CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3

We have the same observations. We haven't tried the 6s but the power surges are more evident with the 5s. I think at this point we are going to stick to the 4s in parallel, if I can find some decent high MaH ones? Any recommendations? We did order a couple nano-tech 6000MaH to try, but I was unable to find 8000MaH in 4s.


Been using these and I am happy.
As far as power surges I have them on 4s too.
If only Castle Creations released their multirotor firmware update a few months earlier.


We have the same observations. We haven't tried the 6s but the power surges are more evident with the 5s. I think at this point we are going to stick to the 4s in parallel, if I can find some decent high MaH ones? Any recommendations? We did order a couple nano-tech 6000MaH to try, but I was unable to find 8000MaH in 4s.

Perhaps this would help: http://www.maxamps.com/Lipo-11000-148-Pack.htm

  • 3-year 300-cycle guarantee
  • 11,000mah capacity
  • 4-cell 14.8 volts
  • True 40C rating
  • 5C fast charge capable
  • 100% waterproof
  • Built today with factory fresh cells
  • Built with genuine 12awg Deans Ultra wire
  • We add the connectors and balancing taps for you
  • 158mm x 59mm x 42mm, 820g


Drone Enthusiast
japp that looks very good and i like the specs of 158mm x 59mm x 42mm, 820g, if the 300 cycle quarantine is given with a specific charger or any


Drone Enthusiast
Perhaps this would help: http://www.maxamps.com/Lipo-11000-148-Pack.htm
  • 3-year 300-cycle guarantee
  • 11,000mah capacity
  • 4-cell 14.8 volts
  • True 40C rating
  • 5C fast charge capable
  • 100% waterproof
  • Built today with factory fresh cells
  • Built with genuine 12awg Deans Ultra wire
  • We add the connectors and balancing taps for you
  • 158mm x 59mm x 42mm, 820g

Lars do you have some of those ? I am really tempted my finger is on the order button.


Drone Enthusiast
okay cool just got one, gonna test and switch once i am sure. They hold the 820 grams did you ever check ?


Drone Enthusiast
great got them little little heavier but I guess the cables if they hold with quality now, i think i will only be using those ! Expensive but worth it !

Zippy 6s 8000 mAh next to it and a nano tech 4s 6000 mAh middle it the 4s 11000 mAh maxamps with 824 g

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Drone Enthusiast
okay got news from Andreas that the jitters on F1 and F2 are an issue and could be the reason for causing the bird to regulate more than need, resulting on the other motors/escs to compensate again and than we have the unwanted behavior. This might not be the case with standard ESCs since the are programmed to filter those jitters. In the case of Herkules ESCs they are designed and programmed to take in the raw inputs from the FC to allow a fast response time if i understood correctly. What i will try the coming days is to build or setup a fake octo based on a quad config, thus only M1 M2 M3 M4 will be in the game. Lets see how that works.



@ Boris.

I think that you`ll find that M1 M2 M3 M4 setup will work.

The issue that WKM is basically designed for max hexa still plays a rolle, I think.

Just for fun, I have tryed to connect to identical hi speed servo to the WKM, one on F2 channal and one on M4 channal. Then wenn moving the IMU, you`ll see very different respond time.

In my opinion, the WKM is still perfect for max a Hexa setup, BUT IT`S ONLY MY OPINION.

I`ve decided not to risk my SkyJib 8 and will do a MK setup, and wait to see what WKM brings in the future.

Boris if only motor 7 and 8 is getting jitter why all motors behave badly with Herkules II. I believe the problem is wrong programing of active freewheeling. Why else would all the motors start and stop in a fast pace?

Simonk the creator of rapitesc said:

"I was also looking at "active freewheeling" aka active rectification and noticed that if it's done cheaply (eg: just pick a FET conduction time like 50%), it would actually cause active braking naturally. I will experiment a bit with it, but it is a bit of a sensitive area and a lot more dependent on FET timing and motor current, which depends on all sorts of other factors." simonk



Boris if only motor 7 and 8 is getting jitter why all motors behave badly with Herkules II. I believe the problem is wrong programing of active freewheeling. Why else would all the motors start and stop in a fast pace?

@ redridinghood,

could it be, that Motor 1-6 is trying to compensate for the jitter on Motor 7-8. Then then 1-6 would do counter jitter.

I think, that if F1 and F2 / M7 and M8 motor was placed a cross and not next to each other, we woulden see the effect as hevely as we do. Then it would fly mere like a Hexa with support of two extra motors. Just my theory.


Drone Enthusiast
Having the possibility to flash Herks were FW is turned off, I can pretty much rule out that FW is the cause. The issues stays the same FW on or off.


Drone Enthusiast
I will write DJI a support mail lets see what happens :) An honest answer if it can be fixed would be nice. Not hat it the root to every problem.

Hi Boris,

I have a simple question that would like to seek for your guidance; I am building Cinestar 8 WKM and Herkules just like you but I can not understand the following point:

1/ How can I connect from Herkules Board to MC :( I know that I have to use the micromatch connector however I just can not understand instruction in the website :( Given that I have very limited knowledge on technical so your straight forward answer is highly appreciated (e.g: which line goes to which M on the MC; How can I connect Herkules micromatch with WKM cable ?

2/ Am I correct to understand that PPM1 -> PPM4 will be connected to signal port of M1->M4 on MC;

3/ Where the MC get the power/electricity from ? Does it get from the Herkules ?

I know that this is very basic question however I am just a newbie so please understand and support for me :((

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The Fc gets power from it's pmu. You connect just the 4 signal cables from the micromatch connector on the Herkules to M1 M2 M3 M4.
You need to make your own cable by using servo plugs and attaching each output from the Herkules to a servo plug.

If you look a few pages back in this threat Boris has some pictures of how he made his.

Keep in mind that the Herkules Ii boards are not yet compatible with DJI WKm.


The Fc gets power from it's pmu. You connect just the 4 signal cables from the micromatch connector on the Herkules to M1 M2 M3 M4.
You need to make your own cable by using servo plugs and attaching each output from the Herkules to a servo plug.

If you look a few pages back in this threat Boris has some pictures of how he made his.

Keep in mind that the Herkules Ii boards are not yet compatible with DJI WKm.


Thanks alot for your prompt feedback :) It is clear for me now.

Today, I met a guy and he said that with Herkules it would not as flexible and efficient as separate ESCs what do you think about this ? What is the advantages of Herkules over normal ESCs.



Drone Enthusiast
Hi Taycuphach,

hmm advantages are for sure that one Herkules Boards allow you to have a lighter setup than with 4 single escs. Compare 4 30A or 40A escs and their weight to one herkules board. With a herkules board at least for me you can setup and build the copter cleaner than with 4 separate ESCs, space is used more wisely in my eyes. Than must standard ESCs HW Turnigy etc dont have a multirotor firmware on them, Herkules ESCs are only designed for multirotor usage and Andreas keeps on developing the FW.

Than there are some other features you can read about andreasbaier.de like FW I2C and PPM with the advantage to run different FCs with them etc.

One concern certainly is that if one ESC unit has an issue what do i do i cant change it. Up to now though Andreas has taken care if boards were damaged or whatever happened. Its just a question of taste I personally like them and i like the fact that andreas is available and keeps on working on the product with one thing in mind getting them optimized for Multis.

