I am probably going to preorder one ! But guys there is still a long way for this thing to proof itself ! All we have up to now is on board videos were we have no clue if they are post processed or not. And outside view of the gimbal showing that it moves nicely and smooth what that means for the cam is another question. I just remember those first DJI WKM videos coming out were more or less everyone was impressed but eventually we had to find out that things work a little different than expected etc.
The none hobby servo approach is certainly interesting that other gimbals makers should adopt to as fast as possible, i hope ! Gimbal makers that have more multirotor background and think in these terms are still my future bet. But lets see when the gimbal is in customer hands, then we really know whats going on. On the one side I am happy to be hopping again that the gimbal is as good as advertised in the first vids we got to see on the other side I am not so pleased since this means they are going to stick to their strategy that the WKM wobbling in the slightest wind to keep a stiff autoleveling and position hold will not be changed !
@ Koos thanks, email coming back to you