Zero UAV UAV Zero Steadi470


Hi Julian, unless they have changed one ESC lead had Power from it the other 3 didnt, I like you read somewhere that no power was to come from any ESC and I was wondering why they would supply 1 only with power, very poor communication on there behalf, anyway we learn as we go.John.

Actually I am the guy (idiot) who recommended to Julian to remove the red wire from the plug and turn it back, and checking the quick start guide dated 22 Oct 2012, on page 2, ZeroUAV do say that if you are using a Gimbal, you will need power from one of the ESC's so they suggest that you can leave any one of the red wires connected. Anyway, as you say we are learning as we go along.

Personally, I would rather use power from a separate UBEC to drive the gimbal.




Agreed not the greatest communication. I received a YS-X4 yesterday and upon initial inspection found a new type of power harness from ZeroUAV included in the box. The new standard power harness has a 5.7v BEC built into the main power harness (in the main battery line). They are listening to us and are attempting to support our needs. Personnally I am OK with working with them through this learning and documentation process. There are several users out there and an informal dealer network who are doing a great job of documenting all of our findings and assisting us through this process. While the language barrier with ZeroUAV support is a known hurdle, for me they have gotten the job done. Long story short the Zerouav line of FC's are the best I have tested, with a great feature set, once you get over the documentation issues and associated learning curve.



Actually I am the guy (idiot) who recommended to Julian to remove the red wire from the plug and turn it back, and checking the quick start guide dated 22 Oct 2012, on page 2, ZeroUAV do say that if you are using a Gimbal, you will need power from one of the ESC's so they suggest that you can leave any one of the red wires connected. Anyway, as you say we are learning as we go along.

Personally, I would rather use power from a separate UBEC to drive the gimbal.


Hi rob, don't blame yourself it's all a learning curve, but I agree with you on the UBEC you have 2 very large servo's basically working all the time and it could be a bit of a trial on that 1 BEC, do yo.u happen to know what the specs on the Esc/BEC?



Agreed not the greatest communication. I received a YS-X4 yesterday and upon initial inspection found a new type of power harness from ZeroUAV included in the box. The new standard power harness has a 5.7v BEC built into the main power harness (in the main battery line). They are listening to us and are attempting to support our needs. Personnally I am OK with working with them through this learning and documentation process. There are several users out there and an informal dealer network who are doing a great job of documenting all of our findings and assisting us through this process. While the language barrier with ZeroUAV support is a known hurdle, for me they have gotten the job done. Long story short the Zerouav line of FC's are the best I have tested, with a great feature set, once you get over the documentation issues and associated learning curve.


Hi mark agree with you 100 percent there is an Australian Dealer who is feeding back to Zero items from this and other forums from the users and the guys at Zero are listening slow they may be but the Documentation is on the agenda in reasonable English.
The overall issue is a shame cause they have a Bloody good product. Cheers, John.


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Hi all, anyone know anybody using any of the Scarab range of Frames with ZeroUav Fc's?

If I don't communicate with anyone before like to wish all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.

cheers, John.


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Could not agree more. I have had to rewrite some of the documentation that I use often (lately way points, carefree and fly on target). It has been great fun learning autonomous flight with the X6. If the X4 is even close they have a game changer. Must say you all have a great post going here. Just helping each other and no arguments. Been watching for a long time and now am able to finally share a little, trying to pay it forward I guess. Thank you all, and all the best to you and yours for the Hoildays.




Could not agree more. I have had to rewrite some of the documentation that I use often (lately way points, carefree and fly on target). It has been great fun learning autonomous flight with the X6. If the X4 is even close they have a game changer. Must say you all have a great post going here. Just helping each other and no arguments. Been watching for a long time and now am able to finally share a little, trying to pay it forward I guess. Thank you all, and all the best to you and yours for the Hoildays.


Mark, Looking forward to your input, John.


Hi Mark

Another few questions about the AP connections and S-BUS (I am workign with a Futaba R6208SB Rx and a Futaba T8FG Super Tx):

Assuming that I just connect the Rx S-BUS to the AP (CH7) then is this sufficient to handle CH5 and CH6 switching requirements as well? In other words, are those communications also handled with the S-BUS or do I need to connect CH5 and CH6 of the Rx to the AP CH5 and CH6 as well?

Also, I need to set up CH7 and CH8 for gimbal control. I am also assuming that the S_BUS will handle this. Is that correct?

Lastly, how can I set up camera trigger control? I see from the ZeroUAV Quick Start Guide that they recommend using the EXT3 port on the AP (I assume that I would plug the camera trigger cable into the EXT3 port on the AP), but how does that work when setting up the Futaba Tx / Rx side of things?



Hi Rob

Please excuse my ignorance here, but how would this work?

What is a UBEC and how would I connect it to power the servos if they also need to be plugged into the AP (ports EXT1 and EXT2) for control?



