CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3

I would mount the Picloc close and under the COG.

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Not a day goes by without me regretting getting the Skyjib and AV200 instead of this.


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Drone Enthusiast
jupp looks good i am actually going to ask george from picloc what he thinks. But that would be a good spot.

THanks !


okay AV 130 bye bye. Just mounting the CS gimbal plainly from the feel and the cam on it. This thing feels solid ! Since its raining again like nearly every day since 3 weeks i guess i will finish it up today. Just have to figure were the picloc should got for best results.

Not sure if i really mounted the Gimbal correctly to the CS camera plate. If anyone has seen a foto or instuction somewhere i would be happy for a link !

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Hey Boris here are 4 awesome setup videos for the CS gimbal by Tabb. I think your going to be happy. Be sure to watch all four they are very helpful. I'm happy to give back a little to you for all the help you've given us!
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Drone Enthusiast
Thanks Site, i will check them out. But i think they are actually missing the mounting part to the CS frame itself. I got 4 screws were 3 have the same size one is different which is strange. Troubled me but i think it is a mistake from them etc.

Red i think both birds are equal and the AVs are also very good mounts. I just noticed over some time that the AV just needs so much care that it pissed me off at some point. Like it would change from a neutral good state to a PMS state from one point to the other because the tilt belt loosened since the screws in the servo mounting plate weren't holding anymore etc. I just had the chance to see both frames in full beauty right infront of me before i decided and knowing that i wont lift to heavy equipment and liking the simple design i went to for the CS.

All these frames and Gimbals are just a starting point we all know how much more we put into them to make them perform.


Hey Boris, It looks like you got it mounted mostly correct. One thing you can change is to flip the camera plate to the other side so you can access the LCD etc when the camera is mounted. I like the way you have it mounted right now though, looks cool and very low profile!


Wow, I'm very jealous! :tennis:

It looks right to me. The triangular plate has a square pattern of four m3 nuts, and it looks like the CS gimbal bolts right up to these, is that right?

-- Gary


Drone Enthusiast
Japp its actually a star like formed plate thats directly attached to the vibration dampeners which are mounted to the main frame. And the gimbal again is attached to the camera plate.



Drone Enthusiast
what I like for once I can actually get the bird balanced. Or even better the gimbal can be adjusted in so many ways that I can balance the bird with the gimbal.


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Nice. :)

Do you have a closeup of the top plate? I'm trying to figure out where to mount all the WK-M bits on my CS6.

Thanks -- Gary


Drone Enthusiast
somewhat upset:

Things are getting worse three test flights today to get the CS gimbal figured out which turns out to be a great gimbal, but my alt hold of WKM it not working at all anymore :(. What i thought to be a hercules issues has to be the IMU in my eyes. The whole flight in the video is with alt hold only at the first take off its once over midstick. Constantly changing height even landing take off speed from the props and deciding to take off again without me touching the throttle. Its like WKM got its on personality and is deciding what to do.

Before everything was fine and now these troubles again i dont get it. Anybody any ideas. So frustrated at the moment that i consider a multirotor holiday and waste my time rather with checking my old bars if the same chicks still hang out there :)

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Drone Enthusiast
okay got the info that the probem might be the flying indoors when there is a temperature difference to the outside and the central heating is on load. Lets see i hope thats the issue. Gonna bring the bird out and test.


Drone Enthusiast
one for the knowledge. If the heating is on and there is some temp difference between inside and outside altitude hold will not work indoors. I wasn't aware of this. But now i know :)


Drone Enthusiast
Okay finally found a spot for the picloc. Not an easy one to mount it in the CS gimbal and still have access to the usb port. Getting some jitters on the tilt servos and still trying to figure out what the prob is. I doubt its a mechanical issue of the gimbal more a voltage picloc what are the right settings thing. Luckily i have a CC pro bec provding voltage in 0.2 steps from 5 to 7 v.

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aka TruckBasher
I guess its the structure of the gimbal itself that makes it look big. The GH2 looks snugly fit inside AV130.... but looks small on CS mount.

by the way hows the alt hold issue hope everythings sorted out cant wait to see your vid on this. Its the same setup I wanted but cant afford it.


Drone Enthusiast
hmm at the moment i cant get the same performance out of the CS gimbal with picloc as i did with the AV 130 and picloc.
Little jumps and jitter not sure were they are coming from certainly not a CS gimbal thing since mechanically its running really smooth.

Think i am going to disconnect the potis and place picloc on the mount lets see:

Fast movement are jump free just slow that end in a position and stay there are a problem. Wonder if its some noise, on the AV 130 all the cables are shielded, but i cant imagine.

I would be thankful if anybody has an idea recommendation. Really want to get this to work !


CS gimabl

Av 130

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