CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Andre,

a quick one from me because i am just out testing my CS8.

Concerning the programming yes the WKM addresses the ESC Unit A B C D on the Herkules and the according motor. Compared to I2C no addressing in form of a firmware is needed. You will get it !!! I didn't see anything wrong in your test setup so you know hat you are doing no worries. Its complete BS to send you a Herkules unit without a programming cable. Its obvious that you will need it. Similar to getting an FC and not being able to configure it. You have to be able to flash even when using PPM the Herkules and change the timing if necessary.

I will comment on details in the evening.

Once you get the cable i will guide you through the flashing process !



Drone Enthusiast
Actually experiencing problem more with 5s than 4s. Having random throttle jumps really small though. Randomly the copter gets a little more power of WKM or Herkules speed up the props hmm. Gonna leave the 5s for today and test some more props.


Drone Enthusiast
first vid going up !

Not so happy with the 14 x 4 although I see no vibrations really, but the motors spin strangely and not round with them on, although balanced for a couple hours.

No cam stabi cant deal with the PH and still tying to find the settings. No wind light light gusts.

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Drone Enthusiast
okay wasnt a long testing day the strage throttle jumps started to worry me and i stopped to find the reason before something happens. Sad since i had several components setup to test ;(

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right at the beginning you can see the strange throttle responds situation.



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Looks great! Really smooth. I can't wait to get my hands on some Hercules to test with WKM in the near future. The CineStar vibration isolation makes getting vibe free footage too easy! I use to slave away for months to try and get aerial video smooth like that with no vibration. I just built another octo and did not balance a single blade and had 2 prop adapters that were slightly bent and the footage was still vibration free!

Keep up the good work, really fun to watch



Active Member
I think wookong does some kind of calibration at lift off to find hover at the mid position of throttle travel. At least that is what mine seems to do. After a few mins. it settles down.


Drone Enthusiast
Tabb thanks ! just starting to play with the Hercules have to start finding the right timing etc. But the hercules are great i have zero temp on them and i know Krleas with a MK setup was lifting 4 kg payload with a quad getting 50 degrees.

Denny, japp i experienced that same but i never had the problem that it happen during the flight. Once it responds normal to the throttle and another time completely sensitive, but catching itself again.
I did some changes to the hercules since the first test flights were it didnt happen, PPM GND to MC which i didnt have before and i have new PPM cables without shielding, although i cant imagine it has something to do with it.
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Drone Enthusiast
and i think i have to get some more weight on the frame to get it a little more stable. With the mount i have 2.8 KG lipo 4s 600mah 800 gram about so 3.6 KG.
Gonna get my sensors hooked up to nite that also gonna give me some insights on the whole setup.

Actually really like this unilog setup sensor stuff very small and light and micro SD card for logging, Lets see if i waste the time to get Xbee setup to get the live data to the unilog disply

voltage current sensor all I need.

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Drone Enthusiast
Ah tabb you are aware the hercules can also do i2c and were actually developed for MK ? giving a constant of 40a and 55 A burst plus with heat sinks. I think they are an interesting option compared to the HI BL or the swiss board. And they allow you to run your MK system at 6s without having to change anything on the FC.


Drone Enthusiast
seattle no i didnt. I started to chicken out when the throttle jumps happened and stayed, after the 4 th lipo and pulled back with the testing. Tomorrow though i will try the 12 carbon props 11 grams. I am on this one with ken that lighter props just perform better with the WKM.

Yeah, understood. I've got to say I'm getting extremely smooth flights with the 14" APC's on mine with the MK FC. Part of me says just be happy with it and part of me wonders if lighter CF props would benefit the MK too. So many variables to dial in...


Hi Boris --

Which motors are you using? I'm looking to do a 6s setup on my new CS6 build. I got the frameset yesterday, so I need to get serious about the rest of the gear. :tennis:

-- Gary


Drone Enthusiast
Hi GGoodrum at the moment i am using the QCs from the quadrocopter.us guys.

Specs below. But the torx motors from Geoff I think are excatly the same to half the price !
I am not sure yet how happy i am with them. For some reason with heavier props on them for example my 14 x 4 even when spnning them fast with a push of my hand i have two of them are not running round.
With out the props they are straight not sure yet what the origin of the problem is.

But I had no vids on the cam with my first test flight i guess due to the vibration mount from the CS

• Lithium cell count: 3-6
• Load current: max. 30A
• Maximum load current. (15 sec): 50 A
• No-load speed: 700 rpm / V
• Recommended Propeller Size: 10" .. 14"
• Mechanical power: 350 W
• Thrust max.: 2200 g
• Wire length: about 60cm
• Total weight (without cable): approx 105g (139g with prop adapters, 600mm wires, and bullet connectors)
• Dimensions: h=33.5mm, d=28mm
• Shaft diameter: 4 mm
• 0.2mm stator laminations for low eddy current losses (lower Io compared to leading competitor motors for higher efficiency)
• High strength Neodymium magnets (lower Rm than leading competitor motors for more power)
• Genuine EZO japanese ball bearings
• Hardened & polished shaft
• Highest quality CNC machining in the industry
• Dual mechanical magnet retention (even if there is an adhesive failure, magnets will not dislodge)
• Pre-installed prop adapter and bullet connectors (plug & play motor)
• All-black finish for a professional looking installation
• 600mm long 16ga heavy duty motor wires ready for multi-rotor applications
• Short shaft design for interference-free installations
• 6mm Propeller adapter shaft


Drone Enthusiast
Guys wanna run 6S tomorrow, but i am a little freaked about it. All components are 6s capable anything else i could have forgotten about ? Should I worry about the speed my props could reach at a certain payload ?
I dont know the maths to figure it out !





Your payload capacity will increase approximately 1.8 times. And the current of the motors and thus the controller will also increase around the same (1.8 times more) when you use 12x3.8 props.


Drone Enthusiast
Hmm I normally but in the values of the axi 2214/22 and than lowering the KV and raise the max A to match the QC.

Those this look right ? Weight is 5.2 KG with everything on cam and lipo etc.

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Boris, Have you made a decision in regards to a camera gimbal? We have the Cinstar gimbal, and have yet to fly it but, I imagine it will be awesome, and I'm pretty sure Tabb is working on 360 for it!