Hi Mark

Another few questions about the AP connections and S-BUS (I am workign with a Futaba R6208SB Rx and a Futaba T8FG Super Tx):

Assuming that I just connect the Rx S-BUS to the AP (CH7) then is this sufficient to handle CH5 and CH6 switching requirements as well? In other words, are those communications also handled with the S-BUS or do I need to connect CH5 and CH6 of the Rx to the AP CH5 and CH6 as well?

Also, I need to set up CH7 and CH8 for gimbal control. I am also assuming that the S_BUS will handle this. Is that correct?

Lastly, how can I set up camera trigger control? I see from the ZeroUAV Quick Start Guide that they recommend using the EXT3 port on the AP (I assume that I would plug the camera trigger cable into the EXT3 port on the AP), but how does that work when setting up the Futaba Tx / Rx side of things?


Hi Julian, I have the same TX/RX that you have and at this point I have connected just the SBUS output of the RX to Chan 7 on the AP that gives you channels 1 through 8, 5 & 6 being the 2 x 3 way Switches and 7 & 8 for the Pan and Tilt servos on the Gymbal. If ZeroUAV recommend EXT3 on the AP I would think you would have to set that up and trigger it with the Tablet or phone, Not sure on that because you wouldnt be able to control it from the TX, excuse my ignorance but what is the trigger cable does it drive a servo or connects straight to the Camera??What camera are you using ? John.


Hi John

I'm planning to use a Ricoh Digital GR IV (although I still have to sort out some mount issues). Another option is the 'standard' Sony NEX-5 which will fit the gimbal camera mount, but I do not like the lenses that coem with the Sony (too much irregular distortion for my purposes).

So for the Ricoh I will modify their micro-USB trigger and connect it directly to the EXT3 port. I was hoping to trigger this from the Futaba Tx though. Any suggestions on how this can be done.

If using the Sony NEX-5 then I was looking to purchase an infrared trigger such as the Stratosnapper ( but that would also need to get connected to the EXT3 port on the AP, so the same problem arises. How to trigger the EXT3 port (connected to a camera) using the Futaba Tx/Rx combination?




Yes the SBUS connection will provide channel 5 and 6 functionality also. Channel 7 and 8 are also covered with the same one SBUS connection. Program a knob on your transmitter for channel 7 to control tilt and you are done.

The camera shutter trigger is another issue. This must be programmed in the transmitter there are a couple of threads on this site that briefly describe it. As I understand it via the Futaba transmitter when using a Futaba receiver it is possible to program one of the "conventional" receiver servo ports as an auxiliary channel to control the camera shutter switch. As I am using Frsky sbus receivers I have not tried this.

I am not aware of using the Ext3 port for trigger, nor am I aware of anyone who has. You may want to email support at zerouav for this one.


Hi Mark

Another few questions about the AP connections and S-BUS (I am workign with a Futaba R6208SB Rx and a Futaba T8FG Super Tx):

Assuming that I just connect the Rx S-BUS to the AP (CH7) then is this sufficient to handle CH5 and CH6 switching requirements as well? In other words, are those communications also handled with the S-BUS or do I need to connect CH5 and CH6 of the Rx to the AP CH5 and CH6 as well?

Also, I need to set up CH7 and CH8 for gimbal control. I am also assuming that the S_BUS will handle this. Is that correct?

Lastly, how can I set up camera trigger control? I see from the ZeroUAV Quick Start Guide that they recommend using the EXT3 port on the AP (I assume that I would plug the camera trigger cable into the EXT3 port on the AP), but how does that work when setting up the Futaba Tx / Rx side of things?



in line below

Hi Rob

Please excuse my ignorance here, but how would this work?

What is a UBEC and how would I connect it to power the servos if they also need to be plugged into the AP (ports EXT1 and EXT2) for control?

BEC battery elimination circuit. No need for a receiver battery and provides that side of the flight controller (FC) with power for ports on that side of the FC. As that side of the FC now has power when the gimbal servos are connected to the FC they also receive power from the FC. On my 470 the electronic speed controller (esc) on motor 4 (arm 4) provides power to the FC. Check that one of your ESC's has all 3 wires connected to the FC, 3 of the ESC's should have the red wire disconnected at the FC end of the esc servo wire where it plugs into the FC.



Hi Rob

Please excuse my ignorance here, but how would this work?

What is a UBEC and how would I connect it to power the servos if they also need to be plugged into the AP (ports EXT1 and EXT2) for control?


Hi Julian

All the UBEC does is provide dedicated power to the Servos. You would still run the signal wire from the AP to control the Servos. It just makes a cleaner setup. But, I would not worry about it too much at this stage. Rather get the system up and running and you can always look at it later.



Hi Rob, All the best for the Festive Season, I have a little Android problem, I downloaded the android GCS from Zero UAV and noticed in the Data Tab Numbers are all overlapping very hard to read, so I went onto your site and found you have a lot more Versions of the Android GCS, How Come and what is the main Difference between them, I downloaded the latest date version but my Device is very slow in fact its a pain with that version , my question is, there is obviously Androids and Androids mine is a low cost one running 4.1 Jelly bean or whatever what is the recommended Tablet to do the Job My Cheapy obviously does'nt. John.


