 150 using the TX adjustment!



Drone Enthusiast
Its the question how high you have set the values in the Autopilot config in the tool. I get my basic gains up to 400% 450 % since i start with 200% in the tool.



Drone Enthusiast
Okay its getting better. I am still not 100% happy but i think it just a question now to get the Alt hold worked out and why for no reason the copter jumps a little from time to time or descends or rises.
There is no chance for me to use the AV 130 since i am getting gitters the whole time, gone post later a full flight with it. At the beggning they werent present or little to the end strong and the second
time i hooked up the lipo the gitters started on the ground already.

This video for now is with switched off servos on the AV 130 and the cam balanced out.

No post anything like always.

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Merlin of Multirotors
Its the question how high you have set the values in the Autopilot config in the tool. I get my basic gains up to 400% 450 % since i start with 200% in the tool.


I have the basic gains fixed at whatever I set them to in the software, only the ATTI is TX adjustable for me, not enough sliders or knobs on the TX or ports on the WKM to have both on sliders. It would be nice for dialing in the gains as the conditons change to have both basic and ATTI gains TX adjustable but not practical with the current state of things. The last video I posted was with the basic gains lowered to 220, yaw maxxed out at 300, Disturbed Gain set to 200, and varying ATTI from a start of 75, up to 90, and then down to the more usual mid 60% range. It was the steadiest with the 60% settings and a bit nervous with a slight wobble at 90%. Starting with a base setting of 75% in the Autopilot screen I can go down to 40 and up to 150 on the ATTI adjustment from the TX, haven't yet had the b***s to take it down to 40% with the NEX 5N on the mount, not sure if it would keep flying with it set that low!

Still trying to find the perfect all around setup and I'm beginning to think there isn't one for the big multis, it has to be tuned for the conditions when you're flying it to get the best performance so that means bringing the Netbook along to set the basic gains if needed.



Drone Enthusiast
I have both gains on the radio. I tend to start the bird take it up a couple meter and readjust the basic gain (starting on 200% on pitch and roll) first until having the bird oscillate. Take the basic down a bit or whatever it seems to need but only for pitch and roll, yaw i have fixed on 150 %. I always start off with attitude 100% about middle of my control and than i see what happens normally only flying in attitude i end up in 50 55 %. I dont know exactly since i don't read the values out at the end over the config tool. But i now that lowest point possible for attitude that i can get to with radio control is 50%. If i get rid of the height throttle stick issue, which i think is due to the herkules reacting to sensitive to the PPM signal and not filtering anything or not enough, it should get more steady.Luckily Andreas Baier has a WKM setup heading his way and he will take a look at it, which could turn out to make the Herkules getting a firmware adjusted to the WKM, which would be great. Why my AV 130 misbehaves i have no clue. The longer the bird is in the air the worse it gets. And the funny thing is from lipo to lipo every additional flight it also seems to get worse. But to tell the truth with expo 40% and than i normally switch dual 70% to it, i am fine at the moment without the servos.

I agree there will not be one perfect setting. I think it has a lot to do with weight, i even notice a difference if i have my 300 gram lens on the canon or the stock lighter lens in my eyes also effecting the gain.

What i still want to do it build something that i can really find the COG of my copter in the Z axis, these aprox. numbers i punch in i am not a friend of. If i understand the firmware update correctly configs can be imported and exported now. So i have a setup for the heavy cam with the heavy lens with 1 or 2 lipos and for once and all the right z axis variable which i just play in before the flight. It would be really cool if one could have 2 or 3 setups stored in the WKM MC that could be loaded with a switch on the radio making the noteboook obsolete.

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