CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3


Drone Enthusiast
Not really problems with vibes, except last time were i tried the axi mounts on the QCs. Although they look the same for some reason i got a lot of vibrations with the axi mounts.

Liked this approach so i added the kopterworx plate.

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Drone Enthusiast
I just nearly ...... in my pants. Just went out to fly with the CS8 in a small garden. Tried the new 13 x 4 APC E. Copter took of and didn't stop climbing i was shocked because i was right back to mid stick. But he still tried to rise very fast. Had to pull the throttle nearly complety down for the bird to react and had to catch im on the ground again. Never did this before seemed like the Altitude hold wasn't present at all anymore ?

Anybody had any similar situationas. I switched props many times and never had any issue !


Were you in GPS mode?

I had something similar happen to me on my F550. Did you give it time to acclimitize to the temperature?

It flies well a few times and then scares us to death, happened to me twice so far. Nothing I can repeat.


Drone Enthusiast
Nope I only fly the CS8 in attitude mode. GPS or Manual is to risky. He starts of normal speeds up once armed and I take the stick to mid range and a little over. He takes off and 1 meter he decides to go to full throttle although I didn't touch the stick climbs climbs only way he reacts is bring the stick close to zero were he drops 70% of the throttle and falls like a rock and I catch him again with full yo yo action.

Tried this twice so a reboot of the WKM didn't help. Can only believe the baro is broken can't imagine it's the herks or something else.

And now comes the part I hate how should I diagnose the situation. No way of getting the baro data.



Drone Enthusiast
Gonna test him now props off in manual and look what the throttle range is. If it's fine there it has to be the baro.


Drone Enthusiast

manual is working fine, throttle range the way it should be can only imagine now problem is with WKM and Baro or were ever the info get interpreted.
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The DJI wkm systems must really have an expiration date.

Sorry to hear about yours Boris. I hope they honnor the waranty and offer you a replacement.


Drone Enthusiast
Just emailed to support. To bad i had my GH2 on it but with a patched firmware and the FW crashed in flight when the CS 8 was doing the yo yo dance, would have been a funny video. Even more if it would have been nose in and you could have seen me and my neighbors face :)
Out of control CS 8 full throttle is no fun :) ah a little maybe :)


Drone Enthusiast
Im lost just installed the IMU from the CS 8 onto the CX and tried it without any problems. Strange one, but i am to chicken to try it again with the CS 8.


Drone Enthusiast
Dont know whats going on i just said .... it and i put the 12 3.8 CF back on and did a test and everything was fine again. I cant believe its just because of the 13 x 4 that this throttle issue happened. I already had 14 x 4 on back in the days and i didnt expierence something similar. Very strange !



Hi to all I have read this thread very carefully and could not help my self in to adding some questions I have a SJ8 with Plettenberg 15-20 motors 2 Herkules boards 14-4 props 2 cooling plates I am at the stage of flashing the software any advice on the settings to flash
I know FW ON its going to be a heave bird, DEG24 seems to be the starting DEG
I was told by Andreas that with my setup I should change the standard capacitors that come with the Herkules to larger ones I did
any info or settings recipe from others using this setup I know that most of this thread has been with the DJY WK Herkules combo but perhaps one of you guys has a set up similar to mine thanks

DEG24 FW on was recommended by Andreas Baier. First time I hear about bigger capacitors.

I have identical build as you but since the Herkules II boards are going to be at their limits with the Plettenberg 15-20 I choose to wait for the new Herkules boards.

Did you get the the new center section for your Skyjib 8 from Droidworx?

If you are using wood JXF (Xoar) props be sure to check the nut tightness before every flight.

Would like to see how you monted the two cooling plates.


SJ8 center section

hey redridinghood,
sounds like we have very similar configurations, as I just ordered 8 of the pletty's you mentioned above after currently using 4120/20's all around. In fact, I m scheduled to meet Linda from Droidworx at NAB in Vegas week after next in order to pickup the new center section for my SJ8 and to exchange some miscellaneous other knowledge hopefully.. Which camera gimbal are you using.. I am currently mid-build with all the components for my heavy-lift but as I'm pre-planning I have run into a little hitch that maybe you could help me with, which ismthat the Cinestar 3-axis gimbal I have does not appear to be a drop-in fit in combination with the DW retractable gear that I was so excited to make use of.. Any ideas on how people have successfully adapted thr FreeFly gimbal for use with Droidworx SkyJib frame and retracts?

also, what power system did you ultimately decide to use with your setup, Aerodrive or Herkules (waiting on the newhigh power version fom Andreas?).

thanks for your time and assistance with helping me to succeed with my build of this awesome machine.