Hi Rob, All the best for the Festive Season, I have a little Android problem, I downloaded the android GCS from Zero UAV and noticed in the Data Tab Numbers are all overlapping very hard to read, so I went onto your site and found you have a lot more Versions of the Android GCS, How Come and what is the main Difference between them, I downloaded the latest date version but my Device is very slow in fact its a pain with that version , my question is, there is obviously Androids and Androids mine is a low cost one running 4.1 Jelly bean or whatever what is the recommended Tablet to do the Job My Cheapy obviously does'nt. John.

Hi John

The reason I have a lot more versions, is in case someone tries the latest version and then finds it does not work and they can always then go back to the previous version.

Ideally you should use the latest one with the latest FW.

As for Android operating systems, it is good for use on Android 2.2/2.3 to 4.0.3. I am not sure about 4.1. I am using it successfully on a HTC Flyer tablet and also a Samsung S3. I know of people using it on a Kindle Fire and the Google Nexus (which runs on 4.1) and also the Samsung Tablets.

I would go for the Google nexus as it is reasonably priced.

As for what is recommended. I have asked this question a number of times without getting a firm answer.

Try and use a android system that has a built in GPS.

Hope this helps


Hi John

The reason I have a lot more versions, is in case someone tries the latest version and then finds it does not work and they can always then go back to the previous version.

Ideally you should use the latest one with the latest FW.

As for Android operating systems, it is good for use on Android 2.2/2.3 to 4.0.3. I am not sure about 4.1. I am using it successfully on a HTC Flyer tablet and also a Samsung S3. I know of people using it on a Kindle Fire and the Google Nexus (which runs on 4.1) and also the Samsung Tablets.

I would go for the Google nexus as it is reasonably priced.

As for what is recommended. I have asked this question a number of times without getting a firm answer.

Try and use a android system that has a built in GPS.

Hope this helps

Thanks for that Rob, the built in GPS does that aid in the map display of the GCS? because thats where my cheapy is falling over, its getting all the data etc but the map with the latest version just wont load, maybe thats the key anyway I will look around I know the Samsungs are not cheap not sure about the Nexus.
By God going down this road of getting this steadi470 working is long and tedious just to do setups and trying to work out what they are saying is an effort in itself. Have you got a YS-X4 in the air yet?? John.


Thanks for that Rob, the built in GPS does that aid in the map display of the GCS? because thats where my cheapy is falling over, its getting all the data etc but the map with the latest version just wont load, maybe thats the key anyway I will look around I know the Samsungs are not cheap not sure about the Nexus.
By God going down this road of getting this steadi470 working is long and tedious just to do setups and trying to work out what they are saying is an effort in itself. Have you got a YS-X4 in the air yet?? John.

No, you don't need the Android GPS to display the map. To display the map you need to save it when connected to your wifi connection. and then when you get to the flying location you load the map for that area. The GPS just makes life easier and also allows you to use the follow me function...but I suppose it is not really necessary.

Not sure about the steadi470 gimbal side of things, but once you have set up a YS-X6 or a YS-X4, doing the next one is extremely easy. So my YS-X4 is flying very well. Once installed, I am sure I could get it setup and calibrated now in about 20 min max. It really is easy.

I am using it on my CarbonCore 500x4 and am now transferring my FPV equipment over, because it will be the ideal system for flying FPV. Small, easy to fly and when I want to rest, I just let go of the sticks :) and it locks into position.



No, you don't need the Android GPS to display the map. To display the map you need to save it when connected to your wifi connection. and then when you get to the flying location you load the map for that area. The GPS just makes life easier and also allows you to use the follow me function...but I suppose it is not really necessary.

Not sure about the steadi470 gimbal side of things, but once you have set up a YS-X6 or a YS-X4, doing the next one is extremely easy. So my YS-X4 is flying very well. Once installed, I am sure I could get it setup and calibrated now in about 20 min max. It really is easy.

I am using it on my CarbonCore 500x4 and am now transferring my FPV equipment over, because it will be the ideal system for flying FPV. Small, easy to fly and when I want to rest, I just let go of the sticks :) and it locks into position.


Hi Rob, I haven't done the latest firmware update yet either so I suppose do that then use the lastest Android version and go from there, it's very hard with all new gear new YS-X6, new futaba TX,RX that I've never used before and all with lousy documentation.

That combination for you're FPV sounds great the fact you can take a break and still keep flying will make it a great trainer,John.


Hi all, Got a question with the Steadi, I am running an Futaba 8fg with Sbus and I had the 2 servos on the 2 Volume knobs on the transmitter and everything seem to be fine but when I fired up the Android and I dont know whether this is linked but control of the servos moved to the (MODE 1) Rudder and Elevator stick on the TX, has this happened to anyone if so how do you fix it?? Rob if you read this I got the Cheapy Android to work on the Lastest version of the GCS but its very slow it took a couple of minutes to load a pre saved location I think I will go for the Nexus as recommended at least its running a Quad Core CPU which should help. John.
