Coming soon Zenmuse gimbal


Drone Enthusiast
okay got some more info on the DJi products. Or lets say info might not be new but coming from DJI and not pulled together from different forums etc.

Spreading wings S800 is DJI’s latest hex-rotor platform, it could be fast assembly. With high-efficiency dynamic system, it brings you high stability, high payload and long flight time. It is tailored for aerial photograph/ video photograph and movie industry.
Technical Spec
1: Diagonal axis length: 800mm.
2: Takeoff Weight: 6kg.
3: Load Weight: 2kg.
4: Flight time with 1.2kg payload: 20 minutes.
1: High stability.
2: Long flight time.
3: High agility.
4: Fast assembly
Zen Gimbal Product Introduction:
Zen Gimbal is DJI’s evolutionary gimbal system with highest accuracy, fastest reaction and highest stability in current professional market. With 3 axis gyro, IMU feedback and DJI specially designed direct drive servo, based on 3 DoF, Zen gimbal can help you take the best original video/Movie from any flexible visual angle. Of course, it has enhanced hardware and software interfaces to be integrated with DJI’s major product line ACE ONE and WooKong series. It is best choice even for border patrol, surveillance and military missions.
Technical Spec
Control accuracy: 0.05°.
Pitch range: ±180°.
Yaw range: ±360°.
Roll range: ±40°.
1: High accuracy.
2: High stability.
3: Fast reaction.


Drone Enthusiast
hehe :) japp i am just wondering that i would take some low KV motors and some big props to achieve that, which we know is not the best setup for WKM


HAHAHA Boris u gonna kill me with this spec. We build 1xnaza na 1x wokong and none of them flew 20 min. Cause they have crapy elektronics that makes u crash in first 5 min. So ofcourse 20 min is in 4x5min since u crash and have the time to change props and bateries. I would realy like to see the CS u have (hope in the near future i will).

Funy thing is that naza with original motors with 3s 3800 batery has less air time than wokong with tiger motors and much more weight and same batery. Like i can do 20 min fpv with wokong and only 10 min with naza. Need to check. Gonna post a video on naza that has problems with one motor. It shuts it down for 1 sec so u loose control and then turns it on again.


Drone Enthusiast
Im not killing you but DJI is with specs :) I talked to matjaz and i am going to come down for a weekend when ever the weather gets to the stage thats its fun to fly again :) But than we also need some action not only Copters :)

Concerning the Naza (which i dont have since i am switching over to OP CC for smaller birds) and the WKM if the Lipo drain is different between the two birds with the same setup i cant say anything about it. If its the low voltage warning seems to be off, than I can only say that i stopped relying on the PMU voltage reading and started to use the a quantum work around. Hoping that DJI finally implement PPM so we can hook up some reasonable receivers with data downlink and have some sensors for the voltage measurement. I have two PMU that broke up to now and i would love to get them out of the game completely. Gonna try one day if i can power the canbus over a seperate bec, but have to read into can bus how it works.



Formerly DJIUSA

I run just a normal external BEC (I think its a Koolflight and had laying around) on WKM without the PMU. Been doing that since before the PMU ever came out and never changed it yet.
Yes, the voltage protection is not enabled or workable now but I never used that feature anyways.


I too had a BEC for a while, worked great.

Thanks for sharing this info Boris.

Although that DJI marketing is hilarious. Chinese marketing translated to English equals way to many words. I was going to say something about the grammar but some one a few posts a go just, well, made then look good... ahem.


Active Member
Maybe its a 6 cell battery system.

My F1 fully loaded with everything is 3.5 Kg. with I- 5800 Ma 4 cell main battery 1- 11.1 v. aux battery, 550D + telemetry, 2x imus. V.regulator bouyancy panels and WKM. DX-8 for additional battery warning telemetry
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Drone Enthusiast
By the way things are starting to make sense to me ;)

This post Mikropter Forum:

Saying nothing else than wait until you see the PH Gimbal and the one below japp its looks a lot cooler than the DJi gimbal etc. So something is in the pipe.

To this one at RCgroups:

Originally Posted by BorisSA
Ja well DJi Gimbal how cool it looks still has to prove itself in customers hands, and as far as written in some german forums Photohigher has similar products in the pipe and close to release so the gimbal advantage one associates with DJI can be gone pretty fast back to neutral.


from SidneyW: "You mean Kimberley? yes, DJI will supply Photohigher the solution."

So we will be pretty DJI gimbal dependent in the future is my guess.



Drone Enthusiast
Im not a heli guy and never flew one. But i guess from the vibrations and amount of wobbles on a heli its even worse for a gimbal and shows that its working good !


Active Member
Actually it is shown with a very wide angle lens (probably stabilized) and yet there is still quite a lot of noticeable yaw drift and either the cameraman is total crap or the yaw input is far too sensitive. 5% deg per/sec. is the max. you should ever move the yaw function and it is not working in that range at all. The horizon was also drifting after a movement. Needs a lot of work yet!

As for the vibration. It is showing the undercarriage which is hung below on rubber mounts, so it will vibrate more than the model. The mount is attached to the main frame and relies on the total mass to keep vibration down. I would not spend that kind of money until it is a lot lot better.

When he can hit the zoom button it can compete with the F1 system.

Gasser helis vibrate a lot even when dialed in. It's impressive stabilization given that platform. The actual pans and tilts were abrupt garbage but that's irrelevant.


Formerly DJIUSA
That is how the JR260 landing gear comes stock. Gas helis are the ultimate test bed for camera mounts. That is a very impressive demonstration.

Can't wait to start getting the Zenmuse.


Active Member
I believe the yaw problems were because the heli headspeed was to low, notice when the heli revs up, the problem seems to go. I really wish they would make it multi model, not just DJI stuff, I think if it is purely GJI only, then there will still be the other mount manufacturers around to cater for th erest of us ;) fingers crossed ;)



Drone Enthusiast
Well as far as i know or stated in one of the Rcgroups threads from a DJI guy, PH is developing on their solution whatever that means direct drive servos separate IMU etc (forgot the most important part) " based on DJIs solution. I am pretty sure that the WKM or DJI what ever product out there at the moment are not driving the gimbal but a separate development as also stated from some people who visited the fair. So i don't really see a reason why it shouldn't be usable on different setup considering that its a independent system, but i will need some thought when it comes to mounting and vib. isolation.

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