Herkules, Plattenberg 15-20, NAB

Hi Red I have talk to Linda and same as jrleder I am picking up my upgraded center piece at NAB next week I would love to meet with you jrleder at NAB and chat in person, I am planing on using 15-4 APC props for now I understand that wood is lighter any thoughts on this, as far as the Herkules is my understanding that, "some people had some problems at max throttle but no one is using a video copter at full throttle", so Im told, on the mounting plates I decided from the start to mount each herkules on separate cooling plates to me the hole idea of the plate is to keep the boards cool with max air current over and under the board I realized that many Herk users live and fly in cold climate I live down in south Florida here its hot, by the way i got my star plates red on a anodizing run that I had for something else now they look hotter jajaja, I should have made them blue


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Hey guys.

jrlederer, for now I am using a 360 AV200 with a picloc 3x. Going to switch really soon cause I am not happy wit the pots and servos. Kopterworx has a picture somewere of how they mounted the Cinestar gimbal onto the Skyjib. It looks easy enough.

JLO I would really like to meet you guys at NAB but unfortunately work is keeping me away. APC are really heavy so if you get a chance try Xoars or some carbon fibre 13x6.5. Just for reference my 14x4 jxf weight 18 grams. Cooling plates look really nice.:)


JLO - sounds great, my brother is gonna fly me out to Vegas in his 421 on the 16th and I plan to stay until the 18th or 19th. Are those the dates you plan to go as well? That would be great if we could meet up, catch and drink and shoot the breeze.

...which brings me to you, redridinghood -- tell work you're taking a couple sick days and get your butt out to NAB so we can all meet up, all of at least the three (knock, knock...speak up! Anyone else here planning on going to NAB on those dates??) of us owe it to ourselves to make the most out of this learning opportunity and convene in Vegas!!

PM me and let's connect beforehand. I live in L.A. so it ought to be simple to reach each other as there is such minimal time difference.


ps. if you happen to come across that photo of the adapted gimbal before I do, please post the location. Thanks.


Hey guys.

jrlederer, for now I am using a 360 AV200 with a picloc 3x. Going to switch really soon cause I am not happy wit the pots and servos. Kopterworx has a picture somewere of how they mounted the Cinestar gimbal onto the Skyjib. It looks easy enough.

JLO I would really like to meet you guys at NAB but unfortunately work is keeping me away. APC are really heavy so if you get a chance try Xoars or some carbon fibre 13x6.5. Just for reference my 14x4 jxf weight 18 grams. Cooling plates look really nice.:)

By the way, as far as props go, I am awaiting a shipment from aerodrone that has a bunch of beautiful test items. I ordered Xoar, 10 each of 15x4, 15x5, 14x4 (3-bladed, anyone know of whether these have a chance of being good choice?) that I plan on testing my new monster SJ8 with CS 3-axis, retracts, MK FC & Navi, Aerodrive 8, and once it's all tested and (hopefully) working well...a (drumroll......) RED Epic to round off the configuration; a marraige that will last (again, g*d willing and with luck on my side and NO dumb thumbs) a period of 11 weeks this summer in Puerto Rico. oh yeah, and I also want to test out a set of 8 handmade 15" carbon fibre props that I was able to get through a friend in Germany. Sounds great, but when I finally received them a couple weeks back I was a bit perturbed to realize that the mounting holes are considerably smaller that the output shaft of my AXI 4120/20. This is just one issue I had hoped to conquer with the help of those of us who attend NAB next next week. Exciting!


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Jrlederer. The question is how much smaller the mounting holes are and how much meat you have on the sides of the props to widen to holes.

I usually widen the 12 x 3.8 Cf 11 grams props which have 5mm holes to 6mm with the following setup:

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Drone Enthusiast
If you have time post a picture of the 15 CFs I would be interested to see them !


