Guys just want to point it out one more time than i will stop boring you !
Most of the BL gimbals popping up have one little draw back to them ! They might work well with the cam they are design for but than it gets risky to get them working with others. Why because the are lacking the ability to be
adjusted on the role axis ! Not to the left or to the right but the up and down movement ! To get the horizontal balance point of the cam back and aligned with the roll axis. And no this can not be done with the adjustments on the pitch axis of raising or lowering the cam, thats two different adjustments.
View attachment 11265View attachment 11263View attachment 11264
Why ?
The camera balance point is not splitt up 50 % 50% directly in the middle when you look at the cam from the front, thus you will have proportionally seen more weight at the bottom for example than on the top. Now you level it out on the pitch axis. Resulting in 3/5 of the camera being over the pitch axis and 2/5 under the pitch axis why again because the bottom is heavier. This now means though if you cant adjust the roll axis up and down the cam might be balance in complete horizontal position but one it rolls either left or right it wont balance anymore, since the weight is not evenly distributed anymore. As a result you will get a pendulum effect or it will turn to the side of the roll axis it was moved to !
View attachment 11262View attachment 11261
Red line resembles the Roll Axis and Purple the pitch axis.
Hope that explains it !
at 10:10 shows it best !