CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Drone Enthusiast
I guess its the structure of the gimbal itself that makes it look big. The GH2 looks snugly fit inside AV130.... but looks small on CS mount.

by the way hows the alt hold issue hope everythings sorted out cant wait to see your vid on this. Its the same setup I wanted but cant afford it.

Alt hold is working again it really the issue if you test inside and have a different temp in side than out side, to a certain degree a different pressure, the sensor gets effect from both. I guess because my roof windows etc is not 100% air tight. Flying it outside everything was fine again.



Drone Enthusiast
One post before this one i am showing a comparison. At the moments a am having issue to get a smooth movement with the CS gimbal in combo with picloc.
Staying level it not so important to me. I just want a smooth movement since the way i fly for filming i don't throw the bird around anyways.



Drone Enthusiast
Some of you wanted to see the hercules micromatch ribbon cable setup I use. Some fotos of it attached. This is the fast and messy version though without shielding. Were i tested with GND connected or not.
When actually plug into the micromatch socket I try to zip tie the cable somewhere that there is no real weight in the micromatch connection.

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Draganflyer X4
Boris, I didn't realise you also had the CS gimbal... nice! I hope it comes right, the both look pretty good though.


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Drone Enthusiast
The mircomatch and the ribbon cable come with the borad the servos cables not.

Thanks Gunter i hope so too :) Otherwise I will just have is standing in the apartment looking good. But i mus say its a really tough one to impress women with multirotors.


Draganflyer X4
But i mus say its a really tough one to impress women with multirotors.

Yes, I have yet to meet a female MR enthusiast! Saying that, my daughter is very interested so I will teach her all I know, maybe she will be on here in a few years building her own :)


Drone Enthusiast
that would be cool father daughter building kopters together. I bet you will have the proudest grin on your face once she finished one up and takes for it spin !


Drone Enthusiast
same situation with the WKM satbi and the CS gimbal. Maybe its the servo gonna try a different one tomorrow. I hate it when i cant pinpoint it at all.

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Drone Enthusiast
I gonna give these a try, but I think a found the fault. Picloc although the gimbal is already in a stable position still sends out servo commands I can see them travel. Have to show George if its normal.


Drone Enthusiast
If one of you wants one of the custom coolers I made for the Combo Herkules Cinestar 8 think it will also have the right drillings for the CS 6 than write me a PM. I have a spare one. I am not selling them giving it away for free since i dont need it anymore. Also works in the combo mk herkules Cinestar frame.




Hi Boris,
I was hoping you could shed some light on the CofG settings for the CS8 with the lipo mounted on the top makes thing different i think? It's difficult to get it in balance with out the gimbal and camera load for some test flights. How did you go about determining the C of G and what sort of values did you use? Our set ups are very similar? Here is another one..The APC 12x3.8P props go on motors 2,4,6,8 CW spinning motors, correct?


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Site,

japp 1 3 5 7 are CCW thus 2 4 6 8 CW.

I guess you are mainly interested in the Z axis. I cant remember excatly which values i had, but considering the the mid point of the IMU is the measuring point also when measuring the z-axis from the IMU I think it didnt have it offset more than 2 or 3 centimeters to the CoG. So a positive 2 or 3 values since the IMU is under the CG.

Concerning X Y should be straight forward middle of the components to the CG which should the middle of the frame; okay the landingear legs outbalance the frame a little since two infront one in the back, but i didnt consider that.



Drone Enthusiast
Best is although everyone always laughs when i mention that is to get someone to hold the bird over the head before first take off and test all functions working and is the pull equal straight up when i give throttle etc.
Andreas did that for me when I visited him and we plugged in a new hercules and that just reduced the stress a lot before a maiden flight

Boris I am trying to solder my Herkules boards. I soldered on the capacitors and the lipo cables. When I plug the lipo I get no lights and no sound. Is this normal?


Hey Red,
I didn't get the little "Charge sound" until the motors were plugged in and the micromatch was plugged into the DJI MC. I had a spare motor to test that I had everything addressed properly.